
You get to play as a black man and kill tons of Japanese men :marseyxd:



It's funny - i can tell many of y'all have never worked in retail and it shows - i wish everyone was forced to have a general public customer service job, it would humble the shit out of you. :marseynails:

So if it sucks so much why don't these people leave retail? :marseychud:

“you're homeless? just like…buy a house bro” :marseysoylentgrin:

Could you explain why they are unable to move on from the job they hate? The only reason they would be unable to is if they are lazy or stupid.

Edit once again nobody here has two braincells to explain why these retail workers are precious and helpless little snowflakes who can't possibly get a different job. :marseychud:

This specific store has serious management issues. It is way worse than other Apple stores.

Apple needs to look into the management here. :marseyshook:

People don't quit jobs they quit managers. I know someone that went from $120k a year to $60k a year because of hating a manager. :marseybrainlet:

I opened that store in Maryland. I worked in the smaller one they had before that one opened and was there on the first day. I quit in May 2013 to ultimately start my own business but I can say that there were good managers and bad managers. The general manager was never around and had no idea what was going on and wanted me to rat on the lazy workers when I did my “anonymous” exit interview which went straight to his inbox. I made less than $40K working full time and that was after receiving a cost of living wage bump. The benefits were good with steep discounts on products and stock purchasing options. But management would constantly implement new strategies for the workflow of the room and how you handled support appointments, where people were positioned and the software we used to “check in” customers. They never gave it long enough to sink in before trying a new strategy. They were always busy and if someone called out I might find myself going 4 hours straight assisting people with tech issues before getting a bathroom break. We used to drink on our breaks just to ease the stress. But in the end you were a glorified customer service rep. From crazy customers on a daily basis being mad that they didn't backup their info or iCloud was full to constantly standing there as city kids walked through the store stealing phones and getting away with it. :marseynooticeglow: To the inability of Apple to be willing to promote the right people within the store. I'm so glad I left and never looked back. They deserve so much more. That store covers all of Baltimore City and County. There isn't another option even remotely close. They all should get a raise.

:marseydrunk: :marseylongpost:

I worked in Apple retail for 7 years, and while there is a lot to dislike about the job, it's easily one of the best retail jobs you can get. Stupidly excellent health insurance, stock discounts, 401k matching, RSUs, education contributions…I challenge anyone to find those same benefits at a job where you walk by a fricking Auntie Anne's Pretzel shop every day.

Yes, the job is draining, the corporate kool aid is eye rolling, the customers irritating…but to suggest these things constitute “poor working conditions” is patently absurd. :marseylaughpoundfist:

I worked at this specific store for five years and I can completely understand their points. It was common that I would end up working 14+ days straight there due to shitty scheduling, often being there until 10:30 or 11 at night before having to be back there at 7 am the following morning for repairs. The store has been notorious for chewing employees up and spitting them out. It's entirely natural that the workers there would fight for change and would want a seat at the table — and after over a year of Apple negotiating in bad faith, the union has to utilize the tools at its disposal to achieve its goals.

Workers of any industry fighting for their rights in an era where ownership is further and further consolidating amongst an unaccountable class of the hyper rich is good for all of us. :chadleftoid:

And just because Apple retail is “better” than other retail jobs, like what do employees just go ok well we shouldn't complain then. Let Tim Apple and his $$$ executives treat us however

Fricking 🥾👅 :pepolickfoot:

These people wouldn't support the fricking weekend if we were discussing working conditions in the 1880s. :soysnooseethe:

Ya, sounds like you and them should quit if it is that bad. :marseychud:

Every worker should have a union. We should be supportive of employees realizing they hold power over a trillion dollar company. :marseydarkcomrade:

I wasn't surprised that the essence of the top comment here was, “they should be grateful” :soysnoo:

Oh give me a break. It's a cushy retail job, it's not like they're tarring a roof in August or pulling a double at a hospital. :marseyeyeroll:

Instead of complaining because they have it good and others dont, help the roofers and nurses instead as well. Help them get unions and better conditions. We should be working towards making it better for everyone, not dragging people down to the worst industry imaginable. :marseyshapiro:

These mfs have never done hard labor in their life. :marseythebuilder:

Unions aren't just for hard labor jobs? :soyjakanimeglasses:

what exactly are their working conditions and what exactly are their demands? lay it all out as precisely as possible and I'll personally tell you who I think is right :marseythinkorino:

From the article:

“The issues at the forefront of this action include concerns over work-life balance, unpredictable scheduling practices disrupting personal lives, and wages failing to align with the area's cost of living.

