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Hello, I too am fat and black. When I was 18 and 140 pounds LIGHTER, my mom told me no one would want me because I'm fat. I'm now 28 and weigh 359 pounds as of this morning. I'm in a healthy relationship, have a good career, and just got my MBA.

Wow she grew up by over 2 in 10 years. MBA is also a degree for rich kids. For curiosity checked her profile for healthy relationship:

So I assume it's healthy relationship with her illness

Mandatory tramp bad comment:

My favorite trope is that women are too emotional to be good leaders. Have you seen some of the men in charge? Trump has the emotional regulation of a toddler on meth and people think he'd make a good leader. Elon Musk got on stage and told his customers to go frick themselves because they hurt his fee-fees. These men are absolutely unhinged.

I want to underline your point about loving all of yourself. It is so, so important.

When I was in middle school I was put on a medication that made me eat endlessly. My hunger was utterly insatiable. I would never feel full even when my stomach felt like it was bursting at the seams. I had stopped looking at the scale when I hit 300 lbs. I don't know where my weight peaked. I didn't want to know at that point.

Almost 15 years later I'm still trying to work the last bit of it off. I fluctuate around 220 lbs. I'm still learning about my emotional eating habits. And I would resent the way I looked. Which made me feel worse, which only led to more eating.

Around 80% black women are obese, something must not be right.

Have you read Sonya Renee Taylor's "The Body is Not an Apology"? She's a Black woman in a larger body and I think she is smart and wise and sexy beyond measure. Also, Roxanne Gay's work, but mostly "Hunger." There aren't enough voices coming from Black women who self-identify as fat, but I do think the numbers are growing.

Sexy beyond measure

>There aren't enough voices coming from Black women who self-identify as fat, but I do think the numbers are growing.

Last part she ain't wrong tho

Speaking as a white woman, I agree. I used to do some rave-wear "influencing" and a specific company would have only one plus size model/rep, which often was also their only black model/rep as well. I love that they were giving black women a platform, but I'd wager you do not appreciate being the token "fat" and "black" every time.

Such perfect sucker punch :marseychefkiss:

It is ok to live your life like you are the main character. I'm a black women, my body is small not large but I also find myself on the margins and feeling invisible because I'm not a standard issue black women (I'm mixed, im dorky as heck, i talk weird, I'm massively over educated, my hobbies and interests are strange for any race) I dont belong anywhere and I don't see myself anywhere (except for on billboard ads of companies that are trying to not have just white people in their ads anymore but still want to appeal mainly to white people so they use a light skinned 3B curly haired agreeable bendable young black woman, its so identical and ubiquitous its hard not to notice)

Oooh I suffer being the perfect black role model while not being fat :marseyattentionseeker: I am so invisible just similar looking girls like me are on billboards, have I mentioned I am smell not fat, I don't belong anywhere I am not like you fat black ghetto trash I am not like other black girls.

I love how you can always find on XXhomoshrome comment like those

Please be kind to yourself with the thought of “I could lose weight…”. That should be irrelevant to the fact you are being mistreated.

You shouldn't have to lose weight to gain respect.

I mean if she can go to 800lbs I'll be impressed

I completely understand. I spent almost all of my life punishing my body for my perceived life's failures and forcing it to carry my emotional pain.

It sucks that society can't see past our flesh prisons, but I understand people use appearance to categorize others and make determinations from there.

My only advice is to focus on those who see you for who you actually are and disregard the others. We are on this planet for a limited time, we can't allow others to dictate our identity. Our opinion of ourselves matters more than anyone else's. Choose who you want to be, be them, and love them.

I mean they are pooping on they body while ignoring its the user of that body who maintained that body to become a pile of fat than they get angry that the user of that body is looked down because that user can't keep that body in shape


Eh it's been long without sucker punches eh :marseyderp:

As a former fat white woman, it was not easy either. And I was not sexualized at all. I was called Shamu, I was constantly heckled by men, saying disgusting things, guessing my weight, or making fun of me. I have gone on a great journey and lost 250 pounds over 10 years ago. And my favorite thing is just disappearing in a crowd now, not being noticed, not being looked at, and just being able to live without the fear of some butthole injecting their opinion about me on me.


Serious question to help me understand something:

Can you please give me a bit of insight into your last sentence? I don't know about situations where losing weight (from a high starting point) is a medical risk.

