Wtf now I love cops

Reminder that economics is not a real science and econ professors deserve it.

Of course Europe has demons on their euro currency :marseydisagree: :!marseyflageu:

Are all chuds mentally ill? :marseyreportercnn:


new 'cliff

The culture is outstanding


Bihari kangs over his impoverished village

Even in my father's village which is also quiet poor the houses at least have colour. :marseyxd: Imagine showing this literal slum off with pride and wtf are those lanes if you're living in villages also like in your dalli slum then wtf is the point.

We can live freely in individual houses but we choose to live together in hovels :marseyindignant: I seriously don't get this pattern of houses in a village at all !bharatiya is this what villages in your states look like? Bengali villages typically were a home surrounded by some kitchen garden land and a pond. Because of safety reasons it never was homesteads in the middle of farm land but why would you live like this where land is dirt cheap?

>Then stay there

>There's no money here


:marseybowl: :marseylaugh:

>Even Jaipur's sewage canal is better than this


Ooga boogas kanging now :marseyxd:

So true

>All the Biharis are in Delhi of course Bihar will be clean




Thanks to the libtard municipal government policy decriminalizing homelessness and defunding police in the past year, it has become necessary to resurrect this project by rigging up a new broadcast unit for the first time since 2021, to blast directly at a new homeless encampment on the other side of the property boundary.

I learned a lot from the original version of this project, so the new broadcast unit will be faster to set up since I have a refined design. I think I will start tomorrow and try to have the broadcast going by the end of the day. Also I have learned how to do some basic audio editing since 2021, so now I can add boost the volume/equalizer on music tracks that I previously would have excluded due to having too many quiet parts.

I will try to keep the new playlist relatively meme-y, but I cannot risk including any music of the 1933-1945 and 1861-1865 persuasion. During the original version of this project, I was able to shrug off most of the questions about that type of music from the local Karens, but it's more risky these days with moral busybodies and whiners.

But I feel confident in getting away with subversive music, especially if it's not in German or English.


SHIFT UP's action game Stellar Blade is a day away from release and there's already been some controversy that isn't sexual for a change, as Sony says it will remove in-game artwork that shows ‘hard R' due to unintentional racism.

In Stellar Blade, there's an ‘R Shop' referencing the information broker Roxanne. There's also ‘Hard' graffiti that can be found in numerous parts of the game. However, there's one instance in Stellar Blade where the graffiti and R Shop are shown next to each other, showing what appears to reference a racist slur, which Sony claims was “unintentional.”

Sony provided a statement on the matter:

“The placement of two graphics near each other in Stellar Blade resulted in an unintentional objectionable phrase. Shift Up had no intention of creating offensive artwork and will be replacing the graffiti for the Day 1 patch.”

When asked if there are any plans to remove the art from the physical games as well, a PlayStation representative said that it “Should be removed for all users in the Day 1 update.”

The patch has since gone live and the ‘Hard R' artwork has since been changed to say ‘Crime' instead:

Seethe in the comments:

All of you fricking idiots were warned! But no “It's going to be uncensored”, “It's a based game guys!” Bunch of stupid fricking weebs, weebs are fricking laughing stock.

If you're a weeb, then you're calling yourself a subhuman who has no spine whatsoever.

Where's the lie?

You cope too much cute twink. KEEP YOURSELF SAFE you cuck

Ibought two copies because i have tons of money to spend unlike you, you born poor and will die as poor lmfao enjoy working 7$/hr at fast food


America is a mistake.

The corrupt West deserves to be nuked and obliterated completely.

Eastoids still bussyblasted at a lil' bit of nuke correction. :marseymacarthur:

And the idots were attacking you for stating the truth. This is why weebs are cucks. They live in their own little world like a filthy basement dweller.


!nonchuds I will remind you all that the reason why 4chan stays alive is because Hiro gets paid by research groups who want to study the link between anime and rightoid extremism.

>jewish chadslayer101

Rightoids are beyond parody :marseyemojirofl:

And here's another article whining about Stellar Blade.

