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This guy totally owned him by calling him a disgusting person:

This guy signed him up for furry newsletters:

This guy sent him bussy:

This guy posted hog (with warts):

Are landlords even people?

I bought a mobile home for my mother to live in and she died a few months later. I've been trying to sell it ever since and have had sooo many people tell me that I should just rent it out, which I technically can't do because it's supposed to be owner or close family occupied, but even if I could, I just don't think I'd want to ever be a landlord, partly because it's too much trouble and partly because I'd have to make a choice between either squeezing someone for all I can, which I have an ethical problem with, or charging them well below market rent, which just seems irrational. Better to sell the darn thing and not have to worry about it anymore.

Sound financial choice bro!

I texted the number and told him he should be ashamed of himself, and he called me a few mins later. I didn't answer because I'm a b-word but it confirmed there was someone on the other end receiving things.


This unfortunately was removed by Reddit, appears to be a super sweet burn with cat facts though:

This guy made a hilarious Google review as Reginald P Moneybags and wants upvotes!

This guy said frick you to him! So brave!

This guy is in debt (lol) but no fear, now the landchad will get those calls so this guy will totally not have to pay!

This guy is extra evil:

Sent him a really disrespectful text. Don't feel bad about it he deserved it. I can't stand these types of people. Hope you find a good place soon OP

Literally no one who isn't brain dead says this:

Remember, there are people out the we that will insist that renting is 100% better than buying...

At least there's one person supporting landlord rights:

Tip him

Plz spam report

Pope says people are "fundamentally good"

Bro, has the Pope even met people?

Does the Pope not realize that what goodnees he sees was hard-fought-for by his own church, and only possible by the grace of Our Lord as mediated by the Holy Spirit?

Does he not know that this is the good news that the gospels are named after?

!christians discuss!

Dr Who: Identity Politics Farce With Crashing Ratings :marseybeansick: :marseybeansick: :marseybeansick:
Petition to keep the logo broken

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Turn sound on :marseycrying:

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Ruzzia about to get BROWNED

The dream of billions of Jeets has been fulfilled. Visa free travel for Indians into Russia is a reality. Millions of blonde blue eyed slavic women will be waiting




Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

what are some examples of novels that criticize capitalism and that are considered classics? i'm genuinely curious (3)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

They're both TERRIBLE literature.  (47)

Really? How so?I never understood all the hate. Didn't finish the book, but it was pretty decent imho. Cool/creative story. (0)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift is mostly a satire of the more left-wing Enlightenment thinkers and Whig Party politics. I'm more left-wing, and that was about the only piece of right-wing satire I've seen that I thought was actually done well. (46)

I am going off of very foggy recollections of my sophomore lit classes but would it be safe to place another of his works, “A Modest Proposal”, as more in line with modern day leftist thought? He's skewering the idea of helping the poor and hungry with state resources and (/s, obviously) advocates for feeding the poor and solving overpopulation with cooked babies. (0)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Mishima is 100% hardcore right-wing. Even tried to stage a coup to restore the monarch and killed himself because it failed. (60)

To be fair, I think the word "staged" doesn't get nearly enough credit here. Mishima dedicated pretty much his entire adult life to the cultivation of his self as an aesthetic object, and it's hard not to see that including the manner of his death.It would be insufficient to call it "performance art", because that might imply that he wasn't somehow sincere in his stated politics or whatever, and I don't think that's true. But I don't think the point of the "coup" was ever to achieve a successful material change in government or anything like that; if anything, Mishima wanted to change people's consciousnesses through the wanton spectacle of his death.And maybe unintentionally, the way he died was beautifully ironic given the way we've valorised that spectacle vis a vis the image of his external politics and his philosophy of the aesthetic cultivation of the body: he failed to disembowel himself properly, his kaishakunin failed to behead him cleanly, and he died in agony. In the mome... (8)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Crime and Punishment is weird because it keeps telling you over and over how stupid the communist character is but never once is he shown to be anything but very intelligent. (102)

