
@MoonMetropolis :marseywave2:


Joshua Ryne Goldberg (born May 14, 1995) is an American internet troll,[1] convicted of attempting a bombing on the 14th anniversary of the September 11 attacks[2] while posing as an Islamic terrorist affiliated with ISIS.[3][4][5]

Goldberg had many online identities and spent virtually all of his time on the internet.[7] In addition to promoting terrorism, he made thousands of troll posts advocating for liberal feminism, neo-Nazism, and other ideologies.


Credit to @Patsy for xeeting him


In case you all were wondering, /r/drama's description of me as looking like "Post Malone if the amount of weed consumed was estrogen" no longer stands. I now bear zero resemblance to any of the pictures that exist of me. In prison, I shaved my head bald and started working out.


!oldstrags !dramatards

Shibbolethmaxxers, I regret to inform you that Wapocels have been argotpilled

The internet has transformed how Gen Z communicates. Our language is built on memes and a collective sense of wry existentialism, with our humor often turning dark or potentially dangerous, as it has when borrowing from the online community of men called “involuntary celibates.”

Incels (as they're known) are infamous for sharing misogynistic attitudes and bitter hostility toward the romantically successful. Their ideology has even turned deadly: The 2014 Isla Vista and 2018 Toronto incel terrorist attacks killed a collective 17 people and injured another 29. Yet, somehow, incels' hateful rhetoric has bizarrely become popularized via Gen Z slang.

In certain circles, for instance, it's common to hear the suffix “pilled” as a funny way to say “convinced into a lifestyle.” Instead of “I now love eating burritos,” for instance, one might say, “I'm so burritopilled.” “Pilled” as a suffix comes from a scene in 1999's “The Matrix” where Neo (Keanu Reeves) had to choose between the red pill and the blue pill, to experiencing only that illusion., but the modern sense is formed through analogy with “blackpilled,” an online slang term meaning “accepting incel ideology.” Similarly, the popular suffix “maxxing” for “maximizing” (e.g., “I'm burritomaxxing” instead of “I'm eating a lot of burritos”) is drawn from the incel idea of “looksmaxxing,” or “maximizing attractiveness” through surgical or cosmetic techniques.

Then there's the word “cucked” for “weakened” or “emasculated.” If the taqueria is out of burritos, you might be “tacocucked,” drawing on the incel idea of being sexually emasculated by more attractive “chads.” And, finally, we have the word “sigma” for “assertive male,” which comes from an incel's desired position outside the social hierarchy.

So how did we get here? How did these words travel from a fringe, misanthropic internet subculture to relatively widespread use?

you are all uneducated cretin and shouldn't have a right to vote






it scares me that people like you can vote. based on the fact that you so confidently espouse materially false information, i say we should require a 36 on the ACT or similar standardized test in order to vote. it would filter the lot of you out, and i would rest easy knowing that the opinion of cretins doesn't matter.

Im hearing :marseyhearnoevil: rumors that there :marseycheerup: are going :marseysal2: to be even bigger clashes at UCLA this weekend

It's going :marseysal2: to be Battle :marseypunching: of Berkeley 2.0 - now with more bananas!


Got a thing where I'd have to relocate for rto nonsense at my current job in a couple months (85k for frontend software dev at a big consulting place) and I've got a couple years of experience from this job now so I'm evaluating my options.

How fricked is the market? I saw a lot of doom and gloom on /g/ and reddit when I was poking around but I haven't heard back yet from any of the apps I sent out last week to start getting my own read on things except the expected "frick off r-slur" responses from STRAGMAN .

How important are stats and numbers about my work in the resume? I see it emphasized on the SEO optimized spam resume advice sites. Not sure how seriously I should take this.

How important are side projects? They were half my resume coming out of college because I had frick all for experience but I don't have anything I'd feel comfortable showing off to someone right now.

looking for a post from yesterday picture of a sperg in like an airport with a funny tshirt / offensive

looking for a post from yesterday picture of a sperg in like an airport with a funny tshirt / offensive

United Methodists repeal longstanding ban on LGBTQ clergy
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