


I'M ASEXUAL. I'M ASEXUAL. I'M ASEXUAL. :#marseyaceofspades::#marseyshooting:

Okay. I accidentally left out the link.

this is cirno

cc @meso @BreadLover69 @Ukko

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Is 2009, things now are a lot worse thanks to old and how easy it’s for any foid get Chad and then when she hit 30 meet all those inkwells that didn’t roped that she doesn’t want. She mb give them chance but they won’t treat her nice because who in right mind would ? Also society in general doesn’t respect 30+ year old women. Like if she goes to work when she is 20, everyone will be nice to her and help her. The moment she hits the wall all the niceness will be gone. While if a guy is not obese alcohol he will get more respect than a 30 year old women.

On top of it with push of lgbt women made a net negative of men/women ratio and ironic society is forced to respect that 40 year old 6’4 240lb six packed.

So women lives are now an even sharper carousel.

And we can say thanks to feminism and their doing the right thing because they feeling it’s the right thing


Building a career is also homo cope, no guy will bang post wall roastie because she decided to build career in HR after her gender studies

:marseycoomer:s have a minor slapfight over an username

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How is KotakuInAction still on Reddit? Is the one true rule of Reddit just not to make fun of :!marseytrain:s?

No, seriously. People have been trying to get that subreddit banned since its inception. I know the drama about the creator leaving, but otherwise nothing big has happened with them and the admins.

They implemented a rule 2 years ago to not talk about :!marseytrain:s anymore. That's the ONE rule they have to sate the admins. And it works.

Question about RDR2


Why is the bounty text blurry and dark red on black?

Why does the game randomly go black unless I hit Alt+Enter to change fullscreen modes?

I'm already dislocating my fingers to do the whole "hold LB, press RT, hold RS to left, and use RT to select a health item" -- when I let go of RS it's still letting me scroll through the items, but why will it only display the item text for half a second before telling me to use RS?

Why do I get a new journal entry randomly? He's just doodling drawings of squirrels.

Why is Dead Eye mechanic completely flipped from the previous game? Why can't I just select the darn variant I want, rather than have the mechanic change as you progress through the story?

Why is dueling even worse than in rdr1? Why was it decided that players should read the text in the upper left, then monitor a meter in the lower right, then when the text in the upper left changes, you are given about 2 seconds to read that text, find your reticle, aim properly, and fire?

Why can't it make better assumptions with the context-sensitive controls? If I'm reading the strange markings on the wall (hold RT), I probably don't want to chokehold the person walking past me. If I run up to my house and press Y (mount), I probably don't want to punch the non-aggressivs guy standing next to him.

Why can I antagonize people from 10 feet away, but have to walk up closer to say Hi?

Great, I'm supposed to look for rock carvings / dreamcatchers. Why can't it give me an example of what they look like in-game? Have the quest-giver be standing by one. Are these rock carvings on cave walls? Cliffsides? River walls? Boulders? Buttes? Big? Small? I have no idea what I'm actually looking for.

Why is fast travel an unlockable, with no indication that you need to buy several camp upgrades to unlock it? Sure you can use the cinematic camera as a form of autopilot but sometimes it still has you run someone over and incur a bounty.

Why does the game world feel so empty and sterile? You have a random event that gives all kinds of mystery about Emerald Ranch with a shootout in a saloon and a daughter hidden away in a bedroom. If this was a Fallout game, this would start a new side quest. But in RDR2, there's nothing. The saloon exists, the daughter-in-the-window doesn't. Just gotta pause the game and Google it to see if a mission exists and you're just failing to find the hotspot to activate it.

Why does the game world feel so empty and sterile, part 2? Rockstar took "npc" too literally. If they aren't part of the quest, they are literally "Stranger" or "Lawman". You can't interact with them beyond saying hi, robbing, or name-calling. Venders exist to vend/buy and nothing more -- you can unload tens of thousands of dollars of leather bracers at a store without a single eyebrow raised... but the game will stop you if you try to carry more than 1 pack of cigarettes.

