shilling writing cringe or based?

I always see people on plebbit shilling their books on different writing subs for their stuff on personal sites / amazon / royal road. Even on non writing subs and people eat it up.

idk I'd feel cringe and weird shilling that but is that just me? Is it normal to accept it and do it as well? Is it autism??? (yes)

Is William Butler Yeats our Poet Laureate?

>Hates journoids (assuming he agrees with the man in the golden breastplate, Denadhach)

>Hates bongs (see: literally anywhere)

>Talked a lot of shit in his 73 years, but was patently too much of a kitty to ever do anything but make rhymy words, and everyone knew it

>Kissless incel for most of his life because he suffered crippling oneitis (Maud Gonne was more into patriotic chads who needlessly killed themselves for paltry Ireland)

>Schizophrenic mystic: 95% of his poems blather esoteric nonsense about perning gyres and fairies and incarnate spirits. Remaining 5% is historical cuck fiction (honestly, if a poem makes sense, then it's probably about whores having s*x while he sits in the cuck box)

>Lifelong coomer who was only spurred on to continue writing or living so as to look at young girls

Too mystic for the IRA-types he postured as, too learnèd for the bumkins he would imitate, too effete to score, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature because someone from Ireland needed to win it, and his Prius was laden with the most pro-Ireland bumper stickers.

Lacking the lyricism or earthiness of Robert Burns, the erudition or cats of Eliot, the humor or bussy of Wilde, or even actual voice or coherence of Lady Gregory, Yeats makes up for this all by just sorta being a weird loser geek talking gibberish nobody cares about.

Truly, he is a man for all seasons. He is literally me.



Saddened that @neoconshill didn't make a post about this. !bookworms if this were a fair world, we would read City of Glass in the book club in rememberance for him but :marseyitsover:

Has anyone else done this when writing foid characters?

I was writing dialogue for a very histrionic femcel adjacent character when it occurred to me that maybe I was misrepresenting what a character like that would sound like, because at the end of the day, it's moid hands typing what they think a foid like that would say. If only there was a way to clock gender just by text.

Then I remembered

Would it be stupid to paste my dialogue and see if the website thinks a woman typed it?

So according to the website, whatever I vomited can pass as dialogue an actual woman might type.

Thanks to the peeps who share the results of that site analyzing content from /r/actuallesbians and stuff for giving me the idea. But I'm not sure if this is a good writing process. Would you use this to see if the foid you're writing actually sounds like a foid?

I'm re reading "Sheldon Cooper Goes to Hogwarts" for the 5th time

Don't ask what has lead me to this point but it's been many years since I read it last :marseydespair: I used to reread it due to updates, to refresh my memory of the plot.

I wrote like 10 cringe paragraphs of why I connect so deeply with HPMOR but realized no one is reading all that, and if you did, I probably wouldn't want you to anyway :marseyannoyed:

I wasn't allowed to read Harry Potter at 14 (or any other age) so I read HPMOR instead, I sneaked it onto my ereader lol :marseyxd: :marseycry: :marseyveryworried:

I was an obnoxious hyperlexic nerd child. I haven't read Harry Potter to this day. I tried (when I first went to college), but it just wasn't the same. It felt like a weird fanfiction :marseysad:

The first part was really funny, but I'm finding HPMOR much more depressing than the first time I read it. Is it because too many of the characters are too flat, manipulative, and mean? or because I know how things end up? :marseyworried:

So anyway, I need recommendations on something else to read :marseyhmmm:

but no smug "I hecking love Science" stuff because it's usually not good :marseysad:

Thats not how it works you fricking imbecile :marseyraging:

Completely the opposite of what descartes meant

Books that made you cry?

For me it was this one


Tired of dwelling on the past? Our advisors are here to guide you forward. Instead of fixating on the question, 'Does my ex still love me?' we focus on empowering you to discover your soulmate, life partner, or twin flame. Our intuitive readings offer insights and guidance to lead you towards a fulfilling, lasting connection. Don't linger in the past—embrace the future with Soul Sync Psychics and manifest the love you deserve.

Reported by:

Thanks everyone for your patience! I have sacrificed my place amongst my fellow entrants to judge and along with assistance fellow volunteer judges @HeyMoon and @Ninjjer, we have finally finished what the fish could not and we're pleased to announce the winners of the rDrama Fanfiction Contest!


1st place $15000mb - @Pibbles - Bardy's House of Horrors

2nd place $10000mb - @JoyceCarolOates - Garry's Anatomy

3rd place $5000mb - @SexyFartMan69 - C.A.R.P.

