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TW: BALD STRAIGHT MAN :marseypuke: Ted Tales 1: SPWL
Apwowwogies fwor pwosting fwom this accwount, and My main has been limited two 140 characters

Iww start with SPWL since its the fricking easiest

Iww like just pwost my cliffs nyotes comfy :marseychadyes: on my research and Gwiwwcasts interview in handwwitten nyotes but go off

Heres onye mwore SPWL shwot

Alswo heres the fricking wodge where :marseydrama: the fricking unspeakable act between :marseyzeldalinkpast: SPWL and TED twook place, and Dweamaway Wodge, Becket, MA


3 hwours later :marseywave2: Cwusty episwode would :marseymid: be up

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Donger Recap: rDramas first 3D printed Marsey! A love video :marseylowpoly: :marseylove:


In tr0id mommys new episode "cringe", we explore how irony is actually a tool of the dreaded right0id to subvert the internet. Including us apparently!

Breadtube reacts accordingly, one honest f0id noting that "Last year, I caught one of my students browsing Kiwifarms in class. I asked that student to step out of class with me, and I tried my best to convince her that she was spending time with an online community dedicated to bullying people"

The dramoid plague is mentioned: "I made more or less the same observation after one time I ended up in /r/Drama: Those people insist that they're apolitical, that giving a shit in any way is cringe, but remove everything they mock from society and you end up with the same 1950s white cishet suburban fantasy as c0nservatives."

Chris chan's highest priority is mentioned: "glad she is gendering chris-chan as a f0id, i feel like people dont take her gender identity seriously because of all the things surrounding"

Oh and as one last reminder arr Drama, "Please stop saying you watch CP videos you're going to end up on a list.

CP is internet slang for child porn..."


Today we are talking about Lalwz greatest (and only good) post on rdrama, when he baited in and then fricking destroyed resident reddit "celebrity" , failed child actor and paid porn sponsor Will "shut the frick up Wesley" Wheaton.


First, let me tell you their motive:

Their motive was to psyop as a religious Karen on Facebook. Influenced by the legendary manlet known as @Landlord_Messiah, they formerly used to troll with him on twitter with the usernames ellie3kellie and figabig/abigafiga. With the untapped potential to troll Facebook r-slurs, they have found it very fun and entertaining.


First off, this isn't the first time they decided to troll unsuspecting facebook :marseyretard2:s. By posting in a Moms support group by larping as a middle-aged lady, they were able to bait r-slurs by MAGA posting. Examples include calling baby formula a sin (GhostArchive Link), frogs in ice cream (GhostArchive link), debate about jesus being black (GhostArchive link) and puberty blockers for my daughter (GhostArchive Link). Check out their Facebook profile for even more hilarity.

Info obtained from here:

Now here's the drama:

It started with a simple meme. ![](/images/1663369416692063.webp) Over 11k cooments of pure seethe just by posting a meme with a mermaid and a confederate flag (GhostArchive Link). And they were seething hard :marseypopcorn::




Lots of :marseycope: in the above image.


Snappy Quote?:


Not even someone posting a link to the rdrama thread ruined it and it was eventually [removed]:


Obtained from here:

Eventually, the drama reached TikTok, Reddit, and Twitter.

TikTok video For those without an account. Unfortunately, it looks like it was deleted or jannied :marseyjanny2:.

Obtained from here:

It then reached subreddits like /r/therightcantmeme, /r/terriblefacebookmemes, /r/forwardsfromklandma, etc.

ForwardsFromKlandma post

...your heritage as a fricking fish person?

Do not make fun of fish people. Mermaids are okay. Sugarians are okay. Whatever the frick this post is isn't okay.

Don't ever mock :marseycarp3: again according to these people.

They're such crybabies over a Disney movie for little girls holy shit.

If Americans cared about one another half as much as they do about Disney's intellectual property this really would be the greatest country on earth.

TheRightCantMeme post

Ariel was a slave owner?! :o

She was part of the undersea monarchy, same thing.

Fun fact about Atlantis, it was a myth specifically told to prop up white supremacy.

Atlantis is white supremacy sweetie. Some are questioning it.

This has strong "this is what they took away from you white man" vibes but unironnicly

Brought to you by the same people who say the flag is about Southern heritage and not race 🙄

This has to be a joke

Like, no one is that fricking stupid

I live in the South and uh, I've got news for you.


This has to be satire :soycry:

Obtained from here:

r/terriblefacebookmemes post

This is the grand wizard of racist mermaid memes

My Uncle literally just shared this on Facebook

Whats next? They make Obama black?

There is a serious propaganda movement online radicalizing disaffected white people, i see it on reddit everyday. It is concentrated and intentional

Remember rdrama is a criminal conspiracy according to Bardfinn.