(Of course I'm not asking about private specifics, so if it is hard to give me an answer I understand)

Losing weight for me isn't a medical risk, just not a big priority right now. I added it in there, cause people always like to say “well you can change your weight” or “you don't have to be fat” and I didn't want to hear it.

B-word fat, doesn't want to change and lose weight, want to change the world and force accepting her fat butt :gigachadqueen:


I'm still looking but according to the 9chuds this is an actual company in the same vein as SweetBabyInc


forcing someone to remove their medical device (mask) is assault, and potentially murder. This isn't “the pendulum swinging the other way” No degree :marseygrad: of mask requirements was putting your fricking :marseytom: life at risk, but mask bans will ABSOLUTELY kill people. Grow the frick up.

Removing a mask is “ potential murder :marseyhammersnoo: “?

You can't be serious :marseybeheadedkamikaze: 🤦🏼‍♀️

Well, each time I get covid, I become more disabled. Yes, covid :marseygigavaxxer: could probably kill me now.

I know you don't believe :marseyparappa: it hurts you, but not all of your organs :marseyskinnedwalk: have pain receptors. You may not even know you have internal damage.

When it becomes too bad, you'll know then.

Well I truly hope you're ok.

As a nurse :marseymeds: I would :marseymid: advise you not to get any boosters.

The medical community isn't being up front :marseyviewerstare: with it patients.

I wish you well

Nice, you didn't even listen :marseyhearnoevil: to me. I GOT DISABLED :marseyblind: FROM BEING SICK WITH COVID, nothing to do with the vaccines.

The first :marseywinner: time I got covid :marseyvaxmaxx: was BEFORE :marseyskellington: THERE :marseycheerup: WERE VACCINES.

You're a terrible :marseyyinzer: nurse :marseymeds: and should :marseynorm: quit before :marseyskellington: you harm someone

Harm them how? By being truthful.

Why do people like you get angry :marseygrin: at the truth?


The truth :marseyredcheck: is vaccines (attenuated/dead virus :marseycovidscare: and mNRA) have done way more good than harm. >>> Trust science, it has more truth :marseyredcheck: than your conspiracy :marseyschizowall: rhetoric.

You do realize the “vax” didn't even pass clinical trials. Why do you think :marseynooticeglow: they pushed it through for EU.

Not to mention they have 100% immunity from adverse reactions/deaths.

Young :marseytedkaczynski: healthy :marseybellpepper: kids having cardiac :marseychudheart: issues at an alarming rate, &deaths

CDC just redacted 147 report


Archive link to article for povertycels:

Signing off on the suicide pact :marseyrope: :marseygunshotsuicide:

So what? Let it happen. Too many people anyway. Let societies collapse.

Good there's way too many fricking people The earth was fine a little while ago when there were only like 4 billion of us let's get back to that

Nor should it. The world has too many people, as evidenced by how quickly we are wasting our resources, polluting the world, and killing off every other living creature.

lol. Enough babies for what? To maintain the capitalist approach to life? Awwww... whatever will we do?

Isn't this a good thing? Because of sustainability, climate changes, resources?

Don't worry, AI/robotics will save us :marseyrobot: :marseysnappy:

Robotics, automation and AI will solve this. Please stop this BS about low birth rates when we have an over populated world filled with pauper people willing to work for a bowl of rice. The only ones that benefit from having more people are the rich that can keep exploring workers.

Well it's a good thing the robotics/AI revolution is upon us. This isn't really an issue and this article is no better than fear propaganda.

The future belongs to those who show up. Support Catholic Christian Nationalism :marseypope: :marseycrusader2:



Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔥🔘🔘

It was 20 years ago. And if you're a good actor people will get over it. He said racist shit but he's not as bad as a ton of people in Hollywood. It would be so interesting to see Seinfeld and Richards get together for one last series. (334)

A lot of murderers haven't killed as many people as Hitler, but they're still murderers. Your argument is dumb.Edit: Lot of people missing my point and defending a racist because he made them laugh once. Nice. It is very easy to go through your life without calling anyone the N word. (-106)

Basedness: 🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘

It was 20 years ago. And if you're a good actor people will get over it. He said racist shit but he's not as bad as a ton of people in Hollywood. It would be so interesting to see Seinfeld and Richards get together for one last series. (334)

