R/Ireland is closed until the morning

Can't be letting you wrongthinkers shit up the board while we try to get our beauty sleep.

Bonus thread on la baste immigrant/terrible whites:

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  • JimieWhales : ITT: Carp discovers us autists have been right the whole time. :marseyautism:
  • whyareyou : LOL carp is a privacy schizo
Usually I :marseysmug2: at muh data privacy schizos but what the actual frick is this


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Indian-American male here - just came back from a 3 week trip to the Midwest (Michigan, Ohio and Indiana).

It's safe to say after this trip - my gratitude for being in California has increased 100X (I grew up here so always took it for granted).

To be honest I'm a little surprised - I've heard great things about the Midwest on Reddit but after now having traveled all over the country, it's definitely my least favorite part. Just way too homogenous, very average food, terrible weather (I wanted to kill myself after being stuck outside since my friend forgot the keys), overemphasis on football and beer, and the mind boggling amounts of obesity (the scooter in Walmart meme is real).

But really the worst bit of it is this grating, palpable sense of being a minority - this feeling that your experience and identity is "alien" to the fabric of the area - and that nobody cares (if you're not in the "Christian, football, beer" bubble it feels like your experience has limited value). What this means is if you don't enjoy those things then it's unlikely you'll connect with people since these are the prized cultural traditions by which people bond. Haven't even felt this way in the South (Georgia mostly).

The strangest thing is also interacting with minorities who are from there too (mostly Indian / Asian folks) who've basically become accustomed to feeling like second class citizens - one Asian woman I met there basically told me she only dates White people so that she and her children can feel more "accepted".

Yes there are nice people there and I've met very friendly, normal polite folks there who've been hospitable but overall the ethos of the area just felt very strange to me.

But yeah - I'm extremely glad to be back home.

EDIT: I wanted to note that homogeneity / insularity is the biggest issue - it's not really about a particular group of people.

The top comments, as you've probably correctly guessed, are about food.

The food thing is real. We are so spoiled to just have access to good everything.


I'm a Chinese guy in Upstate New York, and sometimes I walk into a place and immediately feel the need to let out a "hey, how's it goin" just so they can hear that I'm not a for'ner

I've lived Upstate for several years, never once felt the need to turn myself into a caricature. I don't know what this chigga is talking about.

This is a less-talked about reason housing is so expensive in Bay Area, LA, NYC, etc. Lot of immigrants and minorities completely rule out moving anywhere else due to reasons you mentioned

It's because that's where most jobs are, the reason why most immigrants come to the country in the first place.

Privileged white male here. I grew up in the Midwest. I'm not a football watching or beer swilling dude. Though I know enough to play the part.


A few people calling out his nonsense in controversial

So what did the Midwest do to actually hurt you? So much of this is projection. You assumed Midwestern people don't care about you. How many football loving people did you interact with that actually gave you a bad time because you didn't share the same interest? Being in diverse places means accepting of other ways of life and lifestyles different than your own. But when you encounter people actually different from you, you feel as if they're beneath you if they shop at Walmart and obese or like football and "bland" food. Seems like you're the one judging here.

Honestly you come across as a really ungreatful person.

How would you feel if a midwesterner went to India and came back and said something like

"India sucked....just way too homogenous with Indians. Terrible Indian food everywhere. Everyone talking about cricket all the time. Everyone drinks chai all the time. I wanted to kill myself"

Do you feel that this opinion is justified? No right? Then how is it ok when you do it.

:!chadsoy: Weak men are scared of immigrants



legal or illegal?

:!chadsoy: Don't care

You should. Laws are there because they were democratically agreed upon. Undermining the law is undermining democracy. Lobby to get the law changed then and put it to a democratic vote.

:!chadsoy: Laws are actually usually there because certain special interests lobbied to get them added to 1,000 page bills that have nothing to do with the subject. But regardless of where the laws came from, if they are unethical, they are illegitimate.

Smart men keep the door locked.

:!chadsoy: On their own property or other peoples'?

