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  • Dude : Don't report this user they take it personally
  • Assy-McGee : I hate tabletop games so much it's unreal
  • smolchickentenders : This user is a khaoskid alt
  • uwu : Why would you willingly post this big of an L?

I can't take this shit anymore. I've been playing online RPGs with this guy for three years now and yet, somehow, EVERY CHARACTER HE EVER MAKES IS ATROCIOUS. There's bad characters, like obvious fetishes. Khaoskid's characters are something different. They are inspired in their awfulness. Let me go over some of my least favorites with you.

Sans Undertale

  • System: D&D 3.5e

  • My status: DM

Sans Undertale was a Bone Creature template Dwarf. His class was Truenamer. For those of you who do not know, Truenamer is the worst class Wizards of the Coast put to paper. Rules as written, it doesn't work. The difficulty of use for their truenaming powers grow exponentially as they level. Sans was optimized to heck and back in order to be even slightly useful. Outside of his ridiculous character name & art, he was actually a useful member of the party. I am simply amazed that this man played as a solo-classed truenamer for multiple years over the course of a level 1-20 D&D 3.5e campaign, and survived. Also he carried around a body pillow of Shinji's Right Hand everywhere he went.

Kasan Eteto

  • System: D&D 3.5e

  • My status: Player

Kasan Eteto was a succubus, using the Savage Species monster class. She had taken the Vow of Nonviolence and the Vow of Peace feats. This means she was forbidden from fighting any living creatures. She was an extremely talented diplomat, at least. She also went into Apostle of Peace once she finished Succubus' progression. Like Sans, she wasn't so much disruptive as she was shocking. Using Savage Species is insane. Using Apostle of Peace is insane. Combining the two is even more insane. In a strange act of self-awareness, Khaoskid realized he hates playing female characters and had Kasan kill herself. This is the only time he's ever played a female character. Her art has been lost to time, but she was literally just Kasane Teto.

The Mathemagician

  • System: GURPS 4e

  • My status: Player

The game was a light-hearted fantasy game. When we got into our first fight, the Mathemagician cast his first spell: Math Beam. We all asked him how it worked. He told us how much damage it did, and said "math." It wasn't terribly strong so we shrugged it off. Until he told the GM that he was casting it again, on the same turn. Then again. Then again. It turns out, he took Lightning Calculator, a trait that lets your character perform math instantly. Since Math Beam is cast by solving an equation, he could cast an infinite number of Math Beams per turn. The GM ended the game after that first fight.

John Matrix

  • System: GURPS 4e

  • My status: Player

The game was a Jojo's Bizzare Adventure game. John Matrix was a high school IT guy who thought he was a hacker. He had a Wildcard skill called "The Matrix" that could do anything. Literally any roll the GM asked for, he would simply use The Matrix in place of the normal skill. His stand was "Fear of the Dark." It was the creature from the album's cover, and it was extremely physically powerful. It also projected an aura of darkness that no light or sight could penetrate, not even John Matrix. It was also an independent stand, and evil. He could not de-manifest it. Against all odds, he made it to the end of the game. Khaoskid then warned me that if I ever ran Mage: the Ascension, he would play John Matrix as a Virtual Adept.

Jimmy Hoboken

  • System: GURPS 4e

  • My status: Player

The game was a Zoolander X JJBA game. All of our characters had to be male models. Jimmy Hoboken was a body positivity model. He was fat, r-slurred, and useless. His stand was Fat, which could eat any material and did a ton of damage with its bite. It ended up being very useful, as it could eat holes through walls and ruin the GM's dungeon designs. He ended up growing 30 feet tall and turning into a woman after playing a cursed game show. He died after rolling a nat 1 on the Die of Fate.

