
Main Thread:

OP complains that they're broke making $70K a year. But some enterprising commenters delve into their post history, which demonstrates some very expensive gaming cabinets and consoles throughout OP's large apartment.

>I saw your post on your arcade room &….. Fricking heck…. You have money. Your entire place is massive with a ton of arcade stuffs that’s well beyond what the majority of Americans can afford…. This post smells like the one about the “self-made” woman who’s parents built her a $100,000 “tiny” home she could live in, paid for all her living expenses, made $60K a year working for her dad’s company, & only managed to save $7,500 for a downpayment on a 3% mortgage for a house. That’s pretty much OP in a nut shell it seems.

>TBH I was on your side, as a g*mer myself… and I saw you defend your post history and I was like yea I respect that… then I looked… buying multiple arcade machines and having them in your house? Really?

>The audacity and entitlement it took you to make this post while literally having an arcade in your apartment is fricking insane.


As one of the heavily shorted stocks, Bed Bath & Beyond ($BBBYQ) attracted attention from the meme stock buyers. This Snallypost is an excellent summary of what happened. TLDR went bankrupt and apes lost all their money they invested.

Some apes are accepting of their fate, and /r/bbby allows some dissenting opinions amongst all the cheerleaders. But not /r/ThePPShow , which is a YouTube channel which feeds the most loyal apes some r-slurred made-up nonsense that some investor will give money for their shares in a company with no assets and a ton of creditors. The channel guest stars Bill Pulte, a grandchild of a billionaire who is idiotic enough that the family's charity has a pop-up disowning him. The channel knows a bunch of marks when they see one, and is charging $500 for a meet and greet.

Anyways, how is the financial state of these poors with a get-rich-quick mentality? Not good! We got the following tales of woe:

Laid off 7 months ago after an 18 year career. 880 job applications as of today. Completed 76 interviews as of last Friday, with 2 more scheduled this week. On top of that, completed 12-15 take-home tests, projects, and presentations for various interview processes, ranging in effort from 3 hours to 2 days. Endless lies and ghosting by employers. Aiming for 1/2 of my previous compensation; far, far below what I've been making for the last 10+ years. Burned out beyond belief. Four month old kid. Savings nearly drained. "Nobody wants to work."

I'm more than ready for these times to wrap the heck up.


same, but over a year unemployed. 6 month old, credit card up to my eyes and wife probably going to walk out.


If I turn into a rich snob, I hope my journal entries during my time of poverty will bring me down to earth.


I've got a week before I need to tell my wife that I'm 120k down on meme stocks, with a hefty chunk from my pension and far too much from unsecured credit and we need to borrow against the house otherwise we drown paying debt.

Car broke today as rat chewed through main wire consoles, dishwasher broke, mortgage increase 50% and the overdraft I had planned to cover the next few months has just been cancelled without notice all this week.

First world problems I know and all of my own creation but if this doesn't go well for shareholders it not only cost a lot of money but likely the trust my wife had for me.

Any plays in the future please don't do what I've done, don't use borrowed money for investing it will cause a lot of pain, even if and when butterfly comes and hopefully moons it's been 3 years or stress.

:marseyscream: :marseylaugh:

I'm broke as shit, and not even first world (Brazil) lol..

Managed to grab 512 shares of BBBY before it went OTC.. Now I'm just waiting for the rocket

:marseylaugh: :marseyitsoverbrasileiro:

Dose of semi-reality (0 points)

I hope that for most people, the real work begins once we get paid. Nothing will change unless we change it. It is 1000% on us to architect the future we want for our children.

I'm ready to do some meaningful work that's for sure..


As the grift does not have an end point with vague promises of 'someday MOASS' stringing them along, expect more tales of poor gobbling up tales of hopium from the grifters in the belief their ship will come in.

