

Fatshaming worked for Marsey! :gigachadqueen:

@TouchFluffyTails I finally messed around w/your XL marsey model, well done lol

workflow: I basically stole this prompt and added marsey to it minus peepees:


:marse#ycop: :mars#eycountryclub:



Inspired by this post (not me) sneaking through

I decided to post some myself without admitting it or giving workflow like I used to do when I still bothered posting on these subs.

For good measure I even copied a popular artists style and pretended it was their work.

Both of these subs are absolute :soyjaktantrumfast: about ai, however obviously the only actual rule is you need to hide using ai.

You will notice a lack of drama on any of these posts, because I did too good a job hiding it and literally none of the usual :soymad: caught them


Anti-reddit bias is extreme on this website!

Sunday morning drunk thread

Got pretty drunk last night and trying to taper off this hangover with some white claws. Kinda pissed at myself because I knew I shouldn't get too drunk because I have to drive to the Apple Store to pick up a watch in a bit so have to sober up. Also mad that I ordered the cheap one thinking it was the nicer one so need to buy the better one and return my current once the better one is delivered.


I was 16 (she black) when I got a job as a telemarketer org my mother worked for. I had no idea we were scamming folx. I legitimately thought the money we were trying to raise was going to help the police and firefighters help children. When people were rude, it left me in tears. I was able to quit when I was 17, but still didn't realize until 18 YEARS later the depth of the scam there. Apparently it was a country wide thing.

I say that to say, you don't know the person on the other side of the phone. You don't know what desperate act has them calling you. So, hang up. Tell them to put you on their "Do not call" list (we had one). Just say, "No, thank you." And end the call. Any of these are better than being unnecessarily rude.

:peperun: that's some good motivation to frick with phone scammers

Yesterday a phone scammer called me from forgstan or afriqe told she doesn't speak Dutch.

I told her I don't speak French in French, she told but it's sounds that I speak French, I told her neighbor I just told you I don't speak French why are you continuing speaking to me in French are you malade ? (I'll/sick) she got confused and started angrily telling me to stop fricking with her or she is going to send gendarmerie after me. I told I don't speak French and if she doesn't stop talking to me in French I will frick her whole family and her dad twice you stupid b-word. She hanged the phone.

So the whole time we were speaking in French

I hope she cried :marseysoutherner:


black guy doing nog things.



More romance and adventure, and not too much in the way of smut, if possible please?

>not too much in the way of smut

Poor kid. This is how :marseypooner: are made. Just like homosexuals are made in stonetoss.jpg way


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