

Reported by:

>roid massively in your 50s

>Still scream angsty late 80s lyrics

>Harass Parkland kids with NRA donations in their name

>Support Jan 6 protestors

>Virulently hate the majority of your fanbases


Tasmania begins the currycide, r/Australia discusses

An Indian man was also drowned in Hobart recently after being pushed into the river. For a city with a relatively small Indian community this must be terrifying.

Apparently this is a trend huh

Also learn to swim smh

No word on the alleged perpetrators, related charges (needed for victims of crime compo?) nor any contribution they have or have not made? Ehh

it's sad, but australia no longer wants indians, chinese or non-whites around. We can become like 1950s Ireland or Wales and only have whites and fish and chips. Should be good?

It'll 1950s cuisine and a 1930s economy. Bloody heck.

I genuinely can't make sense of any of these comments

That is a sad story.

He's not Australian and his parents live in India so it's probably best he gets some insurance payout and takes that money back to India where it will go further.

The NDIS is already billions over budget and I'm not convinced tax payers should foot the bill for this. Make the university sector underwrite it - they are the ones who collect billions in tuition dollars.

Based "not with my tax dollars" enjoyer

!strayans !antibharatiya

:marseyhitler: :marseyshortbus:




lmao you aren't any of those things. you're a pathetic dork who needs to pretend he's a Great Man From History because your own life is so meaningless and you provide nothing of value to anyone in it.

Nobody is a β€œdork.” Your conception of insults comes from movies you watched about jock bullies in the 80s, when you still had hair. (

He did the thing


Blud got doxxed :marseyskull: (

Speaking in a cogent, or expressive manner is an incomprehensible act; because the last time that a leftist was expected to speak without blackisms and vulgar slang was in a high-school English class (15 years ago, when they still had hair). I am Sephiroth. You are a worm.

i think we might have found the King of the Sephiroth Posters

He said the line

You guys are such dorks living in your imaginary fantasy version of the past where you're heroic warriors and not just pounding off to anime all day

You're not a "jock" from the movies. You're not "the bully" who molested you in middle school. You're a balding geriatric cuckold and homosexual fancying himself an intellectual.

You're not the "Aryan ubermensch" from Nazi propoganda. You're not "the Fuhrer" of the New Reich. You're a dumbass edgelord who can't even say his political views in public without getting his butt beat.

Yes, I am an Aryan Ubermensch from Nazi Propaganda. The FΓΌhrer lives in me.

I say my political views in public, and people like you cower while complaining about me in a quite voice, or hide behind a screen, calling for the mob to do what you would never do in real life.

The "yo he sound like sephiroth!" posts make perfect sense when you realize the only place nogs interact with eloquence is through video games, and that sephiroth specifically is from a game soylennials played.

Imagine talking like this and thinking you're the intelligent, well-adjusted person

Sorry but I do not discuss with Mexicans.

You aren't any of those guys. They did things, you just do Sephiroth rants online.

even sephiroth would be embarrassed to talk like this

I am Sephiroth.

That's nice dear now head upstairs mom made chicken tendies for dinner

What, in your mind, was meant to be insulting about this?

do u have like a humiliation fetish or something?

Lose weight.


You are definitely an incel, we get it.

Your finasteride use won't fool anyone.

Imagine typing this and thinking you sound cool

I don't β€œthink” I sound β€œcool.” You cannot fathom sincerity because you are a worm. Also, you're balding. Do you see how far up your forehead your hairline has retreated? It will never come back. It's gone forever. Your hair will only get thinner and thinner.


anime avatar

Baldlennial pronoun freak.

Mane you talk with such white eloquence what are you even saying mane you sound like da moffugin anime villain sephiroth n shie mane you're supposed to speak In niggeΠ³ babble ebonics n shie mane

king floyd didn't know spelling or grammar, so neither should we

Das rite whyte boi


In leafland taking selfies is a crime

An innocent man took a selfie and is now being charged under the Trudeau Regime

!leafs things have hit a new low

It's been almost a year since the crime occurred, but Britt Leroux of Windsor says she's still haunted by the selfie photo that Bubba Pollock took and posted while in the hospital room of her terminally ill father.