John & Monkey

  • System: GURPS 4e, Call of Cthulhu 7e

  • My status: GM

The game was initially titled "Black Friday Shopper Simulator 2021," and was in GURPS. The party's goal was to get the last Game Bronus at their local shopping mall, and to kill anyone who got in their way. Eventually, the game morphed into a Call of Cthulhu 7e game where the party were special agents for the United States Department of Unusual Incidents, and were stealing anomalies from the SCP Foundation. John is just an ordinary guy who is really, really good at biking. He knew special moves like "Bike Jump" and "Bike Spin." His skills impressed Jeff Bezos, who hired him to babysit his pet monkey, Monkey. Monkey is incredibly rich and has a smart phone. Somehow, the two are an effective duo, are still alive, and haven't driven me to end the campaign. Like Sans and Kasan, they are insane character ideas, but surprisingly functional.


  • System: D&D 3.5e

  • My status: DM

The game is set in the Eberron setting. Scholar is a warforged artificer. He's mostly functional, but has made some deranged magical items. Most notable is his Wand of Locate Bars. It does exactly that: magically locate nearby stores that serve alcohol. Also he's useless during fights, as his signature move is to use a Scroll of Tree Form to turn himself into a tree for an hour. Mercifully, last April Fool's Day, I let all of my players draw from the Deck of Many Things. Scholar drew "Donjon" and was sent to the Lair of the Keeper.

Thrikeepagh Dhakaan

  • System: D&D 3.5e

  • My status: DM

To replace Scholar, Khaoskid made Geldrin d'Kundarak. Geldrin is actually a good character. His cohort, Thrikeepagh, is not. Thrikeepagh is a blue (psychic goblin subrace) weretoad. He has no class. Every time he levels up, he takes another toad hit die. Toads fricking suck. They have no attacks. Their movement speed is 5 feet. In order to move faster, Thrikeepagh took the Speed of Thought feat, which increases your movement speed by 10 feet if you are psychic. This is why he's a blue. He has no combat ability, and his only support traits are being able to turn into a toad. At the very least, he's relatively tough since werecreatures resist damage from non-silver weapons.

Gary Ryals

  • System: Motholam

  • My status: Player

Motholam is an AD&D retroclone. Gary Ryals was a fighter who refused to use weapons, and fought with his bare hands. Motholam has no martial arts system, so he sucked. While we were exploring the swamp, Gary picked a fight with a friendly giant toad. It swallowed him whole then swam away.


  • System: Motholam

  • My status: Player

My character in the Motholam game we were in was Utumar the Somniferous, a wizard.

Khaoskid thought Utumar was really cool, so after Gary died, he made his new character Utyronimar.

Tavish McBane

  • System: Vampire: the Masquerade, 20th Anniversary Edition

  • My status: Player

Tavish' clan was McBane and his Generation was 1st. He was not a vampire. He was a 1st generation Scottish immigrant. He did not use any supernatural powers. He just cut vampires limbs' off with a claymore. Khaoskid would constantly speak in a shitty Scottish accent and pretend to be drunk, and would constantly pick fights with the other players and random bums on the street. The campaign ended when the party broke into the local Tremere's chantry. We had a few newbies playing with us. The newbies thought they were badasses and died horribly. Tavish and my character survived. The newbies quit the game, and the GM didn't feel like running for two insane people.

Yukio Noguchi

  • System: Vampire: the Masquerade, 20th Anniversary Edition

  • My status: Storyteller

When Khaoskid proposed playing as a Kuei-jin in a V20 game, I knew it was a bad idea. I didn't realize just how bad it was. Yukio Noguchi was a Devil Tiger, meaning his dharma required him to make people suffer. He was an expert martial artist, so he would just pick fist fights with people, beat them up, then torture them. He was also an overweight Japanese salaryman. I ended the game after zero (0) of my players came up with even slightly reasonable characters.

