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July 4th Weekend: TheMotte Watches 1/6 Hearings

For those of you who aren't aware, /r/TheMotte is a containment zone for neurodivergent politics in which the most brutal selection effect I've ever seen results in severe idiocy being taken seriously OR ELSE YOU GET THE BAN.

And if you dare to suggest that these ideas might not be worth taking seriously, well, that's not civil, and civility above all else! Otherwise how would you know it was politics?

Rarely is motivated reasoning so stridently displayed as it is on TheMotte, and I've been mining the threads for mentions of the 1/6 hearing.

Starting from 2 weeks ago.

I realize that most people in my sphere see this as a show trial, so I'm curious: is there anybody here who sees it as something else? Or do you know anybody who does? What is the general sentiment among people who are seeing this and feeling like this is actually evidence of a coup attempt?

Thread 2. Someone going "Hey wait, these things sound like things we should be concerned about." And this kicks off a real riot of smug denial, blowhard muttering about Democrat lies, you know: den of idiocy.

Highlight: someone realizing they're in the den of idiots. This is the only comment that received moderator attention (that I saw, at least).

The absolute refusal of Trumpists (not least in the comments here) to engage with the possibility that these allegations are true, and what they imply, is emblematic of why I'm so confident opposing him and his tribe.

We have allegations that the president took multiple specific concrete actions to bring about a violent disruption the elector vote count. I have seen no reason to think these allegations are implausible, and neither have you, other than an abstract sense that this goes against Trump so it must be establishment media lies. Do you live in a Ben Garrison comic? Because I feel like I live in Ionesco's Rhinoceros.

And this isn't an isolated thing. Whenever allegations are made about Trump, legions of commenters in this otherwise collegial community pour out of the walls Alien-style to clamor that the Lügenpresse is at it again, that the Democrats are Satan's envoys, and that we sure can't wait for the Day of the Rope special Minecraft event. What does this say about the nature of Trumpism?

The moderator response: How dare you notice that this is a den of idiots? Be civil.

Thread 3, which devolves into game theoretical handwaving. The least interesting, but presented for completeness.

To recap: A boomer reality tv star calls to a foreign government for help in an election on national TV and six years later we're still struggling to figure out whether or not the mob he conjured up was sent to the Capitol on purpose. How did we get this dumb?

If you're that stupid, if you're that neurodivergent, if you're that willing to indulge degenerate lunacy in the elder generation... I'm calling your patriotism into question.

Make America Smart Again.

Rightoids were never that smart but when they were given permission to assault the institutions of journ*lism and universities they became proud of their stupidity and proud of their shitty behavior, resulting in an entire generation of useless online shitheads who wouldn't know greatness if it kicked them in the fricking teeth. The rightoid is a creature that can do nothing but bleat at leftoid annoyances from their safe spaces online.

Happy 4th you fricking slurs.

:#marseyusa: :#marseypatriot:


Title: Why are Filipina so sloppy with leftover food? My fiance is always leaving food open in the cabinets and crumbs on the counter. They are attracting bugs and it makes me crazy!

This gem of a man was having pre-marital issues with his Filipino-born fiancé and thought he could vent his frustrations in the wrong subreddit and get plenty of sympathizers. Instead, the community was upset and it didn't take much for him to show his true colors.

Some highlights of his bickering, making sure to spend his time responding to every criticism while throwing around the word "snowflake":

Thread: "Stop generalising man, your post is infuriating. How would you like it if we asked you why American men are so fat and can't even walk to their nearest gym? Or why alllll you guys go to the Philippines for the purpose of finding subservient women to act as your housemaids? Not nice huh."

His response: "Which is why Qatar Airways released bug spray before letting the passengers off the plane in the Philippines. Go frick yourself. I hope your kitty butt is even more infuriated now! Fricking snowflake. "

After poster revealed he was British, gentleman OP replied with: "You fricking Brits think you're hot shit. That's why we kicked you out."


Thread: "Racist prick"

His response: "You must come from the generation of snowflakes that call everyone and everything "racist." When George Jefferson said "shut up honkey" on national TV in the 70s and 80s we didn't cry about it. It was fricking hilarious."