I love this meme. It's hilarious.

Those who refuse to recognize and make peace with their history are DOOMED to repeat it. The Civil War happened. The confederacy happened. The Klu Klux Democrats happened. Tearing all the statues of General Ribert E Lee down and banning the Stars and Bars and canceling people because their great great great grandparents maybe owned slaves is only going to ensure that those awful things happen again, so.ehow, in the future to your children.

black panther should be white :marseykkk:

Obtained from here:

r/politicalcompassmemes post :marseylibleft: :marseylibright: :marseyauthright: :marseyauthleft:

And if they're in Texas, FB can't delete it now

I mean I don’t really give a shit , I think people should be able to express their thoughts freely even though I may not agree with them

I’m disappointed in humanity, don’t engage in this controversy, watch Oldboy (2003) instead, Oldboy (2003) is something actually worth your time, this whole situation is worth shit.

Obained from here:

It also reached a popular twitter account

Obtained from here:

r/HistoryMemes post

Bait account threatened to call the police on anyone who threatened them on Facebook as the drama unfolded (GhostArchive Link)

Final update:

How'd I do with the writeup? Broken Links? Did I miss anything entertaining? Post it in the comments with a link and it will be added to the post.

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  • rDramaHistorian : Grampa what did u do in life? I used to complain to Chtorrr about drama jannies :marseyclueless:

Literally crying to the admins

Crypost that was deleted because of how pathetic it was | Archive

More modmail

SRDines but decent writeup

Trying to migrate everyone to another sub because you can't overthrow the top janny lmao 😂😂😂

@Joan :marseylaugh:

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[Marsey history] Archaelogy reveals the exact moment Marsey came to the dramanaut community

Now that Marsey has gone viral, it is with a heavy heart that I look back on my role in creating this alt-right meme that strikes fear into the hearts of marginalized people in our society. Either that or I want to some parlay my role in this into getting attention from a few internet autists and I gotta do it soon before /r/drama gets nuked.

The first time she was mentioned by name was on 6/29/2018.

>Marsey the Cat is getting popular <3

Ed bb, you had no idea. :marseylove:

But with a bit more digging I found the imgur filename of the laughing marsey that started it all, aks7kvX.png.



Searching for that, we find the first time it was posted on reddit was actually on /r/internetdrama, a small, pathetic subreddit created by SRD as a kind of castrated imitation of /r/drama. On 5/22/2018 the fateful post was made. EDIT: Unddit reveals more important metareddit personalities were involved!

  • @KongdorTheDongHolder and SAC-Lawn_Gnome are having a slapfight.

  • Ed snoozeposts at SAC. Just saying "😴😴😴" was enough to break a lot of brains.

  • SAC's epic comeback: "Snooze posting? SMDH."

  • Ed deploys :marseylaugh: for the first time.

  • I say: "I gotta admit, this one is pretty adorbs. Just try not to use it more than 10 times/day." Because one of Ed's gimmicks was posting the same gifs constantly.

  • He replies with words of momentous consequence for the future: "STOP TRYING TO GIVE ME IDEAS!!!!"

In the remaining 8 days of May alone, Ed deployed :marseylaugh: no less than 46 times against, among others:

  • pitbull owners

  • users who got banned from various subreddits

  • a "KIA strag"

  • "newstrag alts"

  • "memerson mcmemestrag"

  • "r/aznidentity type chinky incels"

  • an "anime strag" "CA strag" who replied "Stop using that cat you goddarn r-slurred ape"

  • a "sexy Indian dudecel"

  • a "degenerate consumer of anime porn"

  • a "christcuck"

  • anti-semites

  • "MDEstrags"

  • Trump supporters

  • Glamour magazine

  • racists

  • Roseanne Barr

  • Sargon viewers

Within a few days he already had half the subreddit seething at him for posting Marsey so much. A neo-nazi hate symbol was born.


Today we're going to talk about the time a male drama regular wound up in a college humor article about women getting roasted on reddit.

So as most of you are aware, at least a third of all internet related "journ*lism" is just browsing social media looking for things you can turn into articles with out having to actually do any work. Back in the good old days of 2017 it was acceptable to do this on things that were insulting to women minorities and g*mers.

That lead to this shitty article

Number 9 on this list may surprise you, as it was male r drama regular Cerkies.

The most hilarious part of all of this was that despite general amusement of this, no one told Cerkies about it for awhile.

When he was told he was less than fully pleased by it.

This has been the first post in the new series "great moments in rdrama history, which will almost certainly be the last unless Snally or another actually good poster takes up the mantle.

My husband just got a s*x doll... [2019]

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