Nikolas Heidinger

  • System: Vampire: the Masquerade, 20th Anniversary Edition

  • My status: Storyteller

The follow-up game to the game with Yukio Noguchi, I instructed my players this time to come up with reasonable characters. Nikolas is so, so close to being one. He's a 10th-generation Tremere. He's loyal to the Pyramid. He doesn't breach the Masquerade. So what's the problem? He has dementia. The Tremere found him too late, and Embraced him while he was in his nineties. Now, he can learn Thaumaturgy, but still forgets his name. He is perhaps the most destructive character Khaoskid has ever played, because he's the most subtle. He's not literally Sans, nor does he run around with a claymore in the streets of Chicago, but he's still terrible. Like a real demented old man, he wanders away from the coterie while they're preoccupied with something. Whenever he gets a chance to talk, he rambles for minutes, if not hours. If this character was my first experience with khaoskid, I would fully believe he is a demented old man in real life too. His ability to waste time is unreal, and can only be truly understood if experienced first-hand.

!enemiesofkhaoskid This is why I hate him. He sucks so much.

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EFFORTPOST Letting children starve to death

If there's one thing we all share in common, it's that we need food to live. Food is our sustenance and without it, we perish. Some of us eat too little and become skinny. Others eat too much and become fat. Regardless, at the end of the day, we're all eating.

Children, especially young infants, cannot obtain their own food. Hence, it is the job of the parents to ensure that the child receives the sustence they require. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case and there are some parents who abandon their responsibility. Today I'll briefly discuss two cases of parents who let their children starve to death. My writing won't be all too animated, and you'll find out why in the conclusion.

The Deadly Vacation

Who doesn't like a good vacation? It's a chance to get away from the stresses of life, see new places, and maybe even enjoy a holiday fling. But what if the stressor is your own child? Suddenly, a vacation becomes a dark deed.

Kristel Candelario wanted to go on vacation. But her pesky 16 month old child Jailyn would take the fun out of it. So, she decided to leave the child in the crib while she jetted off to Detroit and Puerto Rico for ten days. While Kristel was on the beach, Jailyn defacated all over herself and ate the waste as her only source of sustenance. Of course, this turned the situation deadly and the child perished. After the ten day long holiday, Kristel returned home to a poop-covered dead child. She changed the child's clothing before calling 911, claiming to have found the child not breathing.

Of course, upon investigation, it was found that she had abandoned her baby who starved to death. Upon receiving her life sentence, the judge described Kristel's actions as the ultimate act of betrayal. Do you agree? What do you think was going on in Kristel's mind?

The Dirty Home

Seth Welch and Tatiana Fusari had a child named Mary Welch. They did not treat the child very well. CPS found traces of THC in the child, suggesting that the parents were blazing around the infant which is no laughing matter.

Mary was heavily malnourished but the parents refused to seek medical assistance, citing religious reasons. They say God dwells in a cleanly home. Their house must have been the domain of Satan because it was found to have roaches and vermin and mould. For unknown reasons, the parents witheld food from the baby. The likely cause is that they were too wrapped up in their drug-fueled life.

Eventually, Mary succumbed to malnourishment, and the pair were charged with negligent homicide and were sentenced to life. Prior to sentencing, when Seth was told he was facing a life sentence, he made the soyjack face.

This is no laughing matter however.


I can't sleep. I've stopped taking benzos and I feel sick. My head is pounding, I feel like puking and I am constantly moody and agitated. I feel like I need benzos like an infant needs breastmilk. I started playing Red Dead Redemption today. Very cool, but also very slow-paced. I like Bonny McFarlane and walking around the ranch. I think it captures the "Western" aesthetic better than its successor.

EFFORTPOST I am going to [redacted] every Escape owner I see.

Content Warning: Autism

I'm honestly just venting, I don't expect anybody to read this.

Part 1: Hey bud, doing some pop-and-lock therapy?

For those who saw the video, I'm still working on that lanekeeping project. I had to scrap the entire design AGAIN and start over from scratch. The new design is looking suspiciously like the old design. I can get it working, but getting it to both look good and withstand 100Β°F temperatures is proving to be a challenge.

For most Fords of my generation, the lanekeeping is built into the rearview mirror -- which is heavy and poorly balanced.

The Focus and Escape used a much smaller standalone camera. If I could get that camera working on my car, that'd be FAR easier to mount.

