
As many oldstrags may know, /r/Drama used to be a diverse place with very open culture. This often resulted in people very much oblivious :marseyclueless: to the nature of the sub posting their personal drama that occasionally resulted in something actually entertaining, asking about theatre, or simply self promoting.

This was the case with Cut 2 The Chase TV, too. Around 2019/2020, he started sharing his videos, in which he used to dress up in a suit, fedora and a bowtie and commented over videos of people chimping out or doing dramatic things, fairly topical to the sub tbh. His views per video back then were in low thousands, sometimes struggling to crack 1k, albeit they did get some attention on the sub - some post examples here most of the videos are now deleted, maybe because of copyright or he just deleted them, I guess you just have to trust me they had basically no views :marseyshrug:

Littlerock Arkansas Residents Threw A “CORONA PARADE” That Included Fights And Car Wrecks. 😱😱😱😡😡😡

White Battle Rapper Gets Punched In The Face For Saying The N Word

From Masculine To Sassy | The FEMINIZATION Of The Black Man's Image.

Eventually, the posts stopped, either he realized promoting on Reddit is pointless or he got his account banned, either on the sub or site wide.

I did, however, sub to him back then, and proceeded to not watch basically any video of his. I did see them in my subbox however, and a month or so ago, and noticed that our boy has cracked the elusive 100k mark :marseypoggers: Over time, it seems like he found his niche, and mostly reports on rappers shooting or beating each other, pulling in on average around 50k/video, pretty good for his sub count.

Small tangent, but I wanted to post this a month ago, but couldn't find his posts on the sub after 0 effort searching, partly because Reddit search sucks and partly he deleted so many videos, until realizing I installed a find on Reddit extension few months ago and can find his Reddit posts through that :marseygigaretard: Quite useful shit.

Anyway, that's the post. Let this be an inspiration to all of you that you can make it big by spamming your passion projects on rDrama and building on it :marseywereback:

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How many of you remember this?

!lurkers !oldstrags

Another thing to remember is the favicon before :marseyinabox:, as well as the page title without an r:

Dude capy lmao?

>last post 6 days ago


King, I know the rules but can you make holes permanent? This one is pretty good. :marseyclueless:

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TBT when :gigachadqueen: fricked the Duke LAXbros and put them on blast for being lousy lays

Seeing this thread where some eurocucks got arrested(!) for their bangalijst, reminded me of that time when the Queen Stacy :gigachadqueen: of Duke fricked half the lacrosse squad, made a powerpoint rating and ranking them, and walked off into a South African sunset consequence-free.

The Subject's Raw Scores were based on an, admittedly subjective, range of criteria that I had established long before commencing my research project:

Physical Attractiveness: points were awarded or deducted based on the Subjects' height, body build (muscle mass and definition), jaw-line, quality/texture/cut of hair, facial structure, penile structures, and eyes/eyebrows

Size: points were determined based on the length and girth of the Subjects' hardware

Talent: points were awarded or deducted based on how well the Subjects utilized their hands, mouths, and equipment (this category is strictly separate from Size)

Creativity: points were given if the Subject showed a willingness to go beyond the standard research positions and/or locations (and a knowledge of how to operate once said position was at hand)

Aggressiveness: points were given if the Subject displayed aggressive behavior and an alpha-male mentality of assuming control of the given situation; points were deducted severely if they simply lay there or did not act assertively.

Entertainment: points were given for extremely amusing actions, great personalities, quotes, sexts, good senses of humor, or simply dirty talk, and were removed if no noises of enjoyment or talk of any kind was present. In other words, how entertained I was

Athletic Ability: points were awarded if the Subject regularly performed exceptionally well on the diamond or field

Bonus: Bonus points were given for extraneous factors, such as the presence of an Australian accent and/or profressional surfing skills. Points were deducted for rudeness or being Canadian. :marseyleafpearlclutch:

The lessons:

  • Foids > moids

  • Duke > Ulztreecht U

  • Burgerstan > Stroopwaffenplatz

"How do I rank on your frick list?"


Here's the unredacted slides. The average score is a 6, but it's a bimodal distribution.

Tag urselfs, drama manhoes.

My husband just got a s*x doll... [2019]

Remember when we got Marsey in /r/place? Good times.

Knowing that hundreds of redditors have Marsey hanging from their wall fills me with pride. I personally had at least half a dozen bots going. Time goes by so quickly. :marseytabletired: !oldstrags !verifiedrich !pinknames

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TW: BALD STRAIGHT MAN :marseypuke: Ted Tales 1: SPWL
Apwowwogies fwor pwosting fwom this accwount, and My main has been limited two 140 characters

Iww start with SPWL since its the fricking easiest

Iww like just pwost my cliffs nyotes comfy :marseychadyes: on my research and Gwiwwcasts interview in handwwitten nyotes but go off

Heres onye mwore SPWL shwot

Alswo heres the fricking wodge where :marseydrama: the fricking unspeakable act between :marseyzeldalinkpast: SPWL and TED twook place, and Dweamaway Wodge, Becket, MA


3 hwours later :marseywave2: Cwusty episwode would :marseymid: be up

Reported by:
Teaser Trailer for The Ted Tales: Did you know you can send Ted_Simp into a schizo breakdown with one word?