For further context (based on discussions with friends that used to work for Apple retail), Apple uses a scheduling service called Kronos to generate the work schedule. It's intended to distribute hours fairly, accounting for PTO/sick days/etc. However, the schedule it generates is erratic and unpredictable, and you don't get it with much advance notice, making it difficult to schedule things outside of work.”

And before anyone says some nonsense like “sorry you can't hang out with your friends”, this mostly impacts people with college classes, kids (especially those with extra curricular activities), second jobs, and medical appointments that ask for consistency. :chadlibleft:

Darn sounds just like working on an oil rig or in a sweat shop :marseychud:

So no one should fight for better working conditions because oil rigs and sweatshops exist? :soyreddit:

It's an Apple Store. How thought of a job can it really be? Go work construction - those people need a union. :marseychud:

Why can't retail employees have a union, too? Have you ever worked retail? It absolutely sucks.

Family member of mine left construction for Uber because he thought it would be easier, turns out construction was easier. Construction is physically demanding but it's not a difficult job otherwise. :marseyakshually:

People are so fricking soft these days. World is screwed :chuditsover:

“we refuse to bend to the whims of trillion dollar corporations so we're taking a stand!!”


who are the soft ones here? people fighting for better lives or the ones taking it in the a** by a corporation like a good little worker? :marseysmug2:

😂 generations fought in wars but you fricking pillow huggers can't get out of moms basement safely enough to work :chudsmug:

!neolibs !chuds !anticommunists


Ok but seriously why the frick did they create two dakotas?? Isn't one enough???


Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

what are some examples of novels that criticize capitalism and that are considered classics? i'm genuinely curious (3)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

They're both TERRIBLE literature.  (47)

Really? How so?I never understood all the hate. Didn't finish the book, but it was pretty decent imho. Cool/creative story. (0)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift is mostly a satire of the more left-wing Enlightenment thinkers and Whig Party politics. I'm more left-wing, and that was about the only piece of right-wing satire I've seen that I thought was actually done well. (46)

I am going off of very foggy recollections of my sophomore lit classes but would it be safe to place another of his works, “A Modest Proposal”, as more in line with modern day leftist thought? He's skewering the idea of helping the poor and hungry with state resources and (/s, obviously) advocates for feeding the poor and solving overpopulation with cooked babies. (0)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Mishima is 100% hardcore right-wing. Even tried to stage a coup to restore the monarch and killed himself because it failed. (60)

To be fair, I think the word "staged" doesn't get nearly enough credit here. Mishima dedicated pretty much his entire adult life to the cultivation of his self as an aesthetic object, and it's hard not to see that including the manner of his death.It would be insufficient to call it "performance art", because that might imply that he wasn't somehow sincere in his stated politics or whatever, and I don't think that's true. But I don't think the point of the "coup" was ever to achieve a successful material change in government or anything like that; if anything, Mishima wanted to change people's consciousnesses through the wanton spectacle of his death.And maybe unintentionally, the way he died was beautifully ironic given the way we've valorised that spectacle vis a vis the image of his external politics and his philosophy of the aesthetic cultivation of the body: he failed to disembowel himself properly, his kaishakunin failed to behead him cleanly, and he died in agony. In the mome... (8)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Crime and Punishment is weird because it keeps telling you over and over how stupid the communist character is but never once is he shown to be anything but very intelligent. (102)

I don't agree with Dostoyevsky's reason for that characterization, but from what I remember that character (I don't exactly remember if he was a communist or just a liberal/Russian nihilist) is comically myopic and stubborn in his worldview. For example, there is a period when a certain character dies and he goes on to lecture grieving family members about how there shouldn't be a burial rite (or something to that effect) because those are grounded in religious traditions which his brand of politics/philosophy rejects entirely. (Similar moments include him lecturing some women about not marrying IIRC.) I mean fine if you hold those views, but Dostoyevsky's "ridicule" of him works because he's (the character) so dogmatic, ridiculously over-the-top and downright inhumane about his feminism and atheism. Of course, for those of us who differ vastly in our worldview and beliefs from Dostoyevsky, none of this calculated ridicule will make his conservative religious pitch any more intriguing. (32)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Sure, heinlein criticizes communism, but to extrapolate anti-Chinese racism from a critique of communism is an insane leap of logic and, I might add, mildly racist in and of itself. (0)