(If you're from a country that never landed on the moon, Escape in America is Kuga in your shithole)

I know it's a long shot for the camera to actually be compatible, given Focus/Escape uses a completely different network architecture, but maybe they're similar enough, especially since the Escape architecture is technically older than my car's. On the radio module, the network selection parameter actually groups these two architectures as one setting.

Since it's a long-shot, I didn't want to spend the $150 on an Escape camera. But, this was an off-the-shelf component also used by GM and Mercedes. I can get a Mercedes-branded camera for only $20. If I can flash the Ford firmware to it, it'll be basically the same camera with a different connector. I've flashed firmwares before, how hard can it be?

Gonna learn you some acronyms

We need to go over a few terms for context.

Forscan: Third-party software, basically a reverse-engineered version of the IDS software used by Ford technicians. If you've ever heard of VAG-COM for Volkswagens, this is the Ford/Mazda equivalent. Access in-depth diagnostic codes, live sensor readings, module configuration, service procedures, etc. Most people use this to adjust parameters like correcting their speedometer for oversized tires.

Forscan Profiles: When you first connect to a vehicle, it has to do a full, slow module detection. You can save this profile so subsequent reconnects are much faster. Forscan will only search for modules available from the factory for your model. If you're trying to access a module not normally available, you need to load a saved profile from a vehicle that was equipped with that same module at the time of profile generation. There's no personal information stored beyond a partial VIN, like 2FM*********14901

AsBuilt / AB: A list of vehicle parameters stored in various modules. Engine type, boot screen type, whether the vehicle is RHD/LHD, what type of climate control, if trailer sway control is equipped, if it's a police vehicle, if it has a reverse camera, whether it should call 911 or 999, etc. This is the most popular section of Forscan because you can change parameters to disable the double-honk when you exit the car with the engine running, or enable Bambi mode (highbeans and foglights at the same time). Ford actually makes the AsBuilt publicly available for every car made since 1999.

IPMA: Image Processing Module A, Ford's name for the lanekeeping camera.

TCU: Telecumming Control Unit, the 4G modem used for FordPass


Turns out, people are stubborn and retarded

I have the Escape IPMA in front of me. I have Forscan in front of me. I have the Ford firmware files ready to go. The only thing I don't have is a Forscan profile.

Since this camera has Mercedes firmware, it can't be directly detected by Forscan even if I put it in a compatible vehicle.

I'm instead relying on the bricked module recovery feature, where Forscan will spend 20 seconds hammering the network with the Ford bootloader. The idea is that if you power on the module during this time, the update will start before the module loads the Mercedes-specific firmware. But in order to reach this page, I need an Escape profile so Forscan knows where to stick the bootloader.

I went to several forums, explaining my situation: I have a Mercedes camera, I'm trying to force the Ford firmware to it, I need a Ford profile.

I signed up to the Focus forum. Nothing.

I posted to /r/FordEscape. Nothing.

I signed up to the Escape forum. The validation link didn't work, and I was subsequently banned for not clicking the link.

I posted to the Forscan forum. I got one guy to respond, but he was misinterpreting what I'm saying and stopped going online.

I'm assuming he's a pajoot or something, because he really seemed to struggle with the whole "I'm fully aware that a Mercedes camera will not be directly seen by Ford software. That is why I am trying to use the bricked module recovery to force Ford firmware onto it." Of note was his sentence about "If you want, I can provide IPMA configuration". That means he's offering to send me his AsBuilt parameters. I do not need the AsBuilt. The module doesn't even have an AsBuilt until the Ford firmware is loaded onto it. And what does he even mean by 'Ford does not allow programming' -- the entire point of Forscan is to do programming. That's all any of us use it for, editing parameters and performing firmware updates. And no, it's not going to be an entirely different hardware structure. It'll be the same chips with manufacturer-specific firmware. He stopped responding after that.