While that is true, I don't think that means we should forgive him (esp. since he's done nothing to make amends). I think it just shows all the more why we need to hold the scum in Hollywood accountable for their actions. (-37)

Basedness: 🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘

Can't really know how racist someone is inside. He got angry at audience members talking 20 years ago and definitely acted racist and dropped a million N bombs. Go watch Dave Chappelle's laugh factory episode on the same stage afterward, it's awesome. Guy screwed up, but people do. (44)

All of us have screwed up at one point or another. Although, I have never yelled the N word because I was annoyed...Whole lot of handwaving going on here. (-21)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

I've gone back and forth wonder whether he said it because he is/was a seething racist normally able to hide his true feelings, or because he is spoiled and immature and thought it was the most hurtful thing he could say. But, I realized that the result is the same whether he's a racist "at heart" or not. He used racist language and his position of power in the moment and as a white man to belittle a black man. He may or may not walk around with racist thoughts threatening to spill out every moment, but he certainly was willing and able to fire a racist comedic weapon. Does doing a racist thing always mean somebody a racist?* Probably not, but the hurt and harm it causes is the same either way. To that end, all the attention was put on the figuring out his feelings and not the feelings of those that were hurt by what was said and who said it. *Is a loan officer a racist if they just need a paycheck and have no control over lending algorithms they've come to realize are bias... (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Cancel culture is so weird. I still haven't forgiven Chris Brown for beating rhiana, but racism I can get over. Louis ck sexually assaulted other women by exposing himself and idc anymore, but I didnt find him as funny anymore either. When we find out someone cheated on their spouse, the world seems to go to shit on them but I'm just here not caring cus its not my business or illegal. There's no standard to this. Cancelculture is relative to public opinion and applied by the those in charge. People tried to cancel dave, which I found ignorant of them, and Netflix basically told them to go frick themselves lol. (1)

Angriness: 😡😡😡😡😡

Yes, let's just pass judgment on everyone based on their worst moment. Ignore everything else! Are you 12 years old??? Do you also look at yourself through that lens, or do you give yourself a pass?  (1)

No? It's just that some people's worst moments are so bad that everything else they do don't make up for it.If someone's worst moment is being rude while stressed but always a great person otherwise, they are most likely considered a great person.If someone's worst moment is murdering people while stressed but always a great person otherwise, they are most likely considered a murderer.If your worst moment makes you do something a lot worse than other people could ever imagine themselves doing, then your worst moment is probably bad enough for you to be judged by that a lot more heavily.If you don't understand that, you're probably the one who's 12. (2)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/SnowHurtsMeFace

Score: 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮(+2🐮)

Number of comments: 32

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 😡😡😡🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


They want automatic 7.5% gratuity on all purchases lol even the wdw sub is clowing them

Ownership response and more from the employees

Those aren't swastikas, they're intended to represent fireworks. The crow is just a crow. The watermelon is just a summer fruit. The American flag is just an American flag

Cross stitch drama where the !biofoids at

Saw this on the sub for seething at arts and crafts that you don't like, when I opened it I was like "ah probably someone looking for something to be offended over" but :marseyxd: the swastikas are a little much

:pepolickfoot: < closest we have to foot in mouth marsey

This is the part I don't get. Like I would respect them so much more if they said it with their full chest, instead of dropping hints and then getting mad when people pick up on the obvious.

You would respect them for saying racist things loudly?

:mjlol: this has 74 upvotes, imagine if she was like "okay guys they are swastikas but they're the Hindu kind"

Those swastikas even face the Hitler way, not the Hindu direction YIKES. I notice she's not actually coming out against any of the alleged content, she's just fauxpologizing and hoping it's enough.

Jeets catching strays

Right? The word “kindly” is kind of indicator of what's about to come. Like when someone starts off by saying, “I'm not racists/homophobic/etc., but…” some racist or homophobic shit is about to follow lol


The best part about Harrison Butker being a misogynist psycho is that a lot of dudes can head hunt his stupid kicker butt for a 15yd penalty next season and get a lifetime of credit with the women in their lives


I just checked twitter. Hahahaha people big mad about this one.


