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  • D : Drama in thread

Context: /r/Pics has been in shitposting and porn mode since the "protest" and the Chadmins told them to knock it off or get demopped

Unfortunately, we were unable to state as much to /u/ModCodeofConduct, as they disabled the ability for us to reply.


Maddeningly, /u/ModCodeofConduct is telling us to go against Reddit's listed guidelines, which puts us in something of a pickle: If we follow their commands, we'll be in violation of the site-wide rules... but if adhere to said rules, they'll remove us.

"Im not touching yoooooou"

Most Subtle Dramautists
Chuds sneed at an independent woman getting her exercise in

She looks like she hasnโ€™t biked in years


Mark Rabin, a former software engineer, recalled one manager saying at an all-hands meeting that Boeing didn't need senior engineers because its products were mature.

the article is from five years ago, surely this didn't backfire on them :marseyclueless:


I bet you thought I was kiddingโ€ฆitโ€™s real. : marseygasden :

@Kong-Vann Iโ€™m rooting for your lil kings :marseycapyheart:


She's sneeding about how capitalism forced her to take a 3000$ vacation here

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if yvevgevegvegvevny reenters ukraine, russia might end up demoted from second to third strongest army there

it is h a p p e n i n g *sips tea*


People are already shilling for the Tesla phone in the comments even though it doesn't exist yet

Redditor gets "assaulted" at video game tournament :marseylegioncommander::marseycrystalmaiden::marseydawnbreaker::marseyhoodwink:

I'm sad, angry, and isolated, and for better or worse, I just need to share my TI experience this year. Some of you may agree or disagree with my part in it, and please share your opinion. I Just need to share this to keep myself from doing anything stupid while my wife sleeps next to me. I hope you can understand. I open myself up to the public scrutiny willingly. That said, here's my experience:

I got physically assaulted by two guests at TI who were saving seats at the grand finals. My pregnant wife and I were sitting when the row behind us lied, reported me to security for causing a scene, and then I was removed from the arena after explaining to security that I had a recording proving their statements were false and offered to show them it. No refund, no meeting my hero Dendi, no witnessing this bucket list moment for me, the raising of the aegis in person, just one time in my life.

I understand others may have handled it differently and just found other seats, but when you buy tickets that are general admission, and block 5+ seats for people that aren't there for hours while people showed up on time and wanting to watch the action, please also understand a fan's frustration.

To those that bullied me, lied to event security, and resulted in my being removed- know that you did that to a severely mentally ill man who has PTSD, depression, anxiety, a service animal, and his pregnant wife on one of the most highly anticipated and important events of their lives. Know that you instead protected an entitled man who lied about his "wife and kids" showing up any moment, when after at hour and a half only his other buddies showed up instead. You may have handled it differently but I didn't deserve this. All I did was sit in seats that were first come first serve. If you didn't like that policy then do not buy tickets.

My wife and I sat outside the arena, while I cried, mad at myself, mad at the people who lied, mad at the people who held seats and assaulted me, at security, and that I'll never have this opportunity again. I'm finishing watching TI from my hotel room and then heading back home tomorrow destroyed, and honestly just wanting to die. I don't have friends. I have my wife and I have DOTA, and now I feel like I don't even have that.

I'm sorry if I handled this wrong, but I'm not sorry for standing up for myself and my wife who deserved to be there just as much as any of you who This isn't what the community is about. I accept any criticism or advice you have for me. Thank you for hearing me even if you don't agree.

>My wife and I sat outside the arena, while I cried


sounds like part of the story is missing

OP: You're correct, and I understand the skepticism. I was worried if I made the post too long it would be restricted or suppressed.

I'll share more context here:

The first individual who assaulted me was a Russian gentlemen who was holding seats with two jackets, two seats to his right, and three seats to his left. When I arrived, I saw him sitting in the middle, got frustrated and entered the row and move one of his jackets after asking him if my wife and I could sit there since she's pregnant. He said he was holding them and no. I got frustrated (if you're in the arena you will see just how common this is, people holding seats) and moved one of the jackets, told my wife she can have a seat, and ignored the guy who was shouting at me and my wife. He leaned over, gripped my shoulder tightly and said that I'm going to move. I told him that is assault, and that if he doesn't let go, or if he does it again, that I will defend myself. He let go and continued to berate me. I told him that if he had a problem with it then he can get venue staff and that they'll tell him the same thing, that seating isn't reserved and is first come first serve. He didn't take me up on that.

