More lemmy world hack memes

Although the cause is unknown, the underlying mechanism involves an autoimmune disorder in which the body's immune system mistakenly attacks the peripheral nerves and damages their myelin insulation.[3] Sometimes this immune dysfunction is triggered by an infection or, less commonly, by surgery, and rarely, by vaccination...Globally, death occurs in approximately 7.5% of those affected.[1] Guillain–Barré syndrome is rare, at 1 or 2 cases per 100,000 people every year.

Sad deal, and I hope he recovers soon.

I wonder how long before the :marseytinfoil::marseyjones: claim it was :marseygigavaxxer:?

I'm hungover so today there's gonna be no post, I'm just gonna put on a fricking video
Burgers are terminal Tipcucks

FRICKKKKKK :pepereeeeee: :pepereeeeee: :pepereeeeee::pepereeeeee: :marseysoycrytremble: :soyjaktantrumfast:

hi guys, i am looking for sites to add to my webring! gimme ur urls :p thanks @X for suggsting neocities!

Good content.
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Who would win?
:!platyaboriginal:Voiceposting:platyaboriginal:- Yessisters proclaim that they're close to victory, polling says otherwise

Poll info-

No voters are now up 51-41, so at this point if Yessisters got all remaining undecideds on board they still wouldn't win.

The new poll indicates Australian women (who outnumber men in the “hard” yes column) are having more conversations about the voice to parliament than men (who outnumber women in the “hard” no column). Women also report having more disagreements than men.

The foid menace strikes again.

Anyway, onto the drama-

:marseyhope: Based on the past week, I feel the wheels are starting to fall off the No campaign despite its success so far. Their confused non messages are clashing, and being exposed as purely attempts at wrecking for political gain. A few more weeks of this and Yes may still prevail.

Issue with your line of thinking is "no" doesnt need a campaign as its the status quo, people default to no so its "yes" campaigning to change people from no to yes.

Which is the real problem here, in my opinion. Why would people 'default to no'? Why not 'default to yes', at the very least because it's a gesture we can make towards reconciliation and respect for Aboriginal voices, and then need to be convinced of the 'no' case based on concretely articulated and supported concerns? You can still land on the 'no', but it would be out of something substantial, not just a "well this is where we begin, convince us we're wrong" stance.

The amount of baseless fears being thrown around by the no side. I've had countless conversations where I'm told that a lack of detail on the formation of the body is concerning, as it could result in a power grab, but when asked for a concrete example of how an advisory-only body with no legislative or administrative power could possibly result in a power-grab, they have none. They can't make their vague sense of unease concrete with a real-world example. They don't really know what they're afraid of. They have a vague sense of unease and uncertainty that is stoked by a 'no' campaign that literally, in its slogans, plays on it. "If you don't know, vote no". How about, "If you've got no real concrete reason to be worried, vote yes."

So, your argument is that Anthony Albanese and the Yes campaign's leadership team should bear no responsibility for any of this. They are proposing the changes - not the 'No' campaign - yet, the general public does not deserve to have those changes advocated to them in a way that convinces them to vote 'Yes'. Instead, we should just be giving Albanese the benefit of the doubt, and trusting a career politician?

Would you feel the same way if this had been called by Tony Abbott - you'd feel like we should support out P.M if there's 'no concrete reason to be worried'?

Myself, I prefer to not 'trust' our political class, and to insist that they work to earn my vote. But, what do I know.

I think you're a little obsessed with Anthony Albanese and co, to be honest. I don't see this as really about them, I see it as about the Indigenous Australians who, when consulted, asked for this to happen.

This is something we can easily do, in the spirit of respecting and reconciling with Aboriginal Australians. It's something that has minimal risk, because all it does is provide an official platform for their voices to be heard. It gives no legislative or administrative power. We should start from a 'yes' and need to be convinced of a 'no'. Your personal distrust and dislike of Labor should be peripheral to this whole thing, but it's central, which is maybe a bit telling in terms of what's swaying your views.

I wouldn't say I'm 'obsessed with him' as much as 'he is the Prime Minister who called the referendum'. You may want to minimise his role in what's happening - I don't think that's appropriate or reasonable.