Here's a paper by a political science professor on East Asian xenophobia in Heinlein's works (not limited to Starship Troopers) comes from a different time, he came from a military family in the age of the Korean and Vietnamese war, and I know his politics over time changed some and he became more humanist in general over time, but his early works reek of racismIt's been a long time since I've read either book, but in one of the introductions to either Starship Troopers or Forever War, they had quotes from Heinlein where he was specifically critiquing Chinese communism. Sure, the way communism swept China was unique, as all revolutions are unique, but the singling out of it is more than suspect (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/herrirgendjemand

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 4

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


forcing someone to remove their medical device (mask) is assault, and potentially murder. This isn't “the pendulum swinging the other way” No degree :marseygrad: of mask requirements was putting your fricking :marseytom: life at risk, but mask bans will ABSOLUTELY kill people. Grow the frick up.

Removing a mask is “ potential murder :marseyhammersnoo: “?

You can't be serious :marseybeheadedkamikaze: 🤦🏼‍♀️

Well, each time I get covid, I become more disabled. Yes, covid :marseygigavaxxer: could probably kill me now.

I know you don't believe :marseyparappa: it hurts you, but not all of your organs :marseyskinnedwalk: have pain receptors. You may not even know you have internal damage.

When it becomes too bad, you'll know then.

Well I truly hope you're ok.

As a nurse :marseymeds: I would :marseymid: advise you not to get any boosters.

The medical community isn't being up front :marseyviewerstare: with it patients.

I wish you well

Nice, you didn't even listen :marseyhearnoevil: to me. I GOT DISABLED :marseyblind: FROM BEING SICK WITH COVID, nothing to do with the vaccines.

The first :marseywinner: time I got covid :marseyvaxmaxx: was BEFORE :marseyskellington: THERE :marseycheerup: WERE VACCINES.

You're a terrible :marseyyinzer: nurse :marseymeds: and should :marseynorm: quit before :marseyskellington: you harm someone

Harm them how? By being truthful.

Why do people like you get angry :marseygrin: at the truth?


The truth :marseyredcheck: is vaccines (attenuated/dead virus :marseycovidscare: and mNRA) have done way more good than harm. >>> Trust science, it has more truth :marseyredcheck: than your conspiracy :marseyschizowall: rhetoric.

You do realize the “vax” didn't even pass clinical trials. Why do you think :marseynooticeglow: they pushed it through for EU.

Not to mention they have 100% immunity from adverse reactions/deaths.

Young :marseytedkaczynski: healthy :marseybellpepper: kids having cardiac :marseychudheart: issues at an alarming rate, &deaths

CDC just redacted 147 report


Reddit soys are already out with their predictable film-pseud defence "Duuude, this is going to be spectacularly terrible, I'll love it :soyjakhipster:".

These are the top comments.

Sounds like it has all the ingredients of a cult film, but not a financially successful one :soyjakanimeglasses:


Darn these Reviews are all over the place, people who like it are praising it highly, and people who don't are thrashing it.

Sounds like it's gonna be fun love polarizing films :soysnoo5:

So basically Coppola lost his sanity and made an unmarketable 120 million dollar epic. I'm so hyped! :bigsmilesoyjak:

120 million dollars to create something you truly love that others absolutely hate… That's the dream baby ! Cinema is back ! :soysnoo2:


Can't wait. It's either going to be beautiful, or a beautiful disaster. Either way, it sounds worth watching. :soyjakwow:


The reality is even the positive reviews are handling this film with kids gloves. They struggle to articulate what's good about it and are basically going "uhh...this film is ambitious and Coppola(an industry legend) took a lot of risks and we must respect it for that" :marseysmirk2:

Yeah sure :marseyeyeroll:

!kino !fellas !anime


also like So foid decided to get job (paid leave) came to job interview and was hiding she is pregnant, it was in directors office, and She signed the contract and start giving birth in that directors office, and The companys now paying her birth leave :marseychefkiss:

tree coon
Brutal chin mogging
Dasha is literally r-slurred lmao :dasha:
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