We watched game 1, then after during the intermission my wife had to use the restroom. I told her to go, and that if the guy follows that I will come with and ensure she's good. While she was away, the row above us decided it would be funny to hop into my wife's seat as it was available, hoping that I would be a hypocrite and make a fuss about it. I didn't, I engaged the guy and asked him who he was rooting for, he said all of the teams look good and we just sat there watching the panel.

When my wife returned I attempted to move the jacket (not mine, the party to my left who had been missing since the beginning of match one) and told my wife that she can sit there instead, or have my seat. When I went to move the jacket the guy two seats to my left (new guy, Russian was to my right), said his friends were sitting there and grabbed my arm when I went to move it. I told him that I was recording and to let go. I told him if he doesn't let go that I would press charges for assault. He started mocking me and shouting in my face. Thats when security arrived and told the guy to calm down and that he cannot hold seats. He started yelling at the security guy, the row above us "vouched" for the second guy, and I was removed by security.

I can provide more context if needed. Like I said, I'm not looking for sympathy here. I truly want to change and welcome all input. I don't know why it was so important to me to stay in those seats, likely just ego and sense of "justice" against people that were blatantly not following the rules. I broke down after talking to security on the way out and security laughed at me. I get most people are more resilient than me, and that perhaps I'm the problem all along.

the jerkops laughed at him :#marseycwc:

How exactly were you "physically assaulted"?

I find it hard to believe you are telling the entire story here. At any rate, why not just move and avoid the conflict entirely? Oh noooo they're holding a couple seats!!! Yeah whatever, maybe it is mildly annoying, but the normal response is to just move to another seat and then let it go. If you got into enough of a commotion to get thrown out over this, you only have yourself to blame

OP: Of course, its my version of events. I agree with you in restrospect, putting my wife under that stress just to prove a point was highly selfish. All I can say is that I have very big issues dealing with stressful situations as a result of my PTSD and typically rely on my service animal, who I did not bring due to the loud volume of the event. There's no manipulation for sympathy from my end, I'm owning my part of it as much as I can. I appreciate your input as much as anyone elses.

PTSD huh. Lmao ok bud

I was mercilessly abused as a kid, have seen people shot a few feet away from me in the face, and witnessed my siblings attempt to commit suicide in front of me more times than I can count while going to school the very next days and expected to keep it hush hush.

If you think PTSD can only come from the military movie scenes than I honestly hope that you can keep that perspective for the rest of your life as ignorance truly is bliss. Appreciate your input.


PTSD and a service animal you sound insufferable tbh

See my "no friends" statement. Its why I play DOTA and try not to affect others' lives as much as possible. Appreciate your input.

wtf OP is pathetic and based at the same time

If an annual dota competition is one of the most highly anticipated and important event of your life, you're gonna lose your shit when your pregnant wife gives birth.


Normies are confused and enraged by an RDrama post about Elon :marseybluecheck: :marseybluecheck: :marseybluecheck: :marppy:

This is the article -

Twitter analytics tells me 230 people clicked the link :marseyxd:

This is - far and away - the most interactions I've gotten on a tweet by autodrama. Thanks @SmallFestiveNips for bringing rdrama to the masses :marseywholesome:


To refer to Elon Musk as an "African King" is an insult to Africans... - 6 likes

but he is :marseyconfused:

Admiral of the Incel Fleet. You can lick the decks and squeeze the sails โ›ต๏ธ ๐Ÿ˜‰

white people go two minutes without sexualizing politics (impossible)

He never could be king , Kings are Warriors that raise to the top ,he is no warrior he abandoned his country, when he had to serve in the military supposedly because he doesnโ€™t want to serve under apartheid ,now he has his own kind of suppression!!

just fricking lol

Donโ€™t forget he is just clone of Trump - narcissist but worse as unlike trump who was a Traitor born in US . He was born in Canada so far worse

He is a traitor because he was born in a different country. Don't think that's how it works king

You call anyone a King you do not like. LOVE IT>

This guy gets it

daily reminder

no im not ignoring ur DM, i just didnt read it yet :marseycry:

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