Another person on the Forscan forum suggested I find a used car dealer to get the profile. What world do these people live in? Do they really think I can just walk up to Dave's Used Cars and say Hey, I have zero interest in buying this car, but can I hook my laptop up and do (something) with this Russian software? I promise I'm legit. This would only work if the dealer let me drive the car alone, which is very hit-or-miss, and even then -- they will do the whole song and dance about trying to sell me a car once I return. How do I get my laptop into the car without them noticing? If they catch me connecting, that software technically could be used to program a third key so they COULD claim I was potentially trying to steal the car. If they insist on riding with me, then what? "Eh I'm gassy, nevermind, I'm just gonna go home"?

But that was nothing compared to the Escape forum. Holy hell. You thought I was repeating myself a lot in that little screenshot? At a certain point I was wondering if this next guy was just trolling me, or if he really is that big of an idiot. He's from Kansas so it could go either way.

My initial post, similar to before, explaining what I'm doing and why I need a profile:

While I admit it kind of beat around the bush, I didn't want to spend too much time babbling about Mercedes cameras and whatnot when the bulletpoint was that I needed a profile.


Here was the first response:

So he doesn't seem to be understanding what I'm trying to accomplish, telling me there's unique brackets and how to search for AsBuilts.

In my reply, I reiterate that I'm already plenty knowledgeable in both AsBuilts and the windshield differences. I have a working system using the Gentex IPMA, now I want to try the Continental IPMA used on the Escape. I'm admitting it PROBABLY won't work, but I want to TRY.


A few days later, I noticed my post was moved from the '3rd Gen Escape' subforum to the 'Other Vehicle Discussion' -- I bump the post saying "Why? My post is requesting information from 3rd-Gen Escape owners"

Again, he talks about the fucking AsBuilts, and just says "it wont work".

I tell him AGAIN that I don't need AsBuilts, I need a profile.


Oh my god. Shut. The. Fuck. Up. About. AsBuilts.

Everything else he says is factually wrong, as I mention in my reply:

I'm definitetely getting into :marseylongpost2: :marseylongpost2: :marseylongpost2: territory here because he keeps going about AsBuilt comparisons. I repeated myself like three times over, explaining that I need a profile. I know about AsBuilts. I have successfully done AsBuilt comparisons in the past. At this moment, the IPMA does not even have an AsBuilt because I'm still stuck on the 'Putting Ford Firmware' stage.

I very carefully explain every little goshdang detail behind what I'm trying to accomplish. An earlier draft even had me stressing "And when I say Continental, I am not referring to the Lincoln model. I know that does not use these cameras. I am referring to Continental, the company that produced the camera used in the Escape."


After all this, where there's no longer ANY room for ambiguity, what does our brave dipshit respond with?



Jesus tapdancing christ. I never once implied I was trying to do lane centering, which is a whole different thing. I never said the word center PERIODT. And guess what he means by 'you will have to modify the PSCM'? You guessed it: ASBUILT!

I already know the AsBuilt modification for the PSCM, as evidenced by the fact that I already had lanekeeping working with a different camera. It's address 702-02-01, 6th byte, change the 0 to a 1.


So now we stand at my most recent reply.

He hasn't responded yet. I am fucking :ragejak: because this shouldn't be so difficult. It's a Forscan profile. Every Ford forum has multiple threads on Forscan. There's entire databases of the AsBuilts and vehicle-specific spreadsheets on common changes.

I've been working on this project for years, and I was hoping to finally get a break from the single hardest part: getting the mirror to stick to the glass. But no, somehow getting a 2KB file with zero personal information from a community with thousands of users is more difficult than getting a 2-pound mirror to stick to a windshield in direct sunlight.

I'm just waiting for SOMEONE to come through, so I can go back to that thread and call him an illiterate n-slur.


Maybe this'll work. Don't even give these """people""" an opportunity to say it won't work.

Reported by:



Did I get your attention? Good also keep yourself safe. But before you tie the noose let me tell you a drama story in 3 chapters.


Attention boys and girls its time for more BPD whore sperg out.

:#marseyschizoshaking: :#marseydeuxfoid:

What's a V-tuber you might ask? Google it straggot. Tldr a person that uses an anime avatar to make twitch streams. Straggots willingly watch this to throw thousands of shekels at these possibly hideous people.

