
"Human development is possible only through science and engineering. Humanistic philosophy shows the way but solving problems and improving the quality of life is possible only through technology.

The journey from constant struggle for limited resources to continuous new value creation today has been possible only through science" - her tweet

!bharatiya !codecels take a look at her code. She should have learnt some more to simplify the code to use a loop otherwise she wouldn't have to print each letter one by one.


for i in var:

    print (i)

Lmao look at the hidden replies:

1st guy is asking her to clean her laptop frequently

2nd guy asking her to use loops

5th guy calls her code shit, says it can be done with 4 lines

:marseyjanny2: Moment

17 year old leddit account. Janny on 60+ subreddits :marseyjannyitsover:

He locked it, kitty

Gf was drunk yesterday and admitted I had the smallest peepee she's been with

!truecels it never ends

:marseymariachi: colonization has begun brothers :marseymarch:



"umm i might have been wrong but this says more about leftoids than me"

why are chuds this dumb?

Remember Dramatards, veganism :marseysalad: :marseysalad: :marseysalad: is the death of depth perception!!! :marseybinos:


Wow. Small world. I actually swiped right on you a few weeks ago. :soyjakwow:


Who you? :marseychingchongmutt:

I'm in school right now so I can be a contributing partner to my relationship/marriage. You are right, I won't bat an eye on people who are not stable financially at this age, because altho I'm not atm, I'm certain I will be once I finish my degree.

Chad onry

Noticer :marseynoooticer: :marseynooticeglow:

I've never had so much trouble diagnosing a profile.

First of all, I'm curious as to what you're asking for because theres no way you don't have lots of options. Is there something particular you're looking for?

My first deep impression is that these pics are spread out over a long time, like a decade. I then realized that small changes in styling, and prep resulted in what looked like large age changes. You might drop the oversized tshirt pic and make the one where your hair frames your pic your main one.

Lastly, and really importantly, you are going to have to realize that what you are looking for in these comments is not something you are likely going to find. I commend your school, but after 25, no one with self respect is going to date someone for 2 months and have them go off to school for 9. What am I supposed to do, just wait and hope you don't change your mind or get a job offer elsewhere? If you only want to date for marriage, it's probably best to do that post grad.

Were all photos taken recently (within the last 6 months)? The only reason why I ask is because there's a slight difference between body shape and hairstyles / colour. Some guys may wonder which version of yourself will show up if they ask you out.

>You're very cute and look healthy so your pictures are not a problem. Prompts show your personality and the things you like, which are things a ton of guys like. Really there aren't any issues with any of that.

These pics are not decades apart from each other, that I'm sure of!


It's an odd scenario to be in. If you are looking for a financially stable above average looking guy, similar age as you, then it's going to take a lot of luck without having very similar hobbies and not being super attractive. Now sure a lot of redditors will say you are super cute and they will swipe right but it's not hard to picture the quintessential redditors and I don't think they are your target pool. Like most women, you will get lots of likes and even if the guys are serious, most will quit after a certain time so it will really all come down to luck unless you are dating guys with poor options.

You can say pretty much the same thing to any female's profile review post in here, which makes your comment kind of rude and a downer. Idk what hurt you but I sincerely hope you will find peace within yourself. Take care. :marseychingchongmutt:

Also here the full texts in case she decides to delete it and we at /r/drama co are all about perseverance:

My updated profile. I got rid of 1 and added 2 new photos :

Edited: I have seen quite a few questions asking why I don't date/look for a relationship where I go to school/ that me leaving for school again is an issue, that my situation might be a problem for well-established men with a set lifestyle (which is one of my criteria).

To give you all a brief answer, the school I go to is in a rural area where there is very little diversity. I have tried dating men who are local there but most of them have little exposure to people outside of their culture. It's even harder when their mindsets are of a country one, whereas I'm more of a city/ suburban person.

Since I'm an undergrad, most of my classmates are 10 years younger than me, and I'm there for my study, so the thought of dating any of them is even more ludicrous. How about older students or grad students, you say? I want to date to get marriage. But I don't plan to live where I go to school. Therefore I don't see the point of dating someone and getting involved emotionally to finally break things off when I move back to my home state.

