:marseyfoidretard: :marseybear:

"the worst a bear can do is kill me"

Weekly Anime Post 141

I started watching 'The Ancient Magus Bride', its okay so far, and also a show called 'Sugar Apple Fairy Tale' which I dont know if Ill keep watching.

Apart from that not much else.


@Aevann pin pls

Foid can barely conceal her jealousy

Just a daily reminder that social media isn't real, and even the most picture perfect couples aren't thriving like you may think…

I kinda want to get this off my chest, but I have a beautiful mutual friend, she's absolutely stunning, and has the most perfect blissful smile I ever seen. Not only is she just beautiful, but so is her personality, but just a sweet utterly lit lantern in a night sky type of soul.

Mutual friend has a boyfriend, and boyfriend (ick, in my opinion) has β€œTik Tok Clout”. Boyfriend letβ€˜s call him Jason, tends to have a decent following on Tik Tok, about over 200,000. Cause of it, Jason gets a lot of validation from girls online, young or old, it's in between. That validation is never enough for him, because he still obsesses over himself, and thinks he's a movie star, when in reality (tbh, I don't understand the appeal) is anything far from charming.

Now Jason likes to hold up an image, his Instagram has not only photos admiring himself, but obviously some with his stunning girlfriend. These are the most happy, lovey dovey couple photos you'd ever lay your eyes on. You got the vacation pics, you got the cheesy adoration cuddling partner videos, big smiles, literally you'd think they're the β€œperfect” couple, romance isn't dead life breathers. Comments of her saying β€œI love you” in the post replies.

The reality? ….

Jason is your typical jerk, and cheats on her repeatedly, and even his girl best friend he grew up with (prior her)… He cheated on, was abusive and downright cruel. And he's far too old for his stunning girlfriend, who he met at 17, she's about 20 now, he's ~25.

You'd never know this, though, unless you knew Jason, cause men talk closely to one another and reveal their cruel intentions amongst each other.

What you see on social media, is almost never real, despite what people try to convince you. Sometimes we compare ourselves, but donβ€˜t ever do so, it's an illusion.

Marsey and Marcus are not on speaking terms right now

Legit love how foids gaslight them self

She says she was 35 when she left soviet country (2018) came to Spain, went to a gynaecologist for some procedure if she can have kids and 70 year old doctor asked why so early ? She should go have fun for next 3-4 years and then think about having kids. Then she start telling she fell in love with that system because nobody told her she is having kids at old age and her clock is ticking. It's such amazing system where people respect women.

>In Soviet countries I was considered second hand good. But in Spain 35-40 year old women are at their peak.

Married a fat balding Arab single dad :marseythumbsup:

Fricking zero self reflection and reading room skills. Doctor now will call super obese foids, β€œalmost perfect shape”

Even 8 years ago you couldn't been honest with foids patients

Now foid will straight cancel appointments with doctors that don't sweet talk them.

Like what's BMI ? It's a metric created by Belgian man for mine workers and he decided to generalise and his average worker was 5'9 fit man so he made range of normal weight for that height and profession. And we are using this specific metrics without adjustment for short office foids that have barely any muscles so obviously they be fat. And there no adjustments because that would put even more foids into fat caregory and that will hit them emotional and they will blame men for it so in 2024 at your work you just say what women want to hear.

>Oh you 5'1 and 300lbs ? You just slightly curvy no big deal you get in shape if you'll want at any minute so don't stress up queen. Men love curvy women and men love mature women.

Aevann please pin this

Aevann please pin

New jaktoss :marseycherokee: :!marseyeh:
>mfw current thing

:marseywholesome: :marseystitchgamer: :mariogoatse:

send him a message:

F-22 Raptor dropping a flare
Mao was arguably the most impactful climate warrior tho

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