:#marseycatgirl: :#marseycoomer:

So what's the drama? See title straggot. But let's dive deeper.

Chapter 1

The post

So let's start from the beginning yeah? V-whore "Saruei" makes contest for her simps to draw fanart of her with the best pic getting 5k US dollars then. Right then what's the drama?


Well it all starts with this seethe post from Saruei here

Tldr: Twitch artist cry and piss their pants because they get disqualified from the contest without ever being notified and for bullshit reasons.

:#marseymalding: :#marseypainter:

They waste hours of their time drawing coom bait for Saruei (from this point referred to as V-whore), she bags the art and they get told to frick off from her simp armada.

:#marseygeisha: :#marseyarmy:

So what are those bullshit reasons?

Well first of all poor V-whore doesn't have to time to tell artists they are disqualified lmao. Why are they disqualified? Because their art is traced of course. Is there evidence for this? Frick off incel.

:!#marseypainter: :!#marseyraging:

The aurtist trying to contact her about tracing allegations get to talk to her groomercord jannies (dudes wasting their time simping for 2D kitty lmao) instead. They aren't exactly friendly some might even say cruel. What's the V-whores response to this?

Please look up the definition of the word "cruel", please.


Artists thus utterly btfo.

Carrying on. Other reasons? They drew her books too big. This is her profile banner btw. Yes the one I baited you straggots with. Don't forget to tie that noose just yet.


Any autist that didn't figure it out yet its all bullshit to get free art lmao.

Now anyway let's carry on to chapter 2



To maybe an r-slured dramatards r-slurred surprise only this caused a lot of sneed and pearls clutching in the mentally stable world of Twitter artism. So here is a delicious selection of their seethe.

:#marseysalty: :#marseysalty: :#marseysalty:

THE GROOMERCORD JANNIES USED THE R WORD and with video proof too. Yes someone recorded this and thought they have got got those pesky jannoids.




V-whore response? Tldr: Cope and seethe.



V-whore response? Blocked lmao.

This one is so hilarious I'm just going to post it. Twitter "people" man.

"as someone who has supported you for a long time, seeing you not only support the toxic bhvr of your mod who LITERALLY called someone a slur in a VC, but you also belittle the feelings of others & call them 'snowflakes'??? Man seeing someones true colors sucks πŸ₯²"

TLDR: V-whore called some autist a snowflake thus making her a hecking chud.

:#marseypearlclutch2: :#marseypearlclutch2:


I will link the video of the jannie saying r-slur and screaming at an Aurtist here again

:#marseyraging: :#marseysob:

Everone involved in this is so fricking pathetic lmao.

Chapter 3

the aftermath

The V-whore did what no r-slur should do before the Twitter horde. Apologize.


There was actually a post of this with comments enabled. The feeble V-whore couldn't handle all the back clash though (as seen with all the blocking earlier) and disabled the comments. No more drama for us then. Well enough. The V-whore is seething. Twitter artists got owned again. This was all very entertaining. Rdrama wins as usual.


Well this is our conclusion then. Make sure to post a :marseycatgirljanny: marsey if you came this far to prove you aren't zoomer brained.


Also anyone posting "TLDR?" or any variation of "words words words" gets a 12 hour ban as I'm sick of Zoomers running rampant here. So you get to enjoy that extra drama in the comments. Cheerio straggots til next time.

:#marseyxoxo: :#marseywave2:

Reported by:
  • usernaw : >not driving a bus full of innocent children drunk
EFFORTPOST What's the difference between a school and a bar? Nothing according to these folks!

Drunk at school!

School is a sacred place. It is where our youth go to prepare themselves for adult life. Children are our future, so those entrusted to care for them should take utmost care to nurture their delicate minds. There are some uncouth individuals who have opted to abuse their position of authority - molestors and bullies, for example. The people we'll discuss today aren't particularly malicious. In fact, you could argue they're severely ill. Nevertheless, it will be evident that they should never be entrusted to children ever again.