Hey Erik gimme your address you sloppy rat, I got a couple somalis you can host

:!chadsoy: Now do citizens

Dont you think these crimes could have been avoided? At least citizens grew up in the U.S. 🤡

So the crime is justified if they are from the USA

Are you guys pretending to be this r-slurred

So you're fine with people who broke the law in the first place breaking more laws. You're a weak man. A disgusting weak man.

It's about being humane and compassionate towards others. Doing the opposite is disgusting and weak.

Compassionate and humane is not the issue here. How many illegal immigrants that you don't know do you just let live in your house with your family (open door humane policy?). It's disgusting and weak to put your wife and kids at risk. Don't be a dum dum 😉

Lol, being a dum dum is still believing in Hex and Pulsechain. Being compassionate and humane is intelligence

Everyone should be scared of uncontrolled borders.

:!chadsoy: Like between Wyoming and Colorado? People can just drive across with no controls at all. It's horrible.

So 1.5 million native born jobs lost within a short period of time replaced by 600k illegal immigrants, nvm those families though or what? Easy to sound so arrogant when you're so far removed from having to worry about income, not so easy for your average Americans though.

:!chadsoy: Sounds way more efficient for 600k people to do what took 1.5m previously. More immigrants pls

...says someone who will never have to compete with an illegal alien for a job.

:!chadsoy: If you're outcompeted by an illegal alien who doesn't even speak English then you might be a weak man

You know, we weren't all born in a gated community. Some of us actually had to go get a job for ourselves when we got out of high school. Do you know who are among the first displaced by illegal aliens? Kids graduating high school....

:!chadsoy: So you'd prefer the less competitive person get the job

If it's a choice between a legal citizen, and someone whose presence demonstrates they have nothing but contempt for our laws...I'll take the legal citizen.

:!chadsoy: Cool, I'd never tell you who you may or may not hire. Please afford me the same respect.

Strong men are justifiably scared of illegal, and criminal, immigrants

:!chadsoy: Because they don't have a special stamp in their special stamp book

Because cultural differences and ideological differences may not be able to be overcome and I, and anyone logical, is tired of pretending that assimilation is a bad thing.

:!chadsoy: Sounds weak

You're way too intelligent to be merely dismissive like that if you have an opposing view


Butthole lawyer got me fired 😭

I made a post the other day about how I was stiffed on a $550 tab by a couple attorneys and followed the advice I received and reached out to the firm on the card to tell them about what happened. Well it completely backfired, the woman on the phone who I think was just a receptionist told me she would follow up with my concern. I made a post on their Facebook page too but somehow it got deleted? They ended up calling my restaurant on a Saturday and told them about it and that if I was not terminated they would be pursuing legal action against both myself and the restaurant.

My boss was very nice about it and said that he actually contacted his family attorney about what to do and unfortunately they had to let me go. I'm just devastated and have never felt more worthless it just sucks how we are so replaceable and people deemed “better than thou” can have our jobs taken from us just like that.

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Proof that PlsNope isn't a real person and :carp: used photos of some random girl from OnlyFans

UPDATE: It seems that PlsNope has been pretending to be that girl for years. This is creepy. :marseyschizowall:

This was really tricky to find because I couldn't find the exact same photos. Carp is probably paying for her OnlyFans subscription or something.

"PlsNope" on the left, doe666_ on the right:

Same face, same phone case and same room.



I'm a Barbie Girl, in a Barbie world. Life's fantastic, when you nuke japs
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  • JimieWhales : WSJ literally the least dramatic paper that exists
The Rise and Fall of the Chief Diversity Officer - WSJ


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From the makers of Radical Positivity, carpathianflorist presents: NICEPosting™





Constant ironyposting is exhausting. And tedious. And predictable! It’s also probably very spiritually damaging. I am not going to do it anymore. rDrama really took off two years ago as of yesterday with the Great Migration of 2021, and so it can be reasonably assumed that ironypoisoning has not only run its course but also very much overstayed its welcome.

Henceforth, if I have nothing nice to say, I will say nothing at all! If you see me relapsing, do feel free to call it out! But remember to be NICE about it, please.

It’s not too late to embrace cutting edge sincerity and kindness and it is past time to cast off the now deeply unfashionable cloak of perpetual irony and meanness.

Take the NICEPosting™ pledge today. Sign your name below and I will pin it.