Boy is this metadrama going to be spicy:

I have screenshotted around 1700 comments which refer one way or another to Ted_Simp (I have given my notice to company so I'm bored all day).

And they are quite juicy.

Like Ted's schizo meltdown with one word. And who said that word to her over and over again? Why, of course it was Aevann :#marseyxd:

It started with Pizza going full throttle at the fake foid PlsNope[Whose entire existence has since been erased from the site, I wonder why. Could it be because some janny fell for that creature only to find out it was a man? :marseyrofl: We'll find out later].

Anyway, PlsNope says she was r*ped. Lol

Pizza's based reply:

Which unironically ruffles some dramatard's simps feathers. Too many dramatards were r*ped by their parents it seems

Marz catches the drift and points out that that ebil Aevann had done this to poor Teddy boy (awwww)

And says for the first time in her miserable getting r*ped life, she is telling the truth, the truth and nothing but the truth about how Teddy boy chimped out with just one word being repeated again and again. Ted also threatened to kill herself hearing just a word apparently.

Turns out TED is a r*pe survivor (who likes to always think about peepee too, but that will be in the much bigger story). Lol, lmao even

Marz is backed up by none other than our dear Schizocel

Anyway, that's it for the Teaser, ladies gentlesirs and my neoladies and neogentlesirs

!metashit revel in the bipolar schizodom for now, the main post would be 15 to 20X the length of this shit.

Oh, almost forgot, @The10thMan you're invited too. :#marseyloveyou: I am not taking this seriously, but without your schizo spending I would taken this even less seriously.

Rdramahistorian will be back soon.

Help @JimieWhales find old Sims 3 drama?

Black trans lives matter and I want to find old Sims 3 fetish flamewars.

Link is supposed to go to the screenshotted comment but YouTube links suck.

Collection of copypastas of people misunderstanding or pretending to misunderstand rdrama?

Edit: I still can't find my all-time favorite one

It was something like, "It's really confusing. It seems like it's right wing, but maybe it's a parody of right wing? Or they are under too many layers of irony and don't actually know what they believe."

It was like reading a :marseywingcuck: tiptoe right up to the edge of something his worldview couldn't encompass. I wish I could find it! If anyone has it, please do the sneedful.

Inspired by @A's hexbear post I thought it would be fun to collect copypastas of other people reacting with confusion (real or feigned) when confronted with the highly concentrated autism of rdrama.

So many trans flags yet full of blatant transphobia and fascists like wtf is even going on over there

Edit: what the frick there's actual blatant highly-upvoted anti-semetic and sinophobic shit on there. It's literally just pinkwashed 4chan


This is probably the worst thing I've seen on the internet in a while. There's a post of a comic of a trans man getting euthanized and that's the entire joke. I don't even understand half of these words they're saying because you need advanced degrees in transphobia and racism. No, I'm not linking to any of this.

Frick these people. I hate how they communicate in baby language too.

Sweaty, you need to relax a bit. :marseymaid:

To kick things off, this one's like the free square on bingo:

Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and G*mergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

I know I've seen a bunch of others over the years, but never a collection in one thread.

!oldstrags dust off your ctrl+f fingers

Reported by:
:marseytransattentionseeker: :marseyshooting: Are cute trans effortposters about niche forum drama welcome here?

Years ago some nerd got quoted 0.02 cents per kb of data, he then got billed 0.02 dollars and went on a rampage trying to get telecom support staff to understand basic math. Click the link to see the vid, I don't how to post it here.

First blog post:

Here's the background:

I have a Verizon unlimited data plan in the U.S. and recently crossed the border to Canada. Prior to crossing the border I called customer service to find out what rates I'd be paying for voice and data. The data rate I was quoted was ".002 cents per kilobyte."

I was surprised at the rate so I confirmed it with the representative I spoke to, and she confirmed it "point zero zero two cents per kilobyte." I asked her to note that in my account.

I received my bill and was charged $.002/KB - which is dollars - "point zero zero 2 dollars per kilobyte". As it is translated to cents would be .2 cents or 2 tenths of a cent - which is a 100 times greater rate than I was quoted.

My bill for my data usage in Canada was therefore much greater than I had expected - using the quote I was provided before my usage.

I have tried to resolve this issue with customer service reps on the phone, but noone seems to see the difference between ".002 cents" and ".002 dollars".

Here is the audio of my most recent call with them on the matter. I started recording when they put on the supoervisor - I was a bit ticked at that point.

Who knew what confusion "$1 = 100 cents" could cause?

I'm still currently on the hook for the $71 and change. Hopefully someone at Verizon will figure this out and make ammends.


Verizon responds and offers a comprimise:

Dear George Vaccaro,

Hi George. My name is Nikki and I understand your frustration regarding the data charges on your bill. I am happy to assist you today.

I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and confusion this has caused. Per the remarks in the account, I have found that the customer service representative provided the correct pricing information. However; due to the miscommunication, I am willing to credit half of the data charges which would be $-36.00. