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EFFORTPOST A comparison of different benzos

The word "Benzo" is used quite loosely, but different benzos can have considerably varying effects. In this thread, I'll try to explain them. It's a quick one and I don't give too much of a shit about quality. Normally I'd give an introduction on what benzos are along with a quick discussion concerning GABA receptors, but today is not that type of day. I currently have at least one of each benzo I'm about to mention, not necessarily from the same source but most are from one source. I've never bought them off the streets, all prescribed legally. My psychiatrist hands out benzo prescriptions all the time. He diagnosed me bipolar with ADHD and OCD.

On that note, I'd like to mention that I threw away my razors, but that's only heightened my intrusive thoughts of cutting myself. When I had the choice, there was some comfort in that. Now with no razors available, cutting myself is suddenly all I want to do. I may purchase new ones, get the slicing over and done with, then put them away.

Let's begin.

1. Midazolam

Personally, this is my favorite benzo. Its effects are pretty close to what people imagine when they think of benzos but this is a little different. Let's start with the basics, bucko. It'll put your butt to sleep. Maybe you can stay awake a bit at a low dose (15mg) but at 30mg your butt is grass in about twenty minutes or less.

When it hits you will not be able to walk. I repeat - your ability to walk will be disabled. You will fall everywhere, worse than a crippled man whose cane has been stolen. Whatever you're imagining, it's worse. Worse than a drunken teen who can't walk straight. This is more like swaying until your head hits the wall hard. During this time, you will feel euphoric. Enjoy it. I've found it's not really fun to listen to music or eat. Instead, have a pen and paper ready or a document open on your PC and try to record your thoughts. Half of it is nonsense, but you'll be surprised at the kinds of things that will surface - your kinks, past trauma, even your favorite video game lol.

Within the following ten minutes, your capacity to have memories will completely vanish. You will continue to do things, perhaps prepare a meal for yourself, send an unintelligible text to your mom, or put the dishes in the washing machine. It really depends on whether an angel or goblin is within you that day. The goblin will make you do foolish things (often messy) while the angel will make you do ordinary everyday things, but for no reason.

Then it's lights out. Don't worry, you will sleep in your bed. Even if you have to crawl, your Midazolam brain will still know where your bed is and you will tuck yourself in. I took 30mg last night. I'm not a druggie, my psychologist literally called me and told me to (her father is a psychiatrist so she sometimes helps me with med doses even though she technically shouldn't). I haven't been sleeping well because of life anxieties (losing my job) and because I'm choosing not to at times (like literally just sleeping for an hour and then getting back to some freelance work I've found. I just don't want to sleep). She's afraid it's going to trigger mania so she wants me to get a minimum of 6 hours. Not happening.

I made food for myself, took it upstairs and placed it next to my PC, then went to bed. I don't remember anything else. I only had a few hours of sleep because I woke up at midnight and have been up since then. I felt a sense of warmness and I knew I was still high as frick. I got out of bed, tried to walk, and failed. I wanted to take the tray of food downstairs but even with slow steps I fricked up and dropped it, leaving a mess I had to mop up. I don't want to sleep tonight so I won't be taking another double dose. Just 15mg which affects my gait but doesn't knock me out. Maybe I won't take one at all. Frick sleep.

2. Alprazolam

Commonly known as Xanax. This is what most people mean when they say the word "benzo". When I was in the psychiatric ward, it was routine for everyone to get a slow-release dose in the morning to lower anxiety. It gives you this calm sense of "everything is going to be alright", like the Bob Marley song lol.

Yeah, it puts you in a good mood, but it is sedating. Furthermore, at least personally, it doesn't frick with your memory too much, although you may black out if you mix it with alcohol. Even my psychologist said she likes Xanax and she was disappointed when she was weaned off it lol

It is also the benzo that is most like alcohol. It disorients you a bit, but it also takes away your filter, making you a little braver and less anxious. However, like alcohol, it fricks with your ability to act rationally. Consequently, when you see videos of people acting crazy at the airport or in a convenience store, it's most probably Xanax to blame. If you go to a doctor and complain about anxiety, this is what they'll give you.

In the black market, it is sold as a party drug. I wrote a story here about using Xanax to be brave enough to go to a nightclub.

I like Xanax but it doesn't take first place mostly because of how fast tolerance develops. You can quickly make popping 10 xannies a normal thing that just puts you in that heavenly zone. I'd argue it's the most dangerous benzo on this list for this reason.

3. Clobazam

In last place comes the shittiest benzo of all - Clobazam. This is the one I typically mix with Ambien if I want a good time (and a good sleep). I'll get an hour of euphoria followed by god knows how long of a blackout before I wake up the next day. It switches off your memory completely and at high doses you actually feel sick to your stomach. I'd be disappointed if this was prescribed to me, but I wouldn't complain. Currently, my prescriptions only include Xanax (slow release) and Dormicum (Midazolam). That reminds me, I need to try scraping the film off a Xanax to check if it'll hit more quickly and strike harder. I have to do personal testing because holy shit Google has become a fricking "safe zone" that makes it impossible to research forms of degeneracy. Try learning more about a drug or anything suicide-related and all you get are these "we're here to help you" sites. Frick off and just tell me the right way to do the drug if you actually want to keep me safe. Fricking Reddit's become my new search engine of choice. At least you get actual answers to shit like this.



Might as well give Ambien a mention even though it's not a benzo. I don't have much to say except they make you drowsy as frick and want to sleep, but it won't force you into bed. You can enjoy an ambien night, though you'll forget the tail end of it. I think ambien is the one pill that makes you do the stupidest things when you black out like text your dad nonsense or make shitposts here. The worst thing I did was send a work email that was due 3 times in a row. I've also posted nonsense in Groomercord channels lol. I didn't remember doing these things and only found I did them when I woke up.

The recreational value is pretty low. I now realize the few Ambiens I have left are the only ones I have because I don't go to that doctor anymore. So about 10 pills. It takes two pills to get to that ambien drowsiness that I guess feels kinda good if you genuinely can't sleep or are a stressed-out person. Personally, I think that if you're using them for off-label reasons, I think they're only good for mixing with a benzo.

Thanks for reading, if you did. If you have insults, please don't post them. Just block me instead.

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  • BWC : Pooragayan sissies obliterated by BIG BRAZILIAN BVLL PEEPEE
  • FamilyGuyShill : porn = funny

Hi everyone :#marseywave2:

Last week I started reading a book titled “Maldita Guerra” by brazilian historian Francisco Doratioto.

I still haven't finish it yet, it has 512 pages and I'm currently on page 408 but it it's enough to talk about this old dramatic event that's funny enough either forgot or has been the source of nationalistic agenda posting, the book title refers to a quote by the Baron of Cotegipe. I'll start giving you guys some context.

In the early 1860s South America was a very different place from today, Brazil was an Empire, a constitutional monarchy and Gigabased Pedro II reigned as emperor. Argentina had just came out of a civil war between federalists and unitarians (which deserves an effort post) resulting in unitarian victory led by General Bartolomé Mitre who in 1862 became the first President of an unified Argentina. Uruguay was ruled since the end of its civil war in 1851 by the Blanco Party, Bernardo Berro was elected President in 1860, the war was won against the Colorado Party. For those who don't know Uruguay along with Argentina, Paraguay and South Bolivia were part of the Vice-Royalty of La Plata during the colonial period, it was known then as the “Banda Oriental” the Eastern Band. In 1811 Portugal invaded the Banda Oriental which became part of the Brazilian Kingdom (the Portuguese Royal Family was then living in Rio) and then became the Cisplatine province. In 1822 Brazil became an independent country and in 1825 the Cisplatine war began as the Banda Oriental wished to leave Brazil and become part of the United Provinces of the South (which became Argentina). At the end Britain intervened and Uruguay was created as a buffer state between Argentina and the Empire of Brazil on the condition the Argies would never anchluss the place.

Paraguay got its independence in 1811. Between 1814 and 1840 it was ruled with an iron fist by Supreme Dictator (that was his actual title) José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia, known as Dr. Francia as he held the titles of bachelor in philosophy and Doctor in Theology by the University of Córdoba. Dr Francia isolated the small Mediterranean country and purged all the other “procers” or independence Founding Fathers. After he died in 1840 Paraguay adopted a consulship with the power being shared between 2 men, Colonel Mariano Roque Alonso and Mr. Carlos Antonio López.

In 1844 Mr. López became the first President of Paraguay being elected by the Congress. pic related is him.

Paraguay then opened up however it continued to live under a totalitarian dictatorship. Congress only was convened to elect the president and re elect him again. López appointed his 19 year old son, Francisco Solano López as army General :marseyxd:

In the 1850s Solano López who was the king of South American nepo-babies went to France to study, he came back with steam ships and guns bought from France and Britain and his irish concubine Elisa Lynch (who worked as a “courtesan” in Paris).

In 1862 Carlos Antonio López died at the age of 72, his r-slurred spoiled son was his VP and became acting President with congress electing him almost unanimously for a 10 year term. By then Paraguay was a militarist society, they had a small river fleet and a permanent army, revisionists Argie leftoid “historians” made claims that Paraguay was an emerging power because it had a few railroads and an iron factory and that it represented a “threat” to the British Empire :#marseylaugh: a ludicrous notion that only our Platine neighbors and leftoid Brazilian journos like Julio Chiavennato could come up with.

In 1862 the Liberal Party won the elections in Brazil. During those days the Brazilian political stage was divided between Conservatives and Liberals. In 1862 a diplomatic incident with Britain happened, basically a Bong ship, The Prince of Wales sank near the coast of the Great State of Rio Grande do Sul (back then they were called provinces not states). The !macacos stole the shipwreck containers emptying them. Bongland responded sending a fleet to Guanabara Bay at Rio de Janeiro demanding reparations which the cucked libs did. Diplomatic relations with Britain were then cut. In 1864 a civil war erupted in Uruguay, a Colorado caudillo Venancio Flores decided to usurp power. Because of Flores's pro Brazilian leanings (the Blancos were taxing Brazilian imports from Rio Grande do Sul way too high to protect their markets as Brazil used slave workforce which made it cheaper than Uruguayan production, this made Gaúcho Farmers extremely angry with the Blancos) and because their reputation was in total shambles after the Bongland debacle the Liberals in Brazil decided to support Flores but before they consulted with Argie President Mitre assuring him they didn't intend to Annex Uruguay. Paraguay on the other hand was an ally of the Blanco government, Solano López who thought himself as a sort of Napoleon warned Brazil that they would declare war in case of intervention in Uruguay, the Brazilian Government dismissed this. Solano López thought that as Argies and Brazilians hated each other then surely Argentina would let their troops pass and join the fight. There were also some disputed borders between Paraguay and Brazil-Argentina (the misiones and part of Mato Grosso do Sul). In august 1864 Brazil invaded Uruguay to support regime change under the pretext that Brazilian citizens who lived in Uruguay were in danger and being killed by the Blanco government, war with Paraguay never came across the minds of our leaders in Rio de Janeiro. Solano López proceeded by conscripting almost every single man in fighting age. Paraguay had a population of around 400-500k inhabitants back then with a standing army of around 25k men. After the massive conscription and calling all the reserves Solano López got himself an army of 77k men. The Brazilian army back then was only 18k men despite having a population of around 9 million (9.9 million in the 1872 census). López bet was in some sort of Blitzkrieg. By then he suspected Mitre could join Brazil so what he wanted was an alliance between the Uruguayan Blancos and the Argie Federalists, the defeated group were led by the Entre Rian caudillo Justo José Urquiza.

The Province of Mato Grosso was then geographically isolated, its capital Cuiaba had only around 10k inhabitants as the only way to get through it was by the Paraguay River. In November 1864 a Brazilian ship, the steamboat marquis of Olinda was carrying the new President of the Province of mato Grosso, Colonel Federico Carneiro de Campos. Solano López was surprised considering he warned Brazil of war (rentfree in his mind) so h ordered his men to seize the ship and declared war to Brazil. Then in Dezember he invaded Mato grosso and deported all the local Brazilians to Paraguay where they would be mistreated.

Argentina declared itself neutral in the conflict, however they denied the pass of Paraguayan troops, this led to Solano López to declare war to Argentina, he then invaded the northern Argentine Province of Corrientes and intended to reach Uruguay soon. By then the Blancos were deposed and Flores was President. In may 1865 the Treaty of the Triple Alliance was signed between Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. So the war began.

But a funny thing related to Mato Grosso. The main war theater was Corrientes (1865) and South Paraguay (1866-1868). In early 1865 a regiment was dispatched to free Mato Grosso, they walked 2100 km to reach it, arriving in 1867. 1/3 of them were dead, another had deserted. Only 1300 of the 3200 soldiers sent reach Mato Grosso. They were so worn out, sick and tired they didn't manage to accomplish their goals. After being repealed they went to Cuiaba, infected with smallpox. The epidemic killed half of the city's population.

After forming the triple Alliance it was decided in accordance that President Mitre who was an experienced General would lead as Supreme Allied Commander. However the Brazilian generals at the front, The Count of Porto Alegre and the Vice Admiral the viscount of Tamandaré despised Mitre and thought the Argies were either useless or treacherous. The Federalist caudillo Urquiza ended up betraying López and joining Mitre only to retrieve later on and become a war profiteer selling food to the armies like the cunning bastard he was.

It would be only in 1866 with the arrival of the man, the legend, the Marquis of Caxias that the dysfunctional allied force would become organized.

Meanwhile López' r-slurred actions isolated Paraguay, his envoys in Britain were expecting to received new ships and weapons but because the country is landlocked and the only way in was through the Paraná river they never came.

!historychads !latinx

EFFORTPOST Are these people drug dealers or not? You decide.

Has anyone ever lied about? Spread a false narrative, and then others believed it? This happens everyday. People aren't even trying to be misleading. Sometimes they are merely representing what they believe to be true. Other times, they're looking at the evidence and coming to the wrong conclusions.

Today, you'll have the chance to be the judge of these people. They have been accused of being drug dealers, which they deny. Do you think they are guilty? Or do you think they are the victims of unusual circumstances?

1. Timothy Batts

Timothy Batts is a Black man who lives in Hendersonville. He has a daughter named Timea Batts, and he had to fight to have custody of his daughter. In 2011, he was the victim of a drive-by shooting where he sustained 6 shots in his back and a bullet grazing his head. The perpetrator, Cheyenne Turner, was dating his baby mama.

One day, he was at home waiting for his daughter. He had a firearm in his home which belonged to his cousin. Surveillance footage in his home shows him pacing around the house with a cellphone to his ear. When his daughter arrives, he is shocked, and he shoots her once. Upon realising his error, he rushed her to hospital but she unfortunately passed away. You can watch the surveillance footage here:

Predictably, Timothy was arrested and given $1 million bail. This triggered a protest and a petition. The judge eventually reduced the bond to half a million, which Timothy was able to pay through crowdfunding. Shortly after receiving bail, he was arrested again and bail was revoked when he tested positive for cocaine.

Timothy's defence? He was traumatized by his prior shooting incident, and shot because he thought he was dealing with a home invasion. The prosecutors painted a different story. They found large amounts of money in his home. This, combined with his constant pacing in his home and the constant phone calls points to one thing - drug dealer!

In the first trial, they were met with a hung jury. Instead of going for a second trial, Timothy accepted a plea deal which had him sentenced to 4 years in prison. The judge claimed that Timothy was wrong in possessing a weapon despite being a felon. This sentence is the result of a plea deal, which some may see as a misapplication of justice - either too lenient for a murderer or too harsh for a grieving father.

Is this a drug dealer with no regard for the law? Or an innocent man being misrepresented because of his criminal record and race?

2. The Australian Katana killing

This is a long tangled story with no clear conclusions to be drawn. Jett McKee is a rapper from Sydney, Australia. He performed under the name Scepaz. I personally don't like his music. You can find some of it online. A lot of lyrics are depressing and hopeless.

His own mother described him as directionless, so it is no surprise that he fell into gambling habits. This addiction was worsened when his girlfriend fell pregnant. Jett also did drugs, including methamphetamine, known as Ice. As his debts grew, he eventually resorted to crime. In a foolish move, he and a friend decided that they would rob drug dealers.

With very few guns in Australia, they were able to do this with a crowbar alone. After a few successful hits, Jett's friend suggests they rob a couple in Forest Lodge who are dealing weed. Their names are Hannah Quinn and Blake Davis. They watched the house for days, waiting for the right time. Jett's friend could not join because he was afraid he would be identified by the couple.

So let us discuss the couple. Blake was 26 years old, and Hannah was 23. They lived in the same home, with Hannah working in a cafe and Blake attempting to make it as an actor. Blake also loves martial arts, and he owns several knives and katanas. You can see some of his acting credits on IMDB.

They were at home when Jett decided to make the move. This time, Jett was armed with a gun. Wearing a balaclava, he enters their home and attempts to rob them at gunpoint. They refuse to hand over any money, and a fight ensues resulting in Blake getting punched and knocked out.

Jett grabs a bag from Hannah and runs, but Hannah chases him. They struggle, and during the struggle on the road, Blake awakens. He grabs a katana and runs on the road and slashes the Jett. Jett succumbs to his injuries on the road as Hannah and Blake flee. Rather than inform the authorities, the couple hides the katana, and pack a bag with $21,380 AU$ before going on the run. They end up ditching the bag of money before moving from hotel to hotel, avoiding hospital despite Blake's injury.

Eventually, the couple turns themselves in after learning of Jett's death on the news. When the couple's house was searched, they found more money and copious amounts of marijuana. In court they claim they ran because they were afraid and thought the intruder might hunt them down to finish the job. Naturally the obvious question was "you were afraid you were in a gang war with another drug dealer?" Prosecutors claimed that the couple was trying to send a message to others attempting to rob drug dealers. The judge did not buy this argument, though it was concluded that Blake was a drug dealer.

>“Overall I am willing to find Mr Davis has no history of violence and was of good character until his recent, perhaps brief, foray into cannabis supply”.

Ultimately, the judge convicted Blake of manslaughter, and Hannah was declared an accessory. Blake was sentenced to 5 years and 3 months.

So where do you lie on these issues? Are we looking at drug dealers, or folks who have been stitched up? Does it even matter if they were drug dealers? Why so much stigma against substance use?

Tune in next time when we morally analyse JiDion, before we discuss Holly Willoughby's queue-gate. We'll also be reviewing Alan Wake 2 and Fate/Samurai Remnant.


Oh boy oh boy oh boy, when I saw this post on /r/southafrica a week ago, I just knew I had to make a write-up about Steve Hofmeyr, the most dramatic r-slur ever to grace South Africa with his music!! :marseyjamming::marseysing::marseycountry:

CONTEXT (1): Father of the Nation

Ok so because Nelson Madiba Mandela was so very charismatic, and had such immense influence upon the creation of the Modern Democratic South Africa, he quickly obtained the moniker of Father of the Nation, similar to Attaturk for Roachland, or the group of dudes in burgerland who all sign that parchment about how much Bongland sucked for 9 paragraphs before they finally came to the independence part.

It's pretty obvious who you're referring to when using Father of the nation for all the races in RSA. Well. All except the afrikaners tee hee :marseywink:

CONETXT (2): Steve Hovmeyr

Steve Hofmeyr is probably the most famous afrikaans singer/songwriter alive. He's an incredibly talented musician with a golden voice, with hit after hit behind his name. If you enjoy afrikaans music, you'd enjoy his shit. He's also popular with women, and has had so many fricking infidelities, that he was the greatest gossip subject in what little counts for South African hollywood for over two decades.

It's been rumoured for so long that he has had an affair in every city he has every visited, and boned a fan at every concert he has ever performed at - giving rise to the joke, that he is the unofficial Afrikaner Father of the Nation, because he has fathered more illigitemate bastards than Ghengis Khan himself. (that we know of)

He's also a mega turbo lolcow, and I'm going to talk about allllllllllll of his awesome r-slurations over the years! :marseyfluffy:

CONETXT (3): Minor Dramas of Steve Hofmeyr - part 1 of 800

His drama-career started in early 2008 when he divorced the broad, a mediocre actress in an afrikaans daytime soap tv show. After a decade of faithful marriage, our boi Steve started to reach new heights of fame, and begame to bang fangirls left and right. Naturally they divorced. But not before our boi cried to the media about needing psyciatric help, after having dragged his wife through the mud. Such a nice guy :marseywholesome:

In 2008 he also threw tea at the Editor of Huisgenoot, probably the biggest magazine at that moment in time of RSA. This was notable because it pissed of his Bong fanbase. Great wordplay from the article btw

"Gob-smacked witnesses stared open-mouthed as Hofmeyr took a "pot shot" at Weideman at the Palace breakfast terrace at Sun City on Monday morning." Hehehe

In 2003 he was fined R10 000 rand, the biggest fine a celebrity got at the time, cuz he was showing of his new spanking 2 x 4 pickup :marseysteer:

It goes on like this for like 15 years minor drama, you know the compulsory needed for celebrities with brain damage to stay relevant. However things would really heat up after, Steve started getting into twatter fights with LGBTQ folx!

CONETXT (4): Steve is a Christian Man

I cant find the source on this one, but Stevie basically was one of the first celebrities who got less than universal adoration from the Queer community of RSA for saying pre 2010 that marriage was between a man and a woman, this was actually quite uncontroverisal at the time, so no wonder i cant find jackshit online, since even fricking obama didnt say shit till like 2012. It wouldn't be till like post 2012 that internet became common for RSA poorcels, and moralstroggotry became the norm, that Steve would start to catch flak for not sucking the gock.

His most based sneed among the queers of RSA, was when he compared gays-acceptance by Disney to be a slippery slope which would normalize other deviancies like Beastiality. This offended the RSA furry community, because he spoke the truth.

CONETXT (5): Steve is a Rascist Man

Now very few people of any race actually like queers, regardless of what our constitution says, so Steve would remain still mostly popular until he started to get too vocal about his chuddyness over the years regarding the race question. It all began way back in 2011.

Steve and Malema don't like each other very much. Back in 2011 when Eugene Terblanche (the biggest detractor to ending Apartheid back in 1992), was murdered gruesomely in his bed along with an infant child, a lot of tempers and racism flared on Facebook which was like the only existing viable Social Media in RSA at the time. Our boi Steve went full Boomer and used the N- , I mean the K-word very liberally until his agent could confiscate his electronics.

Even some of his old School pals would start to distance themselves from him, as his supreme lackof survival instinct, in a country where whites are outnumebered between 10-20:1 by their black peers, he would still spout anti-black racism with wanton abandon.

Even most other Afrikaners had long since realized the Union of South Africa was a thing of the past, and was more concerned with surviving in the new RSA than hanging on to rotten fruit.

CONETXT (6): Steve is a Orania Man

Cue the writeup from this Dramatard:

Our boi Steve finally cemented himself as a racist to the minds of his liberal fanbase when he went to perform in the most chuddiest town on the whole continent of Africa

CONETXT (7): Steve's grandaddy was a Nazi

Another drama which followed Steve his whole live was that his grandfather was a prominent member of the Ossewabrandwag, a pro-Nazi organization during WW2. They were similar to the British Union of Fascists (BUF), under Oswald during ww2, however where their Bong counterparts lacked numbers and bite, the Ossewabrandwag was a decisive threat to the Union of South Africa, which was a Commonwealth Nation, and supposed to fight fully behind Great Britain against Nazi Germany.

To understand, why the Ossewabrandwag was a thing and why it actually was a threat that could gain traction in RSA in ww2, foreigners need to understand the 1899-1902 Anglo-Boer war, when Britain and the boer Republics went to war over the fabolous wealth in terms of gold discovered near Pretoria. The summary is that the Boers vastly undersestimated the length England would go to win and was absolutely crushed into oblivion after the war, they were so reduced that the majority of the Boer republics would remain below the poverty line 50 years after the war.

But the greatest and most grandest insult the Boers would endure, would be to be forced to fight on the side of the British under the Commonwealth Banner during WW1, against the Germans, which had been the boer republics' greatest benefactors during the Anglo war. Imagine being Ukrainian today, and losing the war against russia after 3 grueling gruesome years. Then being forced as a conquered people to fight the Americans 10 years later, whom had been your greatest benefactor. It bread bitterness for two consecutive generations, so that by the time ww2 rolled up, RSA was seriously on the very dangerous brink if a populist leader could lead an insurrection. But that's a story for another longpost

point is Steve's grandaddy was a very fricking prominent member, and when asked he always went to great degrees to avoid denouncing him. Dont blame him. I love my commie killing grandady tooooo. And since nazi denouncing is very important for celebs, steve would catch flak from busybodies forever and ever. And since his increasing public racism from 2011 upwards to his visiting concert in Orania, some reporters started digging up Steve's historic records, and found him to be desendant of an even bigger No-no person than Apartheid-arbiters: te evil nazis!

CONETXT (8): Steve is a Magatard

Our boy finally started embracing his inner chud in 2016, when he went full Super-Sayan hitler mode, and publicaly announced his support for the globally unpopular Trump, by pledging undying support for the Big Orange Cheese. That's right. He pledged his support for another president. In another country...... :marseybeanannoyed: wtf

He wasn't the only one, a lot of afrikaners and boere would drive arount with fricking Trump election merchandise on their Pick-up trucks, called bakkies in RSA. This was the weirdest shit I saw in my life at the time. To see grown men simping for a political leader - IN ANOTHER NATION lmoa

But our boi steve went even further, he stated he was willing to perform at his inauguration when Trump won lmoa :marseylaughpoundfist: Unfortunately for Steve, Trump didn't know who tf Steve was at the time, so the suggestion fell through.

Steve also stated that he would go and have a chat with Trump about Volksmoord (People's murder/genocide) of boers in RSA, but unfortunately that also fell through, get this, because of Trumps immigration policy at the time lolololol:marseyxd::marseyxd::marseyxd:

He's still an ardent supported 8 years later:

CONETXT (9): Steve makes Reddit Sneed

Which brings us to today's reddit post in question. Since virtually every national subreddit is drastically more liberal than their real life counterparts, /r/southafrica has been sneeding about Steve Hofmeyr for the past however long the sub has existed. Since Steve has JK Rowling levels of Fok You money, and is one of the wealthiest people alive in RSA, he has little fear of being cancelled, especially since he still retains at least something like a 50% favorable rating amonst Afrikaans speakers, including ironically enough among Coloured people, whom he doesn't hate. Further ironically, the racial schism between modern coloured people and black people in south africa have deepened much greater since the ending of apartheid, since Cape Town coloureds feel betrayed by the ANCs BEE policy.

So he's basically like the Minecraft guy, an everpresesent untouchable chud living rent free in their minds.

The latest specific drama of, is when back in 2022 remember the Bestiality thing earlier in the post?

Basically a LGBT rights NGO sued him in South Africa's Equality Court. We have Free Speech in RSA constitution, but it has very little teeth compared to burgerland, especially when hatespeech is covered, so he was likely to be buttscrewed by a black judge if it went through to court.

Anyways that's all I have goodNIGHT:marseyretard2::marseyfluffy::marseyflagsouthafrica:

PS: the following dramanaughts must own up.





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  • 1378 : "pinned by XY" evrytime
EFFORTPOST Abigail and Brittany Hensel

:marseyheart: :marseyheart: :marseyheart: :marseyheart: :marseyheart: :marseyheart: :marseyheart: :marseyheart: :marseyheart: :marseyheart: :marseyheart: :marseyheart: :marseyheart: :marseyheart: :marseyheart: :marseyheart: :marseyheart: :marseyheart: :marseyheart: :marseyheart: :marseyheart: :marseyheart: :marseyheart: :marseyheart: :marseyheart: :marseyheart: :marseyheart: :marseyheart: :marseyheart: :marseyheart:

All is well and the world is beautiful. A smile spreads on my face because I feel an incredible rush of love and joy. I'm so happy to be alive and I'm so grateful to be here. I'm stronger than my worst memories and brighter than the darkness.

I hope you've had an amazing weekend. I'd like to discuss an amazing case I discovered a few years ago. This is the story of Abigail and Brittany Hensel. They are twin sisters, which would be amazing enough, but they also happen to share one body. I think you'll find this story as mind-blowing as I did.

Abigail and Brittany Hensel are born

Patty (a nurse) and Mike (a carpenter) Hensel were a happy married couple living in Minnesota where the enjoyed the company of a close-knit community. Here, Patty and Mike had two happy and healthy children who had no problem integrating into the community.

In 1989, Patty discovered she was pregnant. The doctors told her she would be having a girl, and all scans of the child suggested that Patty would have a successful pregnancy and give birth to a healthy child. On March 7, 1990, Patty went into labor. First an arm emerged, and then a head, and then another arm… and then another head, and then another arm.

The doctors were stunned. This was not one baby! It was two that had fused into one! Two heads, three arms, two legs, and one torso. It was too strange to believe, even when your own two eyes were looking at it. What was going on?!

Conjoined twins

You've often heard them referred to as Siamese twins. Conjoined twins occur when two fetuses are joined in the uterus. This is an incredibly rare condition. In most cases, the fetus dies in the womb, resulting in a stillbirth, or the twins die within 24 hours of birth. To put things into perspective. Over half of all conjoined twin births are stillborn, and of those, a third will die within the first 24 hours. It is estimated that 70-95% of conjoined twins are female, and the reasons are not yet fully understood.

The most common form of conjoined twins is the Thoraco-omphalopagus twin. This occurs when the twins are joined at the upper torso. In this scenario, they typically share vital organs such as the lungs or the heart.

Chang and Eng Bunker, who were from Siam, Thailand, and gave birth to the term “Siamese twin", were Xiphopagus twins, joined at the xiphoid cage. In the modern day, such twins can usually be separated depending on the nature of the fusion.

The saddest case is perhaps the Thoracopagus twin. In such cases, the twins are joined by the upper chest and share a heart. If they are separated, one twin must be sacrificed. Without giving too many personal details, a close relative of mine in the medical industry once dealt with such a case, resulting in the death of one of the twins.

Abigail and Brittany were Dicephalic parapagus twins, which is an exceptionally rare condition. A study on such twins yielded interesting results, though it should be noted that it is EXTREMELY rare to have cases that survive until adulthood.

Parapagus twins lie side by side with venterolateral fusion. Most commonly; these twins are conjoined at the chest, with joined liver and diaphragm but separate respiratory and upper gastrointestinal tracts, two arms; two legs, and two complete spinal cords and vertebral columns, a single shared genitourinary system and lower gastrointestinal tract. All parapagus twins have one umbilicus and a conjoined diaphragm and liver. In this case, there was a single umbilical cord and a single shared pelvic region and abdomen, but two joined thoraxes having two complete vertebral columns, two hearts and two pairs of lungs, two arms and two legs.

Abigail and Brittany were healthy, all things considered, but the third arm was completely useless, so it was removed, leaving them almost completely symmetrical. In case you want to keep track, from top to bottom, they have:

  • 2 heads

  • 2 spines merging at the coccyx and joined at the thorax by sections of ribs

  • 2 completely separate spinal cords

  • 2 arms

  • 1 broad ribcage

  • 2 breasts

  • 2 hearts

  • 4 lungs with the medial lungs moderately fused

  • 1 diaphragm

  • 2 stomachs

  • 2 gallbladders

  • 1 liver

  • 1 large intestine (one colon, rectum, and anus)

  • 3 kidneys

  • 1 set of reproductive organs

  • 1 slightly broad pelvis

  • 2 legs

It's bizarre to wrap your head around. They have two mouths and can eat separate meals that pass through separate stomachs but ultimately end up in the same large intestines. Imagine if one doesn't eat and the other does, but they need to poop. Imagine the sensation of pooping on a completely empty stomach.

They also have one set of reproductive organs, yet they are two separate individuals with separate brains. How does sensation work? Who feels what?

Abigail and Brittany live life

It was decided that the twins would not be separated, for it would be a massive surgery with an exceedingly low chance of survival. If the twins did survive, they would have a very low quality of life. So, they lived as the two-headed girls, and they were relatively shielded from prying eyes in their small town.

What must be remembered is that they are separate individuals, as distinct as you might be from your sibling. Nevertheless, they happen to share a body. They make this work and achieve amazing feats. They can write, type, cut apples, and pretty much do anything that you could - but once again you have to remember that they are two separate people - each with only one arm and leg. They are coordinating their movements to achieve daily tasks that you would with two hands and legs. Can you imagine the flawless coordination that's required to get through one day?

As they explain, when they type, they don't have to speak much. They just know what to write. They often complete each other's sentences, and they can even drive! They had to take the test twice, because they are two people, but each time it was a coordinated act between two separate individuals working together to steer and work the pedals. Incredible! They attended Bethel University where they have earned a degree in education. Furthermore, they have become teachers in their small town.

At first, the twins were very camera-shy and loathed it whenever they left their town and had strangers take photographs of them. Over the years, things have changed, and they have come out of their shells. They are more willing to interact with the world, although they do still hold back when it comes to sharing intimate details regarding how some aspects of their lives work.

They had a reality show for TLC in 2013 that offered a look into their lives and how they conquered daily tasks and lived as normal girls.

Abigal and Brittany escape inceldom

You would expect that with severe disability they would be plunged into a life of inceldom as men run away in disgust. That is not the case, and they have had several suitors. This is partially because they have genuinely interesting personalities. I quite enjoyed watching documentaries about them and interviews. It's incredible how normal they are.

They have dated, however, and in 2022 photos emerged of them in wedding dresses, suggesting that they had married. However, nothing is confirmed, and they have remained mum on their dating lives.


Love is so powerful. It can conquer the darkest demons and rescue the most wretched from their fallen state. I believe that we all have a chance at happiness, and I believe that we all matter, for we are all made in the image of God.

Another relatively short post. I'm currently working on a longer post that will fully detail the crucifixion of Jesus Christ along with a medical analysis of his death.

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