
I have played and beaten every 3d Zelda game (minus SS but I plan to get to it at some point) except for Tear of the Kingdom.

I have even done randomizer of most of them, so I'm very familiar with what make a Zelda game good.

I don't like Botw and Totk, and not for the reasons most people list. I think the weapon system and them breaking was really fun, the new artstyle is good, and while the controls are not great, they aren't a deal dealbreaker for me.

The reason I don't like modern Zelda is simply because they are too long. Sure, I can just do the main story and have a okayish 30-40 hour experience, but that is not what I play Zelda games for.

Other 3d Zelda games are perfect because they give you a satisfying 20-40 hour adventure, where the side stuff is fun distractions to do when you get bored of the main story, and not 95% of the fricking game.

Botw was a fun and innovative experiment with the Zelda formula, and while I'm not a huge fan of it, I can respect it for how ambitious, and how it made the world seem massive, even if in turn it felt less handcraft and interesting.

Then Totk tries to give you twice the amount of content to explore, but the same amount of NPCs and towns, and suddenly the once fun, detailed and lived in worlds of 3d Zelda games turns into mostly barren environments with the occasional bokoblin you can beat up for a slightly ok spear.

That my :marseyretard2: on why I don't like modern 3d Zelda, feel free to agrue with me in the comments.

New toss
EXPLAIN MISIA TO ME RIGHT :marseyhesfluffyyouknow: FRICKING :marseytom: NOW :marseytrollgun:

I don't get the injoke and it's making me sad :marseyretard2:

Aevann IRL

Aevann irl


Changelog: Did this

LSF thread here

Not something you see everyday (outside of mexico, that is)

tru facts :marseyshapiro:
"Quentin Tarantino on Clint Eastwood's Dirty Harry", redditors debate if it's a fascist movie

good video by Quentin

Also lots of political allusions to [current things]. Everyone called Dirty Harry a fascist movie. Lots of annoying dirty hippies. A big societal reaction against weak DAs and crime

Reported by:
Orange man is the new mlk

:marseyheavymetal:It's hiding in the dark :marseywindmill:

The west truly fell with this one

!germs how will Mannheim recover (it wont)

Can I ask you a question? :marseyburger:

Is the downright r-slurred phrase "Can I ask you a question" rather than just asking your question a !burgers moment?

I have never seen fellow !britbongs do this , asking permission to ask a question is a complete waste of everyone's time.

Reported by:
  • johnnypoop : If you give them false info at the ER they can't ever charge you
You are no longer required to pay your medical bills


A few thoughts on “Confessions of a Mask” :marseyseppuku: :marseyhomofascist:

I finished “Confessions of a Mask” yesterday, BUNCH OF SPOILERS AHEAD.

I found this book to be much better than “The Sailor who fell from Grace with the Sea”, the beginning was kind of weird with Mishima describing his fetishes like masturbating to a St Sebastian painting

This one to be more specific, and I giggled when he had an erection at school after seeing his older classmate show his hairy armpits during a physical education class while describing the pits as “black bushes” with fascination :marseybooba:, not to mention his suicide fetishes.

Then by halfway the book became increasingly sad.

This an honest confession written by a man tormented by his homosexuality, he desperately tries to blend in and fails, at some point he holds on the idea of war and dying in battle or during an air raid, he even says he wishes his entire family would die as well trying to act as emotionally robotic as possible. Then we see that's just a coping mechanism as he cries after his sister dies and cries again after realizing his mates mocked him for not having being able to have s*x with a prostitute. You can also tell he wishes he was in love with Sonoko and kind of regrets not having married her, at the same time he knows it wouldn't have worked, or at least he wishes he was “normal” enough to be sexually attracted to her.

All in all this is a well written book and I wonder what sort of reaction it caused on mid 20th century readers.


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