The drunk school bus drivers

Did you know that 31% of all traffic fatalities in the USA involve alcohol?! One in five child deaths in traffic will involve alcohol too. Despite this, people regularly overestimate their ability to drive impaired, resulting in fatal events. One of the problems is that alcohol raises your confidence, leaving you incapable of determining just how impaired you truly are. Furthermore, you overestimate how much you've recovered. It's a recipe for disaster.

Have you ever driven drunk? Be honest. Regardless of your answer, I'd hope you weren't ferrying children during your intoxicated joyride.

1. Mark McNeill

Mark McNeill is an old man who drove the school bus for Buddy Taylor Middle School. McNeill was arrested when his co-workers smelled alcohol on his breath. It is evident that McNeill is an alcoholic, because he arrived in court wasted! This man first denied it, but when pressed by the judge, eventually admitted it.

When it was all said and done, he received the following sentence:

>The judge sentenced him to the 18 months in state prison on the neglect charge; nine months for the elevated blood alcohol level; and 31 days time-served on the charge of resisting arrest

How do you feel?

Mark McNeill

Got behind the wheel

Made the kids squeal

2. Catherine Maccerone

This one is a bit funnier. Catherine Maccerone got behind the wheel absolutely plastered. She is seen talking to an empty bus, and when there are kids, they are screaming the entire time! Her joyride is brought to a halt when a fifth grader called 911.

Surprisingly, she only got 5 years probation which is insane in my opinion. She was driving a bus full of children and she only got probation? It should be attempted murder for every child in the bus. Also, there's this gem:

>She's one of two area bus drivers arrested on suspicion of impaired driving.

Are bus drivers just regularly shitfaced?

The drunk teachers

What's the worst thing a teacher was ever caught doing at your school? These teachers got drunk on the job and it's hilarious.

1. Kimberly Coates

Ted Bundy once said "You learn what you need to kill and take care of the details. It's like changing a tire... the 1st time you're careful... by the 30th time you can't remember where you left the lug wrench". This is certainly the case with Kimberly Coates.

You've probably seen this one. Teacher arrives on the first week of school visibly drunk. She is taken to a private office where police give her a breathalizer and she is found to be drunk. The headmaster also goes to her classroom and finds a cup with wine stains in it. At that point it became evident that this was a habitual thing for her. How many times do you think she's gotten drunk at school and gotten away with it? 50? 100? Has it been years? She was probably very good at covering her tracks at first and maintaining her buzz at first. Unfortunately, she got too comfortable, began to feel like she'd mastered it and she'd never get caught... that's when the sloppiness sunk in.

What I find interesting is that she keeps denying that she drank at school specifically despite there being obvious evidence that not only does she drink at school, but she has done so prior, as is evident by the cup which she tries to erase of evidence. That there is the brain of an addict and if you've ever been around one you'll notice it immediately. She is just lying on instinct at that point because it's so routine to cover up that specific thing. Her brain absolutely cannot admit to it, it's too locked into the cover-up and lie pattern. She cannot even admit it to herself, or else her own delusion would crash and she'd realise that despite what she believes, she is absolutely not a functional alcoholic, for no such thing exists.

You see that moment right here:

No ma'am, you were never doing a good job. You cannot be drunk and do a good job as a teacher. You were always deluding yourself. You need love and help, and you need a new occupation. She absolutely did not want to call her husband. Why do you think that is so? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

2. Jennifer Davis

Davis is a far less interesting case. She lies through her teeth, much like Coates, but she is far more subdued. She seems to have accepted that she is an alcoholic. Nevertheless, she also has to prop up at least one lie to save her dignity - "I never drank at school. Not around the children.". The breathalyzer suggests she did drink at school, or if not, she drove to school drunk. Once again, this is probably a case of her getting sloppy and drinking too much this day. Although she is relatively accepting of her wrongdoing, the fact of drinking on the premises is just a bridge too vast for her to cross.

We've all seen cases of "the crime outsizing the man". People do things that seems beyond them, and even they cannot come to terms with what they have done. Davis probably went into teaching with sincere intentions. She does believe in the sanctity of school. But alcoholism has sullied that, and it has driven her to do something she cannot even admit to. She besmirched her profession, the thing she dedicated her life to, and she has betrayed the trust of all those parents.

