Quick Question, If you make a hat and its approved do you automatically get it?

I want those hat badge when the update comes out but at the same time I need the dramacoin so I can keep pinning my homemade furry porn to the front page

Russia finds Russian skater not guilty for doping, Reddit reacts

We haven’t had a figure skating post in awhile which is surprising since the you have to be overly dramatic to care.

Overall, a skater that went to the Olympics was stripped of her medal because she was found doping prior. Russian federal figure skating committee largely denounced it until it hit the point where they could no longer do so. New report comes out that’s effectively ‘yeah, it happened but don’t blame the skater’


I searched for all these. I don't think they've been posted so I'm putting them in one post to make it easier.

Minecraft developer at Mojang posts to the sub

So Long, and Thanks for All the Feedback

Technology: Mojang exits Reddit, says they '"no longer feel that Reddit is an appropriate place to post official content or refer [its] players to".

/r/Me_IRL goes into archive mode

me irl is in archive mode

Sardine thread

/r/NeutralPolitics & /r/NeutralNews jannies want to eventually find another platform, but ask users for feedback about what to do in the mean time.

/r/ThereWasAnAttempt started auto banning /r/JustUnsubbed users. There's dozens of posts about it on their sub right now. Example

Drama post 3 days ago about the ban message

The ban message is obviously intended to anger them, but they still take the bait.

JustUnsubbed janny posts a few hours ago saying they will not yield:

someone i know irl fell for the fake tip bait

surreal. shout out to who made this.

Party time

facts The absolute state of Pizzashill right now.
new lolcow detected? - u/Weird-Peak-7593

weird zoomer who posts in /r/redscarepod, /r/genz, /r/destiny and /r/gamingcirclejerk

They do, unfortunately lol. I'm 186cm tall (6ft1, I think) and I've only ever gotten a passing grade in terms of height. I've never been considered tall, because I'm not, I'm a few centimetres above average.

Dating apps rocked so hard for me, thousands of matches on tinder, like dozens of girls every day. I slept with so many girls after me and my ex broke up. It was like ordering pizza to the door, just ask if they want to come over and they would. Anyway I had to quit that or I would lose myself completely. Met my girlfriend 18 months ago and I haven't been on one since but that was an insane experience. My recommendation: be over 6ft and have have a strong jaw and high cheekbones with a full head of hair.

Antidote is being beautiful, my abdominal muscles dance when I get clothed in the morning. I tower over women, my luscious hair parts revealing my prominent cheekbones, sharp features and square jaw. The male form has vast potential for beauty, most people are sadly neglecting it.

Wammin are literally finding themselves in self defence situations constantly living in society, expecting rational thought when UNDER SIEGE is unreasonable.

I am definitely OVERLY PROMISCUOUS by that standard. But this has been the way I've been since before I was even sexually actively so, I didn't fall in love with the first girl I ever had s*x with when we had s*x, which is to say before I was sexually broken and unable to pair bond through s*x as I now am after many, many different women coming in and out of my life. I fell in love with her way before that, and it was a very specific moment I can recall clearly in my mind to this day and this has been my experience when falling in love. Never through the obscenity of s*x but through a simple moment in time like the way she would pull up her jacket when it was cold out or something gay like that.

I know, in theory I could technically never be able to tell the difference, but I have counted number of butthole contortions before so I think at least some must have been genuine

he also has a post where he claims he feels like he's becoming schizoprenic because he keeps seeing his ex in the same city

other bits of drama:

Some of you need to hear this
When I opened a Twitter link and DOGE popped up...

So. Fricking. Epic.

Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply
[Important] It's my cakeday! Please shower me with kindness and well wishes! 😊😊

This is my first cakeday and I am so happy about it. Here's to another awesome year on the gayest website on the entire net!

Would you rather keep yourself safe or live here? :doomer:

It’s Camden NJ.

It was weird cuz I got profoundly depressed driving through it. Never happened to me before. I lived in Baltimore for two years and it wasn’t that grim. I had more pictures but deleted them because they were so ugly srry 😞

Has anyone else been at a place like that? Like wow worst vibe ever I should get the frick out of here

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