I feel more comfortable dating where I know I can build a family eventually. And it is in this home state where my parents are at, with a more diverse culture, a big Vietnamese community, and the people are less xenophobic. Especially with my current age, I don't want to wait for 2 more years to permanently move back here and start dating. I'll be too old by that time to have kids with the husband. So, I will take any chance I've got when I'm back home this time, to mindfully date and only date for marriage. I'm pretty set on this path, and if someone is just as serious, they will agree with my thinking and try to make things work for both of us. End of the edit.

Idk why I bothered covering my location, you can clearly see it from my post history lol. Anyways, after taking a break from Reddit to refocus on myself and my mental health, I'm finally at a better place in terms of health and mindset. Seeing that I'm leaving this godforsaken college town to go back home for summer in a few days, I'm ready to meet new people and build some connections along the way. Therefore I need your honest opinions on what impression my profile gives off. What can I do to improve it? Should I change anything?

There is a prompt about the biggest risk you've taken and I wrote: leaving the comfort of home to study for my bachelor's out of state at the age of 30. I have plan to move back home after my graduation, and I'm only home now for summer. I forgot to take a screenshot of it. The prompt is to let the local guys know I'll be back once I'm done with my education, so anyone who's got a long term plan won't feel too deterred that I'll be leaving in 2 months.

I'm very excited about my dating prospect this time! Probably because I've been loving myself more, treating myself with care, patience and compassion. It's true you really need to love yourself before anyone can love you. I have more than enough love for myself now, it's time to share the love with others (or just one more person xD)

Reported by:

Hello, I too am fat and black. When I was 18 and 140 pounds LIGHTER, my mom told me no one would want me because I'm fat. I'm now 28 and weigh 359 pounds as of this morning. I'm in a healthy relationship, have a good career, and just got my MBA.

Wow she grew up by over 2 in 10 years. MBA is also a degree for rich kids. For curiosity checked her profile for healthy relationship:

So I assume it's healthy relationship with her illness

Mandatory tramp bad comment:

My favorite trope is that women are too emotional to be good leaders. Have you seen some of the men in charge? Trump has the emotional regulation of a toddler on meth and people think he'd make a good leader. Elon Musk got on stage and told his customers to go frick themselves because they hurt his fee-fees. These men are absolutely unhinged.

I want to underline your point about loving all of yourself. It is so, so important.

When I was in middle school I was put on a medication that made me eat endlessly. My hunger was utterly insatiable. I would never feel full even when my stomach felt like it was bursting at the seams. I had stopped looking at the scale when I hit 300 lbs. I don't know where my weight peaked. I didn't want to know at that point.

Almost 15 years later I'm still trying to work the last bit of it off. I fluctuate around 220 lbs. I'm still learning about my emotional eating habits. And I would resent the way I looked. Which made me feel worse, which only led to more eating.

Around 80% black women are obese, something must not be right.

Have you read Sonya Renee Taylor's "The Body is Not an Apology"? She's a Black woman in a larger body and I think she is smart and wise and sexy beyond measure. Also, Roxanne Gay's work, but mostly "Hunger." There aren't enough voices coming from Black women who self-identify as fat, but I do think the numbers are growing.

Sexy beyond measure

>There aren't enough voices coming from Black women who self-identify as fat, but I do think the numbers are growing.

Last part she ain't wrong tho

Speaking as a white woman, I agree. I used to do some rave-wear "influencing" and a specific company would have only one plus size model/rep, which often was also their only black model/rep as well. I love that they were giving black women a platform, but I'd wager you do not appreciate being the token "fat" and "black" every time.

Such perfect sucker punch :marseychefkiss:

It is ok to live your life like you are the main character. I'm a black women, my body is small not large but I also find myself on the margins and feeling invisible because I'm not a standard issue black women (I'm mixed, im dorky as heck, i talk weird, I'm massively over educated, my hobbies and interests are strange for any race) I dont belong anywhere and I don't see myself anywhere (except for on billboard ads of companies that are trying to not have just white people in their ads anymore but still want to appeal mainly to white people so they use a light skinned 3B curly haired agreeable bendable young black woman, its so identical and ubiquitous its hard not to notice)

Oooh I suffer being the perfect black role model while not being fat :marseyattentionseeker: I am so invisible just similar looking girls like me are on billboards, have I mentioned I am smell not fat, I don't belong anywhere I am not like you fat black ghetto trash I am not like other black girls.

I love how you can always find on XXhomoshrome comment like those

Please be kind to yourself with the thought of “I could lose weight…”. That should be irrelevant to the fact you are being mistreated.