Honorable mentions $2000mb:

+ Funniest - @911roofer - 911ROOFER'S SUBMISSION

+ Most Erotic - @StarSix - A night with Marsey

+ Most Violent - @sealkey_kong - The Black Swan of Garland

+ Best Writing - @Lappland - Lappland's Submission

+ Best Unfinished - @Bruhfunny_Thrall - The Tyranny of King Antichud

+ Best Audio Version - @DWHITE___________DYNAMITE - Dwhite Dynamite's Submission

Thank you to everyone who participated! It was a pain in the butt to track down all the entries outside of the main thread so if I somehow missed yours and you failed to get a badge, DM me!



To discuss your weekly readings of books, textbooks and papers.


I ordered Yukio Mishima's “the sailor who fell from grace with the sea”, it arrived today :marseyseppuku#: :marseyjapanese#:

What books are you currently reading (copied from another website I post on)

So I bought a couple of books for my birthday, which is upcoming and I'm wondering if anyone is currently reading anything of interest? I am currently reading "The Bohemian Grove fact and fiction" by Mark Dice Books I'll read after this (5 titles): "Blackshirts and reds" by Michael Parenti (second book I bought for my b-day) "Women's car DIY" by Caroline Lake "When the Irish Invaded Canada" by Christopher Klein "A Cruel and Shocking Act the secret history of the Kennedy Assassination" by Phillip Shenon "Auto repair for dummies" by Deanna Sclar

I'm almost finished with "Blackshirts and reds", and I have finished "The Bohemian Grove fact and fiction" a few weeks back. I think those were good birthday gifts I bought for myself.


good vibeo

House of Leaves - a review :marseyreading:

Horror is probably my favorite genre of literature. I'd say more than half of the books I read and have read are horror. After seeing a few reviews and recommendations on the House of Leaves I was very intrigued.

House of Leaves is a very challenging read. The story follows the main character Johnny Truant who finds an incomplete manuscript written by a recently deceased man named Zampano. The manuscript is a documentary of a photojourn*list by the name of Will Navidson and his wife Karen who have purchased a house which they soon find is larger on the inside than the outside.

House of Leaves has footnotes. It has footnotes of footnotes and appendixes of footnotes and footnotes with appendixes. It has footnotes from both Zampano and Johnny Truant.

Its writing style is difficult to follow, often makes you turn the book upside down or on its side, and is overall kind of fricking boring. Don't get me wrong, it's a cool book. The concept is incredible and such a unique experience. Unfortunately, so often throughout this book, I found myself wishing it would stay on track and continue the main story of the Navidson Record (the storyline I found most interesting)

More than half of this book is about Johnny Truant slowly losing his mind as he compiles Zampanos manuscript, Truant's heavy drug abuse and s*x addiction, and chapters long mind numbingly boring descriptions of the meaning and origin of words by Zampano.

With that said, would I recommend a new reader altogether skip Johnny Truants storyline? I can't say that I would. It does round out the novel and serve a deeper meaning. Understanding Truants state of mind while he is compiling House of Leaves is essential to understanding the house in itself.

Overall I'd give the book an 8/10. I finished in a week and even with its boring parts I could not put it down. I would recommend anyone who enjoys literature read this book. This book is more of an experience than a story. Its ability to drag you in and immerse you is truly unmatched.

But the standards :marseyrowling:
Library book sale haul for 16$ :platyrich: :marseyreading2: :marseychristchanreading:

!bookworms Also bought some books on ebay to fill gaps that werent there


The fricking ketamine must be working :marseylifting: bc I'm reading :marseymoreyouknow: for pleasure again :marseywholesome:

It's basically about this one cave which is the fricking origin of Ebola and Marburg (basically b-word :marseychonkerbutch: butt Ebola).

It talks about trying to find the fricking source :marseymissing2: of the fricking diseases, what they do to the fricking body, the fricking terrifying spread :marseymisinformation: and trying to figure :marseypop: out what the fricking heck was fricking going :marseysalmaid: on in Africa :marseyblackpanther: basically.

I read half the fricking book yesterday and will probably finish it today. It's an easy read/brain candy. Highly recommend if you want to get absorbed into a fricking book since Netflix is fricking shit these days.

Weekly “what are you reading” Thread #47 :marseyreading:

To discuss your weekly readings of books, textbooks and papers.


Weekly “what are you reading” Thread #46 :marseyreading:

To discuss your weekly readings of books, textbooks and papers. !bookworms

Good book (4 out of 5) about Good Riddances
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