Poorcel seethes about the economy

if you can afford to bulk up and gain 80-90 lbs... you're not poor, sorry

that's the only measure of poverty I care about

Reported by:
Pinnacle Of Poverty


They think they’re a few days late but they’re actually over a year late to the bandwagon. Have fun locking yourself in to dropping rates


[People of Walmart] :marseykween: Holds Walmart :marseywagie: Hostage :marseytrollgun:

KKKracka KKKops Shot the :#marseykween:

Hood plug

based Asmongold
Reported by:

although i may never get to cross paths with him, it was an honor to share this earth with him 🫡

!birdposters !animalposters

Whoring your kids out for tik tok money poor or nah


John, 24, Massachusetts

Self-rated 4/10 financially

Personal Life:

  • Started budgeting at the beginning of this year

  • South Coast "near Cape Cod"

  • Lives with Parents

    • Moved out for a couple months

    • Had a really bad issue with a neighbor which is why he moved back

      • "Walls were very thin and she was just like always yelling through the walls to like keep it down even though I'm like a pretty quiet person to the point where like there was a time I called the cops on her because she was threatening to call the cops on me for just talking in my apartment"

      • "they've actually had quite a few people leave because of her"

      • "In the week I left another tenant had already left because of her"

  • Situation "much better than last year"

  • "Lifestyle creep hit me hard"

  • Went to a private university freshman year, lost scholarship because 2.99GPA

    • Switch to state school, lived on campus

    • Private Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston

    • Went there without even seeing other schools :marseyxd:

  • Him and fiance looking to move in together at the end of the summer? (Not happening any more)


Site Reliability Engineer

  • Remote

  • $8'100 monthly ($97'200 net)


  • Private Student Loan 79'623:

    • On Forbearance, starts up with federal ones

    • 7% interest

    • $924 payment a month

    • 10 year repayment

  • Federal Student Loan $26'276:

    • Around a $250 minimum payment

    • Thinks it is 4.15 interest rate maybe?

  • Car Loan (Tesla Model 3) $51'628:

    • 6% interest

    • $931 minimum payment

    • Was $56'000 when bought because it has full self-driving and auto acceleration boost

    • Has been trying to sell, but can't find anyone to buy it because nobody wants to pay extra for the software option?

    • "I work from home, I literally don't need the car"

    • Willing to sell for $30-$35

      • thinking about starting it at 40k?
    • "I've actually had 3 cars before this, so like I said my spending was unhinged last year, last couple years, cars are one thing I've really been into my whole life so I just ended up going through car after car so a lot of money was lost"

  • Credit Cards

    • All paid off but sent in as example of spending

    • $2500 graphics card (3090 TI to play Counterstrike :marseyxd:), new Macbook

    • Reading through spending timestamp

      • Ton of eating out


  • $1200 => 0 in one savings because he opened a high yield savings and moved money there?

  • Savings $24'417, was his savings for a down-payment on a house, not sure if this is the high yield one

    • had an accepted offer for a house? Something weird happened there timestamp
  • 401k $30'000

    • No Roth IRA

Honestly that's some bad luck lmaoooo

Infinite money glitch just dropped

Extremely insecure fb group user drops the mic

Nah man. 85k in NYC is not 85k anywhere else. Especially if you have a family. After tax and deductions I see maybe 60% of my check. I have my pension, Union dues, health care, and all the taxes we all pay deducted.

My recent check is literally at 56%.

Common NYC :marseyl:

To rent a one-bedroom in NYC ($3,000) now, you have to earn $120,000 and have excellent credit. $85k doesn't even cover a Studio lease application.

That part. $120k is working class.


An entrepreneur weighs in.

For reference, I used to deal drugs and I only made 80k untaxed for a full-time gig. So that's about the same, really. Also you aren't making that selling anything softer than cocaine nowadays. Now I have a real job and I make 32k. Late stage capitalism is definitely working just fine; nothing to worry about or change. All good 👍😊🌞

I don't know what capitalism has to do with making shit money and willingly living in one of the most expensive places in the world, but sure, let's go with that.

No offense, if y'all seriously believe this you're out of touch with how most people live. Most of NYC's household income is lower. You're just trying to live beyond your means.


Makes 85k a year. Still needs a roommate

Frick landlords

As if this poorstrag can afford a place by himself if NYC landlords magically disappeared.

anyone who thinks 85k is not poor is very likely hopelessly poor themselves and too uneducated to realize they're pretty much fricked when retirement time comes around. :marseyrope:

Deeply out-of-touch comment. You have no idea how the average person lives :soycry:

lol i know how the average person lives. i'm not rich. i grew up in the projects. my point here is all these people including me are fricked. :marseypoor:

I know people who's whole plan is being on public assistance. [-38]

I guess this triggered a lot of people seeing their future.


We had one but tbh I did always wonder where the frick the dust went.

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