You shouldn't have to lose weight to gain respect.

I mean if she can go to 800lbs I'll be impressed

I completely understand. I spent almost all of my life punishing my body for my perceived life's failures and forcing it to carry my emotional pain.

It sucks that society can't see past our flesh prisons, but I understand people use appearance to categorize others and make determinations from there.

My only advice is to focus on those who see you for who you actually are and disregard the others. We are on this planet for a limited time, we can't allow others to dictate our identity. Our opinion of ourselves matters more than anyone else's. Choose who you want to be, be them, and love them.

I mean they are pooping on they body while ignoring its the user of that body who maintained that body to become a pile of fat than they get angry that the user of that body is looked down because that user can't keep that body in shape


Eh it's been long without sucker punches eh :marseyderp:

As a former fat white woman, it was not easy either. And I was not sexualized at all. I was called Shamu, I was constantly heckled by men, saying disgusting things, guessing my weight, or making fun of me. I have gone on a great journey and lost 250 pounds over 10 years ago. And my favorite thing is just disappearing in a crowd now, not being noticed, not being looked at, and just being able to live without the fear of some butthole injecting their opinion about me on me.


Serious question to help me understand something:

Can you please give me a bit of insight into your last sentence? I don't know about situations where losing weight (from a high starting point) is a medical risk.

(Of course I'm not asking about private specifics, so if it is hard to give me an answer I understand)

Losing weight for me isn't a medical risk, just not a big priority right now. I added it in there, cause people always like to say “well you can change your weight” or “you don't have to be fat” and I didn't want to hear it.

B-word fat, doesn't want to change and lose weight, want to change the world and force accepting her fat butt :gigachadqueen:

Capy destroys :marseytedsimp: with facts and logic :capygun:

It started here

Shots fricking fired




Apparently the doctor is a homosexual black man now and the shows big villain is a campy drag queen?

This tweet makes it seem like chuds are big mad about this but none of my algo's chud culture warrior people even talk about Doctor Who anymore. I can't imagine there's anyone left to really get angry….


T-Mobile, Verizon, and AT&T will pay a combined $10.2 million in a settlement with US states that alleged the carriers falsely advertised wireless plans as "unlimited" and phones as "free." The deal was announced yesterday by New York Attorney General Letitia James.

"A multistate investigation found that the companies made false claims in advertisements in New York and across the nation, including misrepresentations about 'unlimited' data plans that were in fact limited and had reduced quality and speed after a certain limit was reached by the user," the announcement said.

T-Mobile and Verizon agreed to pay $4.1 million each while AT&T agreed to pay a little over $2 million. The settlement includes AT&T subsidiary Cricket Wireless and Verizon subsidiary TracFone.

The settlement involves 49 of the 50 US states (Florida did not participate) and the District of Columbia. The states' investigation found that the three major carriers "made several misleading claims in their advertising, including misrepresenting 'unlimited' data plans that were actually limited, offering 'free' phones that came at a cost, and making false promises about switching to different wireless carrier plans.

Wew lad :marseysweating: That's over $200k per state! It can even be used to cover lawyers fees and discovery costs in a case that took 9 years in court. Yuge government win here, folks!

The three carriers agreed that all advertisements to consumers must be "truthful, accurate and non-misleading." They also agreed to the following changes, the NY attorney general's office said:

  • "Unlimited" mobile data plans can only be marketed if there are no limits on the quantity of data allowed during a billing cycle.

  • Offers to pay for consumers to switch to a different wireless carrier must clearly disclose how much a consumer will be paid, how consumers will be paid, when consumers can expect payment, and any additional requirements consumers have to meet to get paid.

  • Offers of "free" wireless devices or services must clearly state everything a consumer must do to receive the "free" devices or services.

  • Offers to lease wireless devices must clearly state that the consumer will be entering into a lease agreement.

  • All "savings" claims must have a reasonable basis. If a wireless carrier claims that consumers will save using its services compared to another wireless carrier, the claim must be based on similar goods or services or differences must be clearly explained to the consumer.

I bet that will learn them!

Reported by:
  • The10thMan : "Do as I say, not as I do" -- every authority figure ever
  • JohnnyBOO : Mega simp cope ^^
Shocking :marseyspit: twist of events, newly crowned janny :marseycomplain: the 10th man already tries to groom :marseyaaatranslaser: someone to groomercord :marseyrule4:


!metashit !dramatards

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