You are assuming a lot about me. I'm a Labor voter - so, no. I don't have a 'distrust and dislike' of them. I have a distrust and dislike of bullshit.

Your argument that they deserve a blank cheque, free of scrutiny, is nonsense.

It was the job of the 'Yes' campaign to convince the public to vote for it. It has failed spectacularly. And, you can twist yourself in knots to convince yourself that it's a big conspiracy, or it's the public's fault, or it's Murdoch's fault - but honestly, you should be looking inward and considering why 'Yes' has failed.

Sorry about that wall of text lol. Here's another one :marseyteehee:

With Price finally admiting that the Conservative Right support a return to Assimilation policies, as espoused and promoted by her patron the IPA, it is giving Yes voters validation of their view that many No voters either knowingly or unwittingly have a racist view of Indigenous Aussies.

The cat is out of the bag and and its up to the No campaign to explain why they would support a return to this racist policy.

Assimilation policies proposed that ‘full-blood' First Nations people should be allowed to ‘die out' through a process of natural elimination, while people of mixed race were encouraged to assimilate into the white community.

This approach was founded on the assumption of black inferiority and white superiority. The assimilation approach was outlined at the Initial Conference of Commonwealth and State Aboriginal Authorities in 1937:

"This Conference believes that the destiny of the natives of aboriginal origin (sic), but not of the full blood, lies in their ultimate absorption by the people of the Commonwealth, and it therefore recommends that all efforts be directed to that end...The policy of the Commonwealth is to do everything possible to convert the half-caste into a white citizen.” (Commonwealth of Australia 1937)

I cut like 2/3 off that btw, it's schizo motteposting of the highest order. But anyway-

Do you have a direct quote from Price where she states that she endorses a return to assimilation policies from 1937?

Don't be silly, of course they dont have a direct quote. They're just fear mongering

Geez you people are so anal. Analyse.

Read her speech to the National Press Club.

She ending by saying said that the Indigenous Affairs portfolio that she herself holds should be dissolved. That is, there are no First Peoples in any governmental sense. Which means the way is open to a full assimilationist policy and the closure of any Indigenous-specific program of any kind.

Can you entertain how anal we are and provide a direct quote from her where she endorses a policy of assimilation?

Xe doesn't, but the yessisters dance around the question for a little longer.

To finish off we're going to an /r/australia thread that's short and sweet-

No campaign spreads through TikTok ‘like wildfire' as pro-voice creators struggle to cut through

To the drama-

Im seeing hundreds of thousands of people marching in the streets for yes.

Im seeing smallish gatherings for the launch of the no campaign.

On top of that, I see the media regularly pushing the no arguments. And now we see what looks like organised online pushes trhough tiktok.

Im not saying this tiktok push is astroturfing. But I bet is astroturfing.

Hundreds of thousands? The crowd was estimated at 30,000 in Melbourne. The last "invasion day" crowd was 50,000 and you'd expect a big crossover between the two groups.

Don't you remember last weekend when 300,000 people marched for yes? I can't believe you don't know that 3,000,000 marched for yes.

Being able to portray Australia as Anglo supremacist would have regional advantages if hypothetically you were a state power able to place a thumb on the scales of the algorithm.

Reactionary politics are as always an exercise in self harm.

!strayans what did he mean by this


"Suzie Kelly of Dallas previously told Reveal News how she spent about $400,000 on the game. She took out a home equity loan and used the money she inherited when her mother died to fund her habit."


tangerine sight discussion:


I’m confused. What’s the joke. Is that one of their parents? What’s happening here


Is this supposed to be some kind of burn? Like that guy is showing off that he’s with a younger “more valuable” woman and the woman closer to his age is jealous and old? Ha ha ha, so funny to devalue women as they age and mock them because some men’s preference for younger women means they’re excluded.


I’m 19 and my husband is 32. Yes it freaks people out. Yes we’re happy and he takes care of me. I actually chased him down he was cute and he looks 25 at most.


Christ is Kang the movie
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