My favorite soothing hypnotic music from the Her OST

My favorite part is from 2:03-2:32

Favorite part from 0:59-1:27

Idk someone might appreciate it!

Tunes to boozecruise to :marseyjam:


I love how his voice tone changed :marseychefkiss:

It's synthwave night babyyy

Post the most badass synth song you have. It must ooze 80s from its pores, it must be funky and groovy, it must have the pluck bass and the warm analog sound


I am very humble :marseysoutherner:

I went to buy some food and in front of the entrance was some mayo trash trying to stop people to ask for change. I had my headphones on but I am mostly wearing them to tell people to frick off, homo legit tried to get in front of me but I walked past. On my way back he again was there and again tried to get on my way and when I walked past him he mumbled โ€œbastardโ€ towards me so I pulled my headphones and told โ€œDa frick you said ?โ€ He with epic cutie twink voice โ€œcan I have changeโ€ I laughed and told him โ€œFrick you, stragotโ€ because being humble is very important.

If you local mayo and homeless it's literally your decision. Gov will give you like 1500 euro, of course it's not enough for good place in some cities but for some village it's enough + they can get social housing. To understand how big Netherlands is, it's 3,5 times smaller than state New York and has similar population to New York so the country had no places like in US that are in middle of nowhere. But those homos don't want to live in villages because they wouldn't be able to beg for money and being annoying.

If more people were as humble is me those homos would had existed :marseysoutherner:

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Zhirinovskyy was such a legend

He says burgers will never attack Russia as Russian will never attack burgers but victims will be Korean, Japan, Chinese, Khohols, Baltiks, Poland, other Slavs, Sunni and Sheits.

Friday night drunk thread

Went to a local lake for paddle boarding with my ex-husband that decided surprising me would be fun this morning and then fly home a few hours ago. Lake was cold as shit so kind of funny watching him fall over multiple times and going back to my house for drinks and s*x. Got too drunk so he had to Uber but at least I got a fun morning trip and got laid :marseyshrug: :marseydrunk: :marseydrunk:


Updated yesterday via a 3rd party play store front end and the app has not given me 1 notification since. Not one. Uninstall and reinstalled via gplay, disabled battery bullshit, turned off my pc, nothing fixes it.

We need to


Some groomercord devs until they fricking admit the issue exists. 8 years this bug has existed and never once have they even addressed it

Edit: After un and REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE installing it 3 times it works. I think it's because I deleted all data from it before reinstalling last time

The Thad Faceless Nobody

@KILL_EVERYONE 500 coins please.

Chat broke

It broke


I don't like the use of the word r-slur to describe developmentally disabled students, either. It's not their fault that their parents drank while pregnant.


Four face pixel laser treatments are $700, and 4 face injection syringes, one treatment, good for 2 years, is $2200. An older woman makes the total of the above in ONE WEEK of after taxes take home pay, my son. Keep her exercised, and viola, she'll kick the butt of any piece of white trash that looks 25 at age 15, and 45 at age 25 (like many of my classmates at our reunions).

She is asking some weird butt question

My divorce decree grants me 100% of anything my ex hid during discovery. I just found out he bought a timeshare using our old phone numbers. Timeshare company wants to meet near me. What's the best way to get its address, value, & date of purchase?

What variety of cannabis smells like a combo of sicky sweet canteloupe and rotten stinky feet, to the point where someone's pores stink and taste horrible like it, and why do people do that to themselves?

I need to track a criminal who threatened me and used to get arrested every year. Is there still an equivalent of mugshots online anymore, or a national inmate roster, so I can find out where he is?

ER easily drains 3 gal of urine w catheter after SNF facility feels hard lump in left abdomen. How many days did it take 75 yr old woman, to accumulate, due to no one letting her out of a bed with rails to walk in her walker to the bathroom?

Two smart, good looking Greek professors had 2 daughters, with a genetic disability. 2 yr old minds, difficulty standing. One died younger, but the other was full height at age 18 & pulled herself up Dutch door to wave hi. What was their condition?

A friend wants a younger woman to marry him, so she will change his bedpan when he's older. What are the odds she'll stick around, and shouldn't he just hire a nurse and marry someone his own age?

What's a good frequency that hurts a dog's ears when they bark, but humans can't hear?

She also has a mania that someone is spying on her.

She is like mix of different users from here like Garry and sneedman

I never thought about it before since autism is mostly male shit but frick foid with autism are sinister. I guess guys going on date with 30+ year old should ask them to bring their medical card with them

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  • WeihnachtenSalvador : When do paki learn they have only India ?
  • Snape : is your friendship with potty over as well sexy Indian dude
Friendship with Turkey over :marseytears:
Sub Urban - Diamond

Preachers cherry-pick gossip like violets

Vilify stars like a nihilist

Cannot win them all (they might just)

Mistake jealousy for judging one's taste

Praising sarcophagus, art's sake

Diamond in the rough

Juggernaut faces wilt and decay

I know by and by, I'll be replaced

But before I reach that event in time

I'll rearrange your

Common sense don't

Apprehend those that make everything about their lives

And I'll bet if you met me, you'd regret me

Because I'm probably not on your side

Don't think about it, you're making a change

The world's a better

And if your talent consists of "do-re's"

I'd ask you kindly

Preachers cherry-pick gossip like violets

Vilify stars like a nihilist

Cannot win them all (they might just)

Mistake jealousy for judging one's taste

Praising sarcophagus, art's sake

Diamond in the rough

Juggernaut faces wilt and decay

I know by and by, I'll be replaced

But before I reach that event in time

I'll rearrange your

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