
As always, nothing makes !peakpoors seethe harder than telling them to live within their means. :marseywagie:

This post reeks of privilege portraying itself as advice. [+65]

Explain [-10]

It just seems like someone who didn't work a job til after college, had their entire expenses paid for and had their parents help them with a down payment on their house preaching about finance, it's hysterical.

Majority of the case, your finances are an indicator of your upbringing. It's not the rule, but usually in the case I mentioned, that person didn't do anything special, they just had parents who helped them out. But because they did well, they want to convince themselves that they're just more responsible. Especially with the last gripe of β€œdon't live on govt/others”, it's pretty clear you're incapable of considering any case where you do need to rely on government/others.

My parents have both been on disability since I was 16. My mom has had 2 strokes, and my dad had a really bad work injury and suffered moderate brain damage. Both of them are now incapable of working. So what do you consider they do for income instead? [+35]

1st gen cuban american. I've worked since I was 14 and my parents only gave me food and shelter. I paid my own way through college and bought my own house at 23 (funding the down payment myself).

I'm glad your disabled parents had govt/taxpayer support. Obviously disabilities might require some form of govt assistance, which is why those programs exist. My advice remains, whether one is disabled or not. Live below your means, work more/harder (as much and as hard as your mind/body can) to provide for yourself and your loved ones to the best of your ability.

Haters gonna hate. Whiners gonna whine. I prefer to suck it up and improve my lot no matter my circumstances nor my limitations. [-20]

Ah, classic machismo. You just proved their point. [+15]


This is just self righteous, mental masturbation. Just put it in your journal next time.

Personal responsibility is a dirty word on Reddit

Spoken like a nepo-baby who got a "small loan of a million dollars" handed to them.


This isn't educational, it's abundantly ignorant to the reality that much of the population is facing.

We have hundreds of thousands dying in poverty. They are not "living above their means" and people who rely on the government don't have a choice. This idea that it's "optional" would be hilarious if people weren't actively dying because they are unable to afford basic necessities for survival.

We need to be expanding these programs right now because the current state of poverty in the US is unacceptable and it's been getting much worse with inflation.

In that article you posted they didn't talk about how poverty is actually killing people, they just kept saying that it kills and says it's the 4th leading cause of death but yet accidents are the the 4th highest.

I'm gonna be real with you, if you need someone to spell out for you how poverty can be detrimental or life-threatening you might be r-slurred.






What's your advice for Raymundo?

decline01 hehe

Average JEEcel:marseynerd:

(((They))) remembered his black balls :marseyyeezus:

There’s heaps of β€œim not obese theyre just unoriginal” :marseycope: types and surprisingly a good amount of people clowning her since its a default sub


Probably bait but there are some good slapfights over whether or not the adoptive parents and/or redditors are racist

boy dinner :marseygrilling:
They watch you sleep...
Redditors :marseysneed: about :marseymagahat: after a little king's defence of Jussie Smollet is posted to r/agedlikemilk

The entire first comment chain is just one long argument, some good stuff in there.

You're forgetting people who wear maga hats don't watch empire and would have absolutely no idea who jussie was before he falsely smeared them.;utm_medium=web2x&context=3

How dare Smollett tarnish the squeaky clean image of Deplorable lowlifes who stand at the forefront of the racial justice movement.

If you lie to make somone look bad, and people find out it was a lie, the natural response for some is "maybe other things about them is a lie, maybe they're not so bad after all".

Except they're that bad. I didn't really follow the JS thing because I had no idea who he was but casually "MAGA hat wearing yeehawdi's follow black guy with rope and yell slurs" falls perfectly in line with my own experiences with that crowd so it's not exactly a stretch for those of us who aren't terminally online and actually go out and interact with people.


Oh my god can you believe they actually believed what someone said and was reported in the news? So cringe lol;utm_medium=web2x&context=3

Even Pakis hate Pakis

It's pretty shitty drama, but it will probably gather some steam with more interaction. Don't BTFO anyone; they'll keep coming back if you make r-slurred comments.

I hate the poors so much it's unreal.

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