Peakpoor :marseywagie: take too braindead :marseybrainlet: even for Redditors :marseysnoo:

I was 16 (she black) when I got a job as a telemarketer org my mother worked for. I had no idea we were scamming folx. I legitimately thought the money we were trying to raise was going to help the police and firefighters help children. When people were rude, it left me in tears. I was able to quit when I was 17, but still didn't realize until 18 YEARS later the depth of the scam there. Apparently it was a country wide thing.

I say that to say, you don't know the person on the other side of the phone. You don't know what desperate act has them calling you. So, hang up. Tell them to put you on their "Do not call" list (we had one). Just say, "No, thank you." And end the call. Any of these are better than being unnecessarily rude.

:peperun: that's some good motivation to frick with phone scammers

Yesterday a phone scammer called me from forgstan or afriqe told she doesn't speak Dutch.

I told her I don't speak French in French, she told but it's sounds that I speak French, I told her neighbor I just told you I don't speak French why are you continuing speaking to me in French are you malade ? (I'll/sick) she got confused and started angrily telling me to stop fricking with her or she is going to send gendarmerie after me. I told I don't speak French and if she doesn't stop talking to me in French I will frick her whole family and her dad twice you stupid b-word. She hanged the phone.

So the whole time we were speaking in French

I hope she cried :marseysoutherner:

Is Starbucks :marseygirlboss: Actually :marseynerd3: EVIL?

NFL Struggle Sesh?

idk what's in there, I didn't click it. 5570 comments should turn up something good. have fun

Hopefuel :marseyhope:

I just remembered his statement because he was hyping Zelenskyy peace initiatives hard telling it's over for Putin because all brics members will visit that peace talk :surejan:

But this conflict is the most r-slurred in the world. For example let's imagine Ukraine won today pov:

:peperun: Ukrainian man rushing to Berlin to kills his cheating wife :peperun: :!marseymini:

It's basically a classical Slavic folklore

This song is about killing gf after conscription period ends because b-word is cheating while he is eating shit

My baby, I miss you

I don't receive letters from you

You're far away and you're not even bored

But I'll be back, I'll be back so you know

I'm far away, I miss you

I don't receive letters from you

You're far away and you don't even miss me

But I'll be back, I'll be back and you'll know

that I'm far from you

You promised to write, you promised to tell

How do you live, how difficult is it for you there?

You promised to wait a long time and suffer

And burn with love, but this is impossible

No, not a line from you, not a word from you

I shouldn't have believed your confessions

Yes, maybe it was in vain, maybe it was in vain

Tell me, what kind of punishment is this?

But I'll be back, I'll be back and you'll know

that I'm far from you

:!marseyjamming: :!marseyvibing:

!fellas which is rarer :marseyquestion:

Nuke Qatar

Bottom text

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Do it like the future depends on it because it does. Even if you dont love her or are thinking of leaving. Learn to love her for the sake of your future children and the future of the human race. Go have 3-5 children (unless you're one of the Indians or Brazilians on here :marseycringe2:) Godspeed, r-slurs.

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  • X : dont be a cute twink ghostposter and the !chuds will do it for u
Life of an adult - YouTube


I really hope his bike got stolen :#marseybegging:


!bookworms I decided to post the thread for once as @pbj has been busy hopefully touching grass

What are your thoughts?

First :marseysoyhype:

I chopped some habaneros last night to put in this yummy ground beef dish for dinner and washed my hands. Told myself ok don't touch your face. Sit down and watch Archer (adult cartoons I'm a cuck yay) and all of a sudden my nose starts burning. Didn't even realize I was doing it!! Frick I'm gonna get Alzheimer's if I don't stop right? That's what the studies say. So any of you have this problem?? I need to find a way to stop mining nose gold all day...

Hymn to Inanna

"Hail! Holy One who rises in the skies! Hail! Holy Priestess of Heaven! Hail Inanna, great Lady of Heaven! Holy torch! You fill the sky with light! You light up the day at dawn!

Hail Inanna, great Lady of Heaven! Incredible Lady of the Gods, Annuna! Crowned with the lunar crescent, You fill heaven and earth with light!

At dusk, the radiant star, the great light fills the sky, The Mistress of the Night comes bravely from the sky, People in all lands lift their eyes to Her,

The ox in his yoke lowers for her, The sheep raise the dust in her fold, The steppe's wild beasts and numerous living creatures, The lush gardens and orchards, the green reeds and trees,

The fish of the deep and the birds of the sky,

Inanna makes them run to their resting places.

Hail Inanna! First daughter of the Moon!

Mighty, majestic and radiant, You shine brightly at night, You illuminate the day at dawn, You are in heaven like the sun and moon, Your wonders are known above and below,

To the greatness of the Holy Priestess of Heaven, To Thee, Inanna, I sing!"

Inanna zami

Guess the country

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