Why does time have to continue in slow-motion as you try to solve the rubics cube of an inventory wheel? Need a quick health tonic but you're getting shot as you scroll through a dozen stamina/dead eye tonics -- or you moved your thumb slightly and selected a different category.

Why does it try to introduce mechanics when you can't use them. "Arthur is too hot. Switch clothing". I'm not even at Chapter 2 yet, I don't have the ability to purchase/change clothing.

Fricking why with the combat. I have a bounty, so I head to the post office. I unequip my weapons so I can surrender. When an officer sees me, I have just two seconds to find him, hold LT, and see which button is Surrender. So of course he goes aggro which means Arthur will immediately pull out his gun when I try to surrender again. Run to my horse, try to mount him. He's rearing up like an idiot, so by the time I finally get mounted he falls over and I take a tumble. Looooong-press Y to revive him, and now I'm dead. All because they couldn't give you an extra 3 seconds to surrender.

The developers wanted you to take things nice and slow, but goddarn do they give you some tight timing events.

This is subject to further edits as I continue to play.


+1 for being honest

aevann is now @dmmebbc :marseyblackcock:

what did he mean by this

The leafs fear their cops



Also notice 7/9 suspects are below average hight 1/9 above average height but he is fat black man so just r-slur.

:marseyhomofascist: :marseyqoomer:
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New Venture Capitalist badges just dropped

Good morning! We’re in the process of adding some new perks for paypigs. Today’s update is venture capitalist badges, which, unlike the current tiered paypig status badges, you keep in perpetuity along with their benefits. This is retroactive and applies to your lifetime contributions. Crypto donations are assessed at the value of the coin when sent, rather than fluctuating.

Each tier grants an additional 2% discount in the shop, cumulative up to -10%. Stacks with other discounts (paypigging, spender badges, lootbox badges). You of course keep every badge as you earn it.

Bronze-Tier Venture Capitalist

$100 lifetime donations

2% discount

Silver-Tier Venture Capitalist

$500 lifetime donations

4% discount

Gold-Tier Venture Capitalist

$2500 lifetime donations

6% discount

Platinum-Tier Venture Capitalist

$5000 lifetime donations

8% discount

Double-Platinum Tier Venture Capitalist

$10000 lifetime donations

10% discount

Some new perks are coming in the near future too, but those are 🤫 for now. Thank you all, collectively and individually, for helping keep rDrama alive 🙏🏿

[BETTING] [Closed] Boogie vs WingsOfRedemption

Closed close



In case you don't remember the Crystal Children copypasta:

Chinese-Japanese-Taiwanese slapfight in the “Questions” section of an island on Google Maps

Rdrama won’t let me post the link >:(

The island in question is disputed between the two (three?) countries.

Some highlights-


Netflix’s casting was informed by the views of Shelley Haley, a renowned classicist and Cleopatra expert, who claims that, although evidence of her ancestry and physical attributes are inconclusive, Cleopatra was culturally Black.

Dr. Haley has said that she was struck by the experience, early in her life and career, of encountering Black American communities that seemed to view Cleopatra as one of their own. Building on that experience, Dr. Haley’s academic work on Cleopatra adopts a more complex criterion for racial identification than skin color alone. “When we say, in general, that the ancient Egyptians were Black and, more specifically, that Cleopatra was Black,” Dr. Haley wrote, “we claim them as part of a culture and history that has known oppression and triumph, exploitation and survival.”

Her point is that we are not limited to considering only representations of what Cleopatra looked like or descriptions of her ancestry. We can also use what we know of her life, reign and resistance to understand her race as a shared cultural identity.


To recognize Cleopatra as culturally Black is not to pretend that skin color is meaningless now — in the manner of recent figures like Rachel Dolezal and Jessica Krug, who claimed a cultural identity that was not theirs. In our society, race and racism are deeply entwined with skin color and other inherited physical traits. We cannot understand modern forms of oppression without understanding how phenotypical difference contributes to them, and we cannot legitimately claim a racial history without having lived it.

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