
66.6k followers... What did Satan mean by this?



hi. posting this because a lot of people are questioning me for posting the loli god requiem video after i, admittedly, did attack a creator for liking that kind of stuff 2 years ago.

when i first started vtubing, i did not understand the culture in the slightest. i was mostly a cringe stan twitter user. so, coming into vtubing and anime culture, someone who had zero clue as to what anything was, i didn't understand anything and when i saw loli stuff i immediately assumed it was p-do shit.

(keep this part in mind as you're reading the rest. when i first started streaming, i had a bigger content creator convince me that drama = content so i should “farm that shit”)

so, me, still slowly coming out my woke stan twitter phase and entering the vtubing phase, i saw what a bunch of people were posting about a streamer on twitter and i immediately jumped the hate bandwagon because i wanted to take my friend's advice .. which lead me to call out the girl LIVE on MY stream where her name had NO business being there.

looking back at it, i wasn't even trying to criticize. i was just straight up bullying her and trying to de-platform her when i didn't even know who she truly is as a person. we have so many mutual friends in common and any time her name was brought up in idle chit chat, i started feeling really bad. because everyone had said nothing but nice things about her. and it became more clear and clear to me that she didn't deserve that.

as for apologizing to her, ive reached to a mutual friend of ours back in february (because her dms are closed) in attempt to send my apology to her. said friend told me that she wasn't answering dms because it was clear she was going through something at the time.

after i started gaining experience in streaming over the year, ive learned so many things. you'd actually have to be mentally inept to do what i did over a year ago. it's just rude, unnecessary, and disrespectful. i know that now.

and if somehow this message gets to you, i am very sorry for what i did. i didn't know you and yet i attacked you without even educating myself with who you truly are. my behavior was unacceptable. i will continue to learn how to be a better person. side note, i hope u feel better with what ur dealing with atm. it sounds rough, so pls take all the time u need to heal. u have so many people who love and appreciate u that will be waiting for u with open arms.

and sorry to those who i upset with my previous post. as i've delved deeper into the world of vtubing, i've gained a better understanding of anime culture. i've come to understand that characters with youthful appearances are common across media forms. i've come to appreciate their innocence without any negative implications. ive pretty much adopted an entirely new outlook on this subject.

in conclusion, not the same person who i was two years ago. i hate her too. i hope u can give present me a chance. if not, that's okay too. have nice day.

IDK who this person is, I just know now that the V tuber community strongly stands with Drake!

r/Anime's beginner recommendations

lol I think the only one that isn't hot shit is Sci-fi

why was this a show

He's not coming back. The author literally hates him.


Selen from Nijisanji

I will not be silenced anymore. On Dec, I was hospitalized for an attempt that was caused by a built up of bullying from within&being in a toxic&poor environment for numerous months that led to my breaking point. I requested to leave first but on more neutral terms on 26th Jan.

I honestly don't think nijisanji is going to get away unscathed from this

I am still me, every memory and achievement I've earned is still me. They cannot take that away. Please let everyone know that this is where I am now, I hope you all find me again and we can laugh together again.

Nihonjin bros :marseyseppuku: .... :marseyitsover:

!anime !kino !fellas

I like this bunny

only interesting part of BNHA after like the first season or 2


I don't know anything about anime so can't really make fun of this so you must browse for yourself.

Folk think its fake but here is the whole trial vid:

They hate seeing sturdy kings:

Weekly Anime Post 104

I watched a few episodes of Boondocks my neighbors. But nothing much else my neighbors.

@A pin pls


Weekly Anime Post 60

This week I started watching Pop Team Epic, but I couldnt bear more than 10 minutes of it. I also watched the first two episodes of Miss Shachikus baby ghosts and it was pretty cringe, not sure if I will keep watching.

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  • Yall : libertarianism
Weekly Anime Post 56

I really dont have much to say since I didnt watch anything this week.

Lloyd is back, can't watch till lunch 2 hours from now. No spoilers plz.
An all-time classic
:marseycuckfiction: :marseylaugh:

@BWC you should review this.

weebs vs furries

:marseyyikes: :marseyyikes:

!anime the Nips are cuckposting again :marseydisagree:

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Weekly Anime Post 143

Finished Takagi-san, I liked it a lot and it got a proper ending. Its a very chill show, the setting in the small town is also kinda relaxing, and it doesnt have any drama for the sake of drama. Also the side characters are good. I think there is a spinoff manga where they are adults, Id watch that too if they ever adapted it.

After that I didnt really know what to watch, I started rewatching 'The World God Only Knows' which I watched properly a few years back, but it didnt really fit the mood, I also started 'My Clueless First Friend', but I dont think Ill keep watching, seems a bit too childish.

Then I started 'Kubo-san wa Mob wo Yurusanai', I only watched the first episode and am not sure if Ill keep watching. The concept of the show is that the male lead is a 'background character' in life and mostly invisible to his peers, which doesnt sound too bad, but for some reason the show takes this literally at times, like the dude is literally invisible to people standing in front of him. I dont know if I can bear to watch the whole show if they keep that dumb shit up.

I honestly dont get why the japs are so in love with stupid gimmick shows in the last few years, it feels like every second romance/romcom show has a character with a stupid gimmick, and the gimmick is always tired out after three episodes but they keep going with it for the whole show.

Anyway, after that I decided to give 'Kaguya-sama: Love Is War' another try after not liking it back when the first season came out. I was surprised that I liked it. I dont even remember what exactly put me off the first time I tried it, but I think it was mostly the narrator dude being annoying. And he still is annoying, but not that bad. The show is pretty good, though it also has the aforementioned gimmick problem, albeit to a much lesser degree. It is also enhanced by its side characters, and has a satisfying ending, even though I think the movie was a bit overdramatic out of nowhere. I have seen people online talk about a potential fourth season, but I think it is fine how it ended. Maybe another season where it focuses more on current side characters (eg Ishigami) would be nice, where it would sideline Shinomiya and Shirogane a bit, but if nothing else comes it would be fine too.

Unfortunately, now that Ive finished kaguya, I have again reached a point where I dont really know what to watch :marseydepressed:


@Aevann pin pls

This Is Cirno
How deep is your anime?
Bad Apple!! But it's played on a cat

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Bad Apple!! played in Excel but its High Quality - YouTube
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