We'll watch The Birth of a Nation Tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. on chat :marseykkk:

!kino !historychads in case anyone wants to join tomorrow and watch this 1910s chud slop :marseysoylentgrin:let me know in the comments.

Right now Nosferatu (Weimar slop) is live

I demand a movie night :marseymidsommarchristian:

I have to stay in this weekend to prepare for an interview I got by grossly overstating my qualifications.

@Patsy @neoconshill @ULTRA-NIGMATIC-MEGA-HOMO

!friendsofbussy-boy !homeowners Anyone with a group chat and love for movies, help me out

It Chapter One, It Chapter Two

It Chapter One

Altogether a pretty cool film. Some characters were too one dimensional such as the bad dad whose only personality traits were either creepy or angry. And the 80s kids riding around on bikes thing was :marseysleep:. But the impressive parts were that it didn't rely on cheap tricks to be spooky. I liked how they still managed to have scary scenes even while it was daylight and while the characters were surrounded by other people, opposed to the usual getting split up in the darkness.

It Chapter Two

This one was odd. The first mistake they made was that they just copypasted the personalities of a bunch of 13 year olds onto middle aged adults. Apparently no one grew up or changed or anything in 27 years. Eddie was especially weird to watch. His character came across like some parody of a teenage girl in the skin of a 40 year old man.

The second mistake is that they noticed that people liked Richie's jokes from the first film and did what shitty writers always do: completely miss the point of what makes that character funny and just have him spew stupid one liners for the whole film. idk if they noticed Marvel's success at that time or what but all the misplaced jokes had the same effect they do in Marvel films. They completely kill the tension, or generally flatten emotion so every scene feels silly and superficial.

I don't think the creator must have actually had any adult relationships in his life because the whole dynamic between the characters was weird. The tone was all over the place, romantic scenes out of nowhere, stupid jokes every few lines, deaths taking a whole two minutes to get over before everyone's happy and laughing again and etc

They attempted the spooky scenes in daylight again but failed to build any tension so it wasn't scary at all and felt more like watching Ghostbusters or something.

Pennywise as a villain is a cool character and was acted well but was kind of wasted in this one.

Are we hyped for the latest A24slop?
Downfall playing on chat today at 15:00 E.T :marseyreich: :marseyhitler:

!kino !historychads if anyone else wants to join and watch, let me know and I'll ad you. Movie reprise tomorrow again at 15:00 E.T.

Who wants to watch Downfall?

!kino I'll play the film on a chat Saturday at 21:00 E.T.

Who wants to join?


There has been a lot on debate among Falloutcels inside the Fallout seethe threads so here's a poll

!kino can someone pin this?


!kino !coomers !gayporn froy is on it


New Toss :marseygermantank:

Movie recommendation: Hunger, asian version of The Bear, like Whiplash but cooking instead of drumming

I liked it :marseyshy5:

Its on Netflix Check out “Hunger” on Netflix

Super Milk Chan Ep. 1

@ 21:29 ywnbaw vintage

Favorite film/tv twinks?

!kino let's discuss our favorite twinks (past and current)

I used to like Chalamet, but he's post-walled :chuditsover:, same happened with Zac Effron ages ago and Froy is hitting the wall soon :marseyrain:


NOTE: I'm stupid and posted the link wrong :marseycryinglaptop: . Make sure to rewind it to the start (after the ad, at 2:37)

Proto-sociopath kills for the thrill of it. Pretty interesting.

She was obsessed with a film, called Helpless, where a girl kills another one and assumes her identity.

I actually watched it to see what this girl was so obsessed with and, honestly, it's gooood :marseypopcorntime: . The end is pretty fricking lame tho :marseyfluffyannoyed: . I won't spoil it because I highly recommend you watch it, if nothing else, when you want some noise to sleep to :marseysleep: .

It's available for free on Pluto TV, no account required :marseyexcited:


:marseyme:Vanishing Point :marseymespecial:


Fallout season finale thoughts :marseyvault:

So for all the talk about wokery the main bug-eyed girl gets her butt repeatedly kicked throughout the series. That combined with being a good nurtured optimistic sweet girl (with a normal haircut, no cringe half-shaved head like on She-Man lol) makes Lucy as far as possible from the current year “strong female character”.

Black lead is a selfish, backstabbing, lying opportunistic shithead. The Ghoul was the best character imo.

The final episode Vault-Tec plot was super nonsensical. So they built the vaults and made a lot of money, then THEY dropped the bombs! Like what? :#marseyconfused:

How on earth does Nuclear Apocalypse benefits them? Oh but we'll restart civilization! Again these business execs love moneyc prestige, and short time gains/pleasure/luxury they're not the “rebuild the world at our image“ type, much less to give up all conforts to live underground. It only makes sense if the Enclave dropped the bombs and manipulated Vault-Tec execs.

And how was Moldaver still alive? Was she frozen on a vault? Was she full of shit with her anti- Vault-Tec crusade?




"Sharp Objects" (HBO) and the direction/editing Jean-Marc Valee (who is dead)

"Sharp Objects" is perhaps imo the best limited series HBO ever produced and is something I will eternally recommend to everyone, even you cute twinks

One of the few things I've ever seen that is perfectly edited and directed, all thanks to Jean Marc Valee (who died of being fat a few years ago). Being dead, he will never make another show or movie and therefore this is his legacy.

Don't google it like a loser, just watch it. The book it's based on is pretty good I suppose.

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