Thread: "What era are you from exactly?"

His response: "Oh you mean era? I'm a Gen Xer. Back when I was growing up people weren't so sensitive about race and cultures. We all sort of just laughed about it and playfully poked fun at each other kind of like comedians do. It's way better than today where people are always walking on eggshells and every little thing they say or do is interpreted as racist."

He's really on full defense about libtards in a Filipino foodie subreddit: "It maybe laughable to you because you have no concept of it and didn't live through it. It's like everything that's said publicly nowadays is twisted into something "racist" and the cancel culture mob comes out in full force."


Alex, I'll take "Colonizers Say The Darndest Things" for 200: Oh yeah, I'm so "racist" that I fell in love with and am marrying a Filipina. Go back to your "safe space" you flaming libtard.


Other highlighted commenters:

Yeah, you’re right, I wouldn’t know any better because you totally know me and I’m a snowflake libtard, amirite? Lolllll FOH with your triggered butt.

Maybe try not labelling Filipino women as "Filipina"


We're all asking this one question. The answer is no, he's actually younger than you think. "I'm only an butthole to people that are buttholes to me first. "


After having pwned the libs on /r/filipinofood (btw that's ancient Millenial slang for "owned", you're too young to understand), he takes his thread to a more appropriate subreddit, which is /r/expatfinance. He may be illiterate but he's definitely got comedic potential:

"Are you looking for Expat Fiancé?"

OP: Already have one.

"Is this a standup routine or something?"

EDIT: My timeline is wrong. Turns out he mistakenly posted on /r/expatfinance first before finding /r/filipinofood to unload onto.é/


I hate Elon :marseyill:



A lot of people here seem interested in the Ukraine stuff so here are good sources




These guys have up to date stuff and are actual experts on the russian military.


wear the shirt, bigot

Lets check in on... @thegayrabbi :!marseybooba:
The Motteasan

The Motteasan is immunized against all dangers: One may call him a misogynist, fascist, reactionary, religious nut, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call his forum a longwinded rightwing hug box and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out"

:marseychonker2: :marseychingchong: journo sneeds in the Guardian. FAT SHAMERS BTFO

Fats coping for the 19471948219th time

This is my witty way of letting you know that I am fat – or, as my GP calls me, “obese” – which, in the health industry, is deemed “bad”

:marseyairquotes: health industry :marseyairquotes: meaning Johns Hopkins and every source of medical advice excluding Buzzfeed. Yaknow, the evil ones

As a result, I became prediabetic and developed hypertension and gout (Henry VIII would be proud)

IT’S CAUSE OF BAD FEELS NOT CAUSE I WAS A LARDASS :marseyraging::marseyraging::marseyraging:

What I did not expect was the emotions this would unearth (or the yeast infection I would get from being in activewear for too long)


She’s a “stand-up comedian” and it’s about as bad as you’d expect from a brap idpol-er

This is her if you’re curious and too lazy to click a link to shitty comedy. If this isn’t your idea of health you’re probably a bigot and a chud




Overweight women most likely to suffer long covid. The study is one of the largest studies on long Covid in the UK. It shows that having a higher BMI is linked with the condition, and that women are more likely to experience long Covid than men.

:marseyblops2cel: Inspiration for the incels of rdrama :marseyblops2chadcel2:

If fricking bardfinn could get a wife and have a kid, why can't you? :marseywitch2:


Lots of cope and handwaving on the DC subreddit

Unsurprisingly, not much else on Reddit about it.

Edit: here's more info:

Big drops all around.

Per GG, they've lost 100 mil this year.

Woman practices self care. Scrotes big mad

The sidebar literally says

This sub is meant as a fun joke. It is not a hate sub.

Sounds exactly like the excuse they have at r/4chan, r/LoveForLandlords and r/AntiHateCommunities.

It would be great to get it banned!

Smartest :marseytank: driver rams a burning :marseytank: with his own :marseysteer: :!marseyburn:

I stand with Ukraine giving booze cruisers a chance at driving expensive tanks :marseydrunk:

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