Pollock had clashed with Leroux β€” a Pride activist β€” on Facebook over a drag event and 2SLGBTQ+ issues.


I almost feel sorry for Lucas at this point. Almost.

Lol why did Freddie deCuck go full "BAD FAITH" - leftoids explain

Reported by:
  • whyareyou : do NOT access the spirit realm guys fr fr NO CAP
The spirit realm is real, here is how to access it to your advantage.

The trick is pure true faith.

I have done experiments with reality.

What I have found is that as long as you truly believe the simulation starts biasing things to align with your beliefs.

I don't know if the gods are real, but if you truly believe that things will move in your favor the probability naturally rises in ways that cannot be proved by pure cause and effect relations as known to normatic sciences.

You have to genuinely believe that the gods favor you. You have to genuinely believe in your good luck. You have to genuinely believe that you are improving.

This won't guarantee shit but it increases the likelihood to an unnatural level.

I have been able to reach 5"9 inches in height just by focusing my internal chi every single night.

There are tricks to get what you want.

It all requires faith and the ability to correctly visualize or sense the data with one of your senses.

Good luck and I hope this helps.

I can confirm it works.

I just got 8 heads out of 10 coin flips twice just by truly believing.

Another trick is to be on a drug or alcohol or other stimulant as it disconnects your brain enough from base every day reality that it is easier to truly believe in what you are doing by focusing your chi or your luck or your faith or whatever.

I hope this helps.

Good luck.


Exactly. There's a point where I feel like if you play the Imperium you need to be willing to just lean in to the fact that you're knowingly playing as the faction that's on the wrong side of history instead of trying to contort yourself into a pretzel trying to justify them.


Four face pixel laser treatments are $700, and 4 face injection syringes, one treatment, good for 2 years, is $2200. An older woman makes the total of the above in ONE WEEK of after taxes take home pay, my son. Keep her exercised, and viola, she'll kick the butt of any piece of white trash that looks 25 at age 15, and 45 at age 25 (like many of my classmates at our reunions).

She is asking some weird butt question

My divorce decree grants me 100% of anything my ex hid during discovery. I just found out he bought a timeshare using our old phone numbers. Timeshare company wants to meet near me. What's the best way to get its address, value, & date of purchase?

What variety of cannabis smells like a combo of sicky sweet canteloupe and rotten stinky feet, to the point where someone's pores stink and taste horrible like it, and why do people do that to themselves?

I need to track a criminal who threatened me and used to get arrested every year. Is there still an equivalent of mugshots online anymore, or a national inmate roster, so I can find out where he is?

ER easily drains 3 gal of urine w catheter after SNF facility feels hard lump in left abdomen. How many days did it take 75 yr old woman, to accumulate, due to no one letting her out of a bed with rails to walk in her walker to the bathroom?

Two smart, good looking Greek professors had 2 daughters, with a genetic disability. 2 yr old minds, difficulty standing. One died younger, but the other was full height at age 18 & pulled herself up Dutch door to wave hi. What was their condition?

A friend wants a younger woman to marry him, so she will change his bedpan when he's older. What are the odds she'll stick around, and shouldn't he just hire a nurse and marry someone his own age?

What's a good frequency that hurts a dog's ears when they bark, but humans can't hear?

She also has a mania that someone is spying on her.

She is like mix of different users from here like Garry and sneedman

I never thought about it before since autism is mostly male shit but frick foid with autism are sinister. I guess guys going on date with 30+ year old should ask them to bring their medical card with them

If white people are so smart

then why is it that when they were completely dominating the whole world, they decided to have two brutal wars that killed tens of millions of them and wore them out to the point that they lost almost all their colonies?

Whites, explain yourselves.



!fellas having a meeting about the wrongholing


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