
My mom said I would burn in heck if I don't accept Jesus as my savior

I have a right to be mad about her saying that to me right?

I was in the car with her( I forgot what brought it up), and she said he will come down and save us one day. She knows I have never chose to believe in it ( I have stayed respectful to her and the rest of my family), despite sending me to a Cristian private school my entire life. I rolled my eyes after she said that, and she responded with “fine if you choose not to Acept him as your lord and savior then you will just burn in heck.

The thing that hurts the most is that she honestly doesn't see anything wrong with that. I rightfully got mad and asked her if she just told me to burn in heck? And she goes on defense and says I'm twisting her words.

There is nothing to twist, she told me either I choose to not believe or I will burn in heck/ that plain and simple

She follows up with saying if I get so offended by it that must mean I do believe… I get offended because my own mom just told me to burn in heck

I just need an opinion on how to evaluate this

Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. - Acts 2:38

Your mom is showing how bad religion has manipulated people. She is willing to turn her back on her child because other people told her “it's the right way”. So sad.

imagine caring about your son's salvation

I can't stand it when people do that! I am a Christian and I do believe in God/Jesus. However, I understand that God doesn't want us to love Him solely because we're afraid of going to heck. He wants it to be our choice and He doesn't want that choice to be forced. He doesn't want to be shoved down anyone's throats. It's one thing to teach someone about God, but to try to force them to believe will just continue to push them further away from him or have them believing out of fear and that's not a good thing.

this is how reddit "christians" think

Except there isn't a heck. So, it's not too messed up tbh. Churches are strange with their little storybooks.

i am euphoric.

Your mom is in a cult.

There is no hate like christian 'love'. They insist that everyone must secretly believe what they believe because they just can't fathom that anyone doesn't. They don't understand how people can be good people without the fear of burning in hellfire if they don't - because being kept on a leash with threats is the only thing stopping them from being WORSE people, and they think that they must be wonderful and great and perfect so if THEY want to do those bad things, everyone else must, right? They don't understand that most of us genuinely don't want to hurt others and do bad things, and we don't need the threat of being burned forever to be decent people.

Just ignore her and plan for when you can get out and go LC with her. Once you're out, anytime she starts bringing up religion? Hang up, get in your car and go home, leave. Make it clear that you won't tolerate her crap.

She's been brainwashed and there's not much you can do about that. All you can do is alter how you personally interact with her - which, in the case of cultists, usually means interacting with them less or not at all.

anyone with different beliefs than me is brainwashed



A lot of talk about politics but not a single mention of faith, which is a bit weird coming from a spiritual leader in my opinion.

A bit too neolib-y for my taste, while I don't disagree with the overall message, personally I am wary of introducing means to police and guide businesses for social goals as introducing such measures in the first place opens them for corruption and abuse, allowing the people in power to guide these entities against common social interests just as well. A situation like that would be even more damaging than businesses not being socially involved in the first place, and in my humble opinion is what we're seeing now to an extent.

Stop watching porn – Pope :nono:

Sexual pleasure "is a gift from God" which is being "undermined by pornography," Pope Francis told an audience at the Vatican on Wednesday. The pontiff's address came after it emerged that his head of doctrine penned a sexually explicit book in the 1990s.

"Winning the battle against lust, against the 'objectification' of the other, can be a lifelong endeavor," Pope Francis declared, before denouncing pornography as a manifestation of "the demon of lust."

The search for sexual pleasure outside of a loving relationship "can generate forms of addiction" and "turns into a chain that deprives human beings of freedom," the pontiff continued. He called on Catholics to reject "satisfaction without relationship" and practice "pure love in the giving of oneself to the other."

Nothing about Pope Francis' speech broke with the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which states that anyone involved in producing or watching porn commits a "grave offense." Pornography "offends against chastity because it perverts the conjugal act, the intimate giving of spouses to each other," the doctrinal church document explains.

The pontiff may have chosen to focus his speech on the topic in light of a recent controversy, in which his newly promoted chief of doctrine, Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez, was condemned by conservative Catholics for a book he wrote in 1998 on spirituality and sensuality.

Now out of print, the book featured graphic descriptions of the female orgasm that conservatives argue should have been beyond the knowledge of a supposedly celibate priest, as the cardinal was at the time of its publication.

Fernandez touched on porn in the book, remarking that women could be just as "aroused by hardcore pornography" as men, according to the Catholic News Agency.

The pontiff has broken with Catholic tradition on several occasions in recent years, offering statements of support for LGBTQ activists in 2021 and 2022, and updating Church doctrine in December to allow priests to bless same-s*x couples in some circumstances. Cardinal Fernandez wrote the doctrinal text explaining this change.

Despite liberalizing some elements of Catholic doctrine, Pope Francis has continued to rail against pornography, even within the ranks of the clergy.

Erotica is a vice that has affected "so many people, so many lay people, so many lay women and also priests and nuns," he said in an address to seminarians in 2022. The pontiff called on priests to delete pornographic apps and websites from their phones, warning that "it is something that weakens the soul."

"The devil enters from there," he continued. "He weakens the priestly heart."

Pope Francis' Instagram page, which is managed by the Holy See's media team, made headlines in 2020 after 'liking' a racy photo of bikini model Natalia Garibotto. The papal office launched an internal investigation into the incident, the Catholic News Agency reported at the time.

Absolutely can't wait for that Christian revival bros.

Fastmaxxing :marseyanorexia:

Have any of you skellies and fat fricks fasted for religious reasons? How long did you go for and with what schedule/restrictions? What was your experience?


Merry Three Kings Day! :marseychristmasparty:

Real !christmaschads celebrate all 12 days of Christmas

(Orthodox Christmas is tomorrow so we get to start again :marseychristmasgift: )


:marseyoptimusprime: Autobots fight for Christ.

:marseystonetoss: Jesus?

Redditors in the thread are joyless dry c*nts, but prots are unwell.

We made it on Upon Friar Review
A tale as old as time
:marseyjesus: :marseymothermary: :marseyfatherjoseph: :marseysaint: :marseyembrace: :!marseyluthercringe:
Christchads stay winning
:gay: :marseydicklet: :marseyxd:

:marseyprideflag: :marseyprideflag: :marseyprideflag: :marseyprideflag: :marseyprideflag: :marseyprideflag: :marseyprideflag: :marseyprideflag: :marseyprideflag: :marseyprideflag: :marseyprideflag: :marseyprideflag: :marseyprideflag: :marseyprideflag: :marseyprideflag: :marseyprideflag:

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