The replies to this are a work of idiot art ⬇️


The Ford App Needs to NOT show location

OP of the thread is 73 years old and constantly stalked and harassed by his wife :#marseyitneverbegan:

Durov (Telegram) blows another hole in Signal's security.

🤫 A story :marseyslime: shared by Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter, uncovered that the current leaders of Signal, an allegedly “secure” messaging :marseytelegram: app, are activists used by the US state :marseycoonass: department for regime change abroad 🥷

🥸 The US government spent $3M to build :marseyyarn: Signal's encryption, and today :marseyclueless: the exact same encryption is implemented in WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Google :marseygetgle: Messages and even Skype. It looks almost as if big tech in the US is not allowed to build :marseyikea: its own encryption protocols that would :marseymid: be independent of government interference 🐕‍🦺

🕵️‍♂️ An alarming number of important people I've spoken to remarked that their “private” Signal messages had been exploited against them in US courts or media. But whenever somebody raises doubt :marseybruh2: about their encryption, Signal's typical response is “we are open source :marseymissing2: so anyone can verify that everything is all right”. That, however, is a trick :marseyflareon: 🤡

🕵️‍♂️ Unlike Telegram, Signal doesn't allow researchers to make sure that their GitHub code is the same code that is used in the Signal app run on users' iPhones. Signal refused to add reproducible builds for iOS, closing a GitHub request from the community. And WhatsApp doesn't even publish the code of its apps, so all their talk about “privacy” is an even more obvious :marseyoctopus4: circus :marseycryingclown: trick💤

🛡 Telegram is the only massively popular messaging :marseytelegram: service :marseygreytide: that allows everyone :marseynorm: to make sure that all of its apps indeed use the same open source :marseymissing2: code that is published on Github. For the past ten years, Telegram Secret :marseyglow: Chats have remained the only popular method of communication that is verifiably private 💪


Just want to point out

look at this neighbors socks

no heterosexual man just wears socks like that


Twitterino uses soy power to denounce alpha moids for not dressing like old money homos.

This is what it looks like to be on the right side of history (aristocracy):

Our true rulers can still fashionmaxx their way back to their rightful thrones:

Yasss kings go off topic like that:

The soy minded and foids cannot comprehend being jacked to kill bears:


S*x-havers, now's your chance to brag! "Incel Research Project" :incel:


We are researchers conducting a study related to how people exit inceldom. While this subreddit is not focused specifically on incels or their ideology, we greatly appreciate the work this community does facilitating conversations on issues surrounding s*x and gender. We believe this subreddit presents an opportunity for us to gain a more comprehensive understanding of incels as they navigate potential pathways toward exiting the ideology.

This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of Florida State University. If you would like to participate in the survey,you must be over the age of 18 and have been a member of any online forums specifically for incels. The survey will ask you to verify which forums you've participated in. Participates have a 25% chance of receiving a $15 electronic gift card for participating in this survey.

The survey can be accessed by clicking this link: It is expected that this survey will take you less than 20-minutes to complete. The survey must be completed in one sitting as incomplete surveys will be deleted at the end of each day. Any questions you have can be directed to Dr. Collins at [email protected].


A gay politician in Germany has sparked outrage after sharing disturbing videos of him performing sexual acts online. In one clip, Martin Neumaier, a Free Democratic Party (FDP) candidate for the district of Ostalb, is seen singing the Nazi-era German national anthem while “masturbating himself rectally with a dildo.”

According to Der Status, several of his pornographic videos were removed from X (formerly Twitter) for violating the site's Terms of Service, but censored clips continue to be shared across the internet.

In one video, Neumaier is seen naked while reciting the first verse of Nazi-era German national anthem and using an anal dildo. In another, Neumaier inserts a feces-covered dildo into his rectum before smearing it on a Quran.

Other now-deleted videos of the disturbed politician show him with feces under his nose, roleplaying as the former chancellor of the German Reich, Adolf Hitler. “I have a Hitler beard made of shit,” exclaims Neumaier, revealing his home address to his viewers.

Another video filmed in a public restroom shows the fitness coach licking a urinal and a potty seat. Seemingly unfazed, Neumaier takes his fetishistic behavior to the next level by kissing a potty brush “as punishment.”

The clips sparked immense backlash on X from many who are disgusted that a political candidate would conduct himself in this manner.

“I just can't take this shit anymore…” wrote one displeased user in German.


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