It's the usual :marseypearlclutch: over virtual cleavage so not gonna' bother with a write up. :marseysleep:

While we're talking about Shift Up let me bring up their now dead gacha game Destiny Child. I really liked the OST the game had :marseylibations:


EDIT 2: Once again, thank you for the feedback. Some observations:

  1. Not a single person noticed that I am a tenure track professor at a public research university. That hurt, but it shows the shallowness.
  1. In spite of women (majority, not all) claiming that they want a dependable, committed partner majority of the comments were geared towards attractiveness and the mythical “spark”.

Neighbor so old yet so clueless. We are always being first judged by looks. I for example often give people the impression I am easily approached party boy. Something I ain't. And being an Indian working at university is kinda stereotypical. Women claim many thing so things to look good in eyes of society but wanting something else that won't make them sound noble and pure.

It looks like you're in Utah. This is your whole problem. I'm sorry but even if you address the other suggestions here, you are incompatible with 90% of the population.

That is such a giga cope. Reality he will do even worse in comifornia or any democratic state because he will lose his novelty and bipocs foids in those states are giga racist. Like for example homo wants a white girls but his Indian foid counterpart wants a white guy and she has more success than the Indian guy. So most bipocs foids in U.S. wants a white guy. So reality is white girls are often least racist than other foids. You see white girls dating indian guys more than any other race yet media paint them as racist :marseythumbsup:

OP, I am a female academic in a conservative religious state from a different ethnic minority background. Given your specific set of circumstances, I am curious: Are you looking to date a particular type of woman - Desi or non-Desi, Hindu, Muslim, or Christian, an academic, a woman of a certain educational background, etc.? Or are you happy to date anyone, as long as your personality matches with theirs?

I ask because among my Desi friends, referral networks are strong and the potential for setups common, even across the South Asian-born and American-born divide. But perhaps you are looking to date on the "open market" instead?

Additionally, are you in a college town or a regular city? I teach in a very small town, and even in college towns, the population often is missing that 25-35 band of young people.

You definitely bring a lot to the table but you might want to consider being clearer in your dating search what kind of woman you are looking for and where you might be more likely to find her.

Jfl lol how they try to send him to Indian girl,

Your friends are right. Your values and attitude are definitely gonna be a big mismatch here, at least with educated, liberal types. They'd be a better match with religious women, but being foreign + not the same religion is the barrier there.

Have you considered an arranged or semi-arranged marriage? That's how my coworkers who fit your profile got married.

The fun part is that the value part came out just because he is Indian

Yep, I see that and think tradwife. Those are always the guys "correcting" you on your own life and who talk to you like you're a toddler.

He didn't mention trad wife in any comment it's just she sees Indian. Some of his replies:

I hate that, I suffered that throughout my life, I wasn't allowed to have control over my life and I would never subject anyone to that. I am sorry it came across like that. I like collaboration and shared goals, how do I convey that?

Thank you, I want to date on the open market so as to say. I do not have any religious preferences but I would prefer at least some college experience.

And how can girls learn about his value if the absolutely don't interact with him ? He gets zero matches and all that trad shit makes no sense when he is university professor giving mostly lectures to foids ? Ah yeah he is professor surrounded by many girls, non flirts with him, it's beyond over.

Thank you for being truthful, I appreciate it very highly. I am not looking for a traditional woman, someone with family oriented values. I prefer someone who has their own career and want to work towards a shared goal.

So neighbor will be attacked for being Indian inkwell and getting hard stereotyped. It would make sense for him to just do arraignment marriage but his brain is to lib and he rather die than accept the world

love me some john oliver

Its over for sheikhcels



!antibharatiya !bharatiya

Even most of the Indians aren't buying it


I asked this question in another sub yesterday but got mostly male responses, and would like to hear a woman's perspective on the issue before I actually do something about it. Also, my bf is a 27M.

21F here. I've been in a great relationship with my boyfriend who I met about 7 months ago. Everything is going well, and we really like each other, and have even discussed moving in together, but the one hiccup I have is his porn consumption.