I don't agree with Dostoyevsky's reason for that characterization, but from what I remember that character (I don't exactly remember if he was a communist or just a liberal/Russian nihilist) is comically myopic and stubborn in his worldview. For example, there is a period when a certain character dies and he goes on to lecture grieving family members about how there shouldn't be a burial rite (or something to that effect) because those are grounded in religious traditions which his brand of politics/philosophy rejects entirely. (Similar moments include him lecturing some women about not marrying IIRC.) I mean fine if you hold those views, but Dostoyevsky's "ridicule" of him works because he's (the character) so dogmatic, ridiculously over-the-top and downright inhumane about his feminism and atheism. Of course, for those of us who differ vastly in our worldview and beliefs from Dostoyevsky, none of this calculated ridicule will make his conservative religious pitch any more intriguing. (32)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Sure, heinlein criticizes communism, but to extrapolate anti-Chinese racism from a critique of communism is an insane leap of logic and, I might add, mildly racist in and of itself. (0)

Here's a paper by a political science professor on East Asian xenophobia in Heinlein's works (not limited to Starship Troopers) comes from a different time, he came from a military family in the age of the Korean and Vietnamese war, and I know his politics over time changed some and he became more humanist in general over time, but his early works reek of racismIt's been a long time since I've read either book, but in one of the introductions to either Starship Troopers or Forever War, they had quotes from Heinlein where he was specifically critiquing Chinese communism. Sure, the way communism swept China was unique, as all revolutions are unique, but the singling out of it is more than suspect (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/herrirgendjemand

Score: 🐮🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 4

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


Link to video -

Link to sub for the sub for the star wards hotel -

You don't need to watch the video - just know that she fricking hated the hotel and found it was not worth 6000 dollars, according to summaries I read.

The funniest part is the Disney adults in the sub who are coping hard. I don't need to link to anything because it's literally all over the front page. This is amplified by the base level of cope for the hotel closing.

It cost 6000 dollars for two nights in a shitty hotel with no windows and cruise ship size rooms btw


I (M35) am married to (F34). I also have a friend (M36) who we'll call Mark, and he is soon-to-be-unmarried to his wife (F34).

The reason why Mark and his wife are divorcing is because (according to Mark) she has let herself go. He has said she has gained a lot of weight (I have noticed that, but like I didn't really care), she stopped going to the gym, starting smoking, cut off her hair due to not caring to take care of it anymore, etc. When I told my wife of this, she just made a face and said that it was "trashy" of him to leave his wife in what may be hard times in her life. I understand that, but like, my friend said that he had tried therapy for her, marriage counselling, and antidepressants (she was actually diagnosed depressed) but she didn't really seem to want to help herself.

Honestly, I can get behind that. But my wife's mood always shifts whenever I bring him up now, and doesn't like the fact that I'm helping him through the divorce (it's taking a toll on both of them equally imo).

Been a back and forth type thing for a while, and im coming to this sub to seek judgement on whether i am wrong or not here. AITA?

Your wife is probably worrying about what you're going to do if she "let herself go".

Then maybe she should avoid.....letting herself go..... -517


It's "for better or for worse, in sickness and in health"

Not, as you/Mark/OP seem to think, "until my peepee can't get hard around her anymore."

>until my peepee can't get hard around her anymore


NTA. Here's why. I had been with my boyfriend of almost 15 years. One year into our relationship he had a breakdown and was hospitalized and diagnosed as manic and bipolar. He did take his meds for a while then came off them on his own. He either worked two jobs and I would beg him to spend time with me or he'd play video games for 20 hours a day. We recently broke up because I was tired of being held to a double standard of what he was allowed to do vs why I can't. It is extremely hard dealing with someone who is depressed and will not learn to deal with it. I stayed with him drove hours to hospitals and drs and the one time I needed him to drive me to the ER. I was told well I guess I'll have to take you as you'll never stop bitching about it if I don't. I had pneumonia. You aren't telling your wife you'll leave her if she gains weight. You are telling her if she is unwilling to medically help herself you will not be staying. NTA. But I'm sure I'll get crucified for my response. Try and explain that to her that's it not the letting herself go it's the trying to not be responsible for her health.

Well, in that scenario, the depressed person was male, so that's clearly different. /s

Unfortunately that how things work in this forum.


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happy 3rd birthday rDrama :marseyparty:

we somehow made it to 3 years :marseyclapping:

heres to 1 more :capywalking:

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