Davis got really nice treatment. It's nice, but it would be better if cops treated everyone that way and not just the sweet lady. That's it for today. Thanks for coming by! Tune in next time when we discuss and morally analyze JiDion. When does trolling go too far?


What's this now?! We have a bonus entry!

The Carrollton bus crash

The Carrollton bus crash is the deadliest drunk driving collision in US history. On May 14, 1988, a youth group boarded a school bus and headed to Kings Island theme park. On their way home, they collided with Larry Mahoney who was over two times the legal limit. The bus caught on fire, causing the death of 27 of the 67 people on the bus. The youngest victim was 10. Mahoney only served nine years in prison, but his case led to sweeping changes in drunk driving laws.

The survivors are horrifically disfigured, and you can watch their interviews!



Some of this might be wrong, but I think I got most of the interesting points. Dude's dug himself a pit and there's not going to be any good way out of it, I think. It's split up based on the timestamps in his description

00:00 Does he even know how much money he makes?

  • Weird stuff at the beginning where he doesn't want to show his eyes, location or age.

  • Works at a tesla factory

  • Financial situation is "pretty wonky"

06:11 Tax fraud?

  • Left last job because he didn't want to get vaxxed

  • Didn't waste money paying taxes on the interim job :marseykingcrown:

08:49 Weird expenses?

  • Two credit cards

  • $358 in road tolls, includes late fees? He stalled them to the point of being threatened with court? :#marseybased:

10:11 You have NO MONEY!!!

  • $3049 in, $5000 out

  • "I've been... you could say... investing" :marseycool:

  • "I used to budget" "I've maxed all my credit cards" "I used to have thousands money in my savings. All those thousands absolutely gone." "I had to close my savings, in fact I didn't close it myself, the bank just completely deleted it."

11:43 Rent is 60% of his income

  • "Undisciplinary actions on a mutual basis when it comes to sharing rent, for sure"

    • His former roommate (family member, brother) ditched him and left him with the lease
  • Back and forth about whether the roommate is in fact fricking him over by leaving him with the rent bill

    • The answer seems to be a Yes but apparently it's consensual
  • Lease ends in a few months

17:53 You have NO MONEY!!! p2

19:53 Going massively into debt for a dream

  • Big money spent on audio equipment, paying in installments

  • Learning audio engineering

  • Just finished paying off a second(?) $1200 subwoofer

  • Splurged a little on audio software plugins

  • "I've had chances to make money but I did not at the time receive money"

    • He refused payment because he wasn't satisfied with the quality of his own product :marseychad:
  • Believes he will make a thousandfold return on investment

    • Has sunk at least 20k into this

26:33 150% utilization on credit cards!!!!

31:54 DebtCHAOS

  • One is over $5400 and the other is $2697

  • $1700 over his credit limit, they're still letting him purchase on it :marseyretardchad:

    • $129 interest on that in November? Not sure I heard this right
  • "Once I learned I could [spend over the credit card limit] it kinda just set this mentality that I could just do it and then pay it off"

  • $6 under the credit limit on the other one

  • Got declined on a $1 purchase :marseysad:

  • 0% interest until early spring on Credit Card 2

  • Been recently building up hardware collection, started out on software but moved onto hardware

34:00 Hidden car debt....

  • Car loan

    • More than 60% paid off

    • 4% rate

    • Cosign on the initial purchase, refinanced under his own

    • 2018 Chevy

35:31 Do you even have a financial future at this point?

29:50 Are you willing to sacrifice at all?!

  • Mostly backstory stuff

  • Had some health problems during the moving job which made him quit

  • Been cutting back on fast food

41:51 Clean up this MESS

44:03 Rent is 60% of his income p2

  • roughly 1900 on rent on a roughly 50k income? Not certain I heard this one right

  • Long defense of the brother because the brother has helped him out bigly in the past?

50:22 Broke forever...

52:35 Hammer Financial Score

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