The votes

After the sub was unprivated, /r/Europe has been locked. Ten days ago, there was a vote whether to continue the protest. The users voted "yes":

A. I want /r/Europe to continue participating in the protest. (If this option wins, a second vote will be held where you can choose your preferred form and duration of protest.)

B. I want /r/Europe to return to business as usual as quick as practicable

Because we wanted this vote to be as representative as possible of the /r/Europe community, we only counted votes of people with at least 200 karma on /r/Europe while also having an account older than 4 weeks. As a results, we discarded 4309 votes. If we includes these votes, option A wins with an even higher percentage: 83.38%.

The results:

Total valid votes: 3095

A: 2434 / 78.59%

B: 662 / 21.41%

5 days later, they held a followup vote, asking how exactly the protest should continue:

Hey, based on the previous poll, here is the follow-up we promised.

We decided that the best way forward is (in true European fashion) another poll.

The options we are putting towards you are as follows:

A: Stop the protest and return to business as usual

B: Stay restricted for 7 more days, then re-evaluate

C: Open, but limit the subreddit to a specific European theme in a weekly poll (we will be collecting user suggestions, as long as they are TOS-compliant)

Angry users

After the voting closed 2 days ago, the jannies disappeared. There are two unlocked megathreads and redditors are using one of them to complain about the mods (sort by new):

Just submitted a request to Reddit to remove the mods of /r/europe. I hope you all do the same

"r/europe loves democracy" as long as the votes go in our favour

I've supported the blackouts. I think the admin action of the past few weeks have been utterly disgraceful. I don't have much faith in Reddit's future anymore. But the charade on display here has torpedoed the cause and at this point I just despise both admins and mods.

If you don't have any interest in moderating anymore: fair enough, I can't blame you. But then pack your stuff and LEAVE. You're not sticking it up to the man (the man does, in fact, not care and won't change course). You just fuck over your users and you're destroying any trust the community ever had in you. Go sticky an announcement that you're throwing in the towel, delete your accounts and let Reddit figure out how to proceed from there.

Mods vs users, is that the kind of protest you envisioned? Everyone hating your guts, with spez being the only winner? What exactly are we achieving here?

Just report the Moderation team under

Report a Moderator Code of Conduct Violation under the

As it was made abundantly clear by Reddit themselves what they are doing is a Code of Conduct Violation.

It's also a Global Rule violation under Reddit Rule #8

Don’t break the site or do anything that interferes with normal use of Reddit.

Get these clowns out of here.

How is it possible that this sub has been locked for basically a month now and with no communication on when it will reopen again, if ever?

If mods don't like the new Reddit policy with those third party apps, they should quit, not monopolise the sub. Or allow the name to be used by some other subreddit.

Open up you pseudo revolutionary jannies

Ayo mods where the vote results at? It's already the 30th when the vote was till the 28th.

Results were probably to open the sub, so it doesn't count.

they could at least lie about the results and say it went the way they wanted. It's not like there is a way to check whether or not it's true.

TBH, I'm quite worried the sub will be taken over by the likes of Merari or :marseybardfinn3:. The current mod team has been rather tolerant of wrongspeak. :marseysad:



Added context: Denver has never won a championship before, so this is kind of a big deal for them.

Thread is full of slapfights. Here's one that made me chuckle.

>During the finals? Bruh

>Mods and everyone else can pat themselves on the back like they are going to make a difference

>Let me guess. You didn’t vote.

>I mean I didn't vote either bc I don't frequent this sub 24/7 so I missed it. Only 8k of 7.7M voted, but I guess that's enough to take this offline indefinitely. What a joke lol. Sorry Nuggets fans

Reported by:
  • Holly_Jolly_Kong : Cyberbullying kills.
  • Guzzy : What happened in this thread is actual bullying. You guys are meanies.

Previous thread

Some of you thought it was bait, but i had faith that OP was telling us the truth from the detailed stories on her profile. I did the needful and simply asked for pictures of her collection and she was very willing to share! The Tay one is even a custom :tayclap:

The fellowship one with Gollum in the top corner is a nice touch :marseythegrey:

but the cobwebs and layers of dust are just :marseysick:

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