He watches porn about twice a day, and I consider this to be a lot. He keeps saying that this is normal for guys with a high s*x drive, but I really don't like the idea of this. I recently went through his phone (I absolutely insisted) and saw that he was using OnlyFans and was subscribed to many models, and also saw hundreds of ratemytwat ratings, all of which really put me off. Also, on instgram, he's following many dozens of models, and he likes all their pics, and this is kind of embarassing as well since my friends see this and have asked me about it on more than one occassion.

The thing is I really like him, and outside of this, we have a really great relationship and an amazing s*x life. I really can't use the 'if you're horny come be with me' arguement, becuase we genuinely do have an incredible s*x life.

I wonder if maybe he's just the kind of guy who needs that extra stimulation, and chooses to get it from porn. If that's the case, I'd so much rather have him watch porn than sleep around on me.

I don't really know what to do, because everything about our relationship is great, except just this one thing, and I want to know if maybe I'm overreacting.

I know that this sub is already full of a lot of porn-related questions, but I think my situation happens to be a bit more unique than others. Would love a different perspective on this situation. Thanks!

TL;DR: My boyfriend watches a lot of porn, but we still have a great relationship and s*x life, and I'm wondering whether this is something I need to be worried about.

I'm not convinced OP is being genuine.

I've read post history, as I do when things like this come up in the sub. Four months ago they had apparently been alone for a decade. Five months ago they talked about how they own a company with their boyfriend.

Feel like clarifying anything, OP?


This troll again if I ever see this ratemytwat garbage again, such loser behaviour

There's so many ratemytwat marketing/ad/spam posts in so many subs lately.


Friends I know this is a hot issue culturally right now and many here have very strong feelings about how normalised pornography is, but OP's account seems pretty suspect to the degree that I doubt this story is legitimate or truly asking for advice.

She claims here to be in a great relationship with a boyfriend she met 7 months ago, but in a comment from 4 months ago she claims

Having been alone for the better part of a decade, I am here to tell everyone that for most, loneliness is worse than cancer. [..] I happen to be in a position similar to OP, in that I am extremely lonely and have also turned to an AI for company.

And in a comment 1 month before that one, she claims to own a company with her boyfriend? Scratch that actually, that comment was literally stolen word for word from a post on Quora. In fact several of the comments posted by /u/Dazzling_Chemical865 are literally stolen word for word from Quora and other websites, and some of the others just sound like they were written by AI? Especially the professional sounding advice on the accounting and CS career questions subreddits?

I'm sorry to say but I think this is some kind of karma farming operation, human or bot (or both), especially considering they did not reply to anything said in the other subreddit they posted this thread in.

Others are naturally uncomfortable condemning a perfectly healthy and ethical OnlyFans habit


I'm way less bothered by the twice-a-day habit than I would be by the Instagram models and Onlyfans. I think the line between porn and cheating is whether or not the particular activity is interactive. I would also be bothered that his behavior on Instagram is public.

His defense seems to be that it's 'normal for guys with high s*x drive'. I would suggest questioning him on where he got this idea from. To be fair, I think you should also lay out where your discomfort is coming from, and be clear if this is about actual negative impacts on you (ie, your friends see your boyfriend's behavior and think he's being disrespectful to you) or expectations of what is normal. (ie twice a day is kind of a lot.)

'Normal' is kind of irrelevant here. It doesn't matter what other people do, it matters what works for your relationship.

Are you seriously encouraging the OP to “unpack” her discomfort about a guy who has hundreds of interactions on a site called ratemytwat?

Some of your mothers on here did not stress to you how important it is as women to uphold your standard, and it's showing.


He's paying s*x workers for the porn he's consuming, that's the more ethical porn you can consume.

:marseychonkerfoid: :marseycope:
Steak dinner
Blacks mad about white basketball girl again.

I don't not care about foid ball, only the drama surrounding in.

landlords can't stop winning
:marseyxd: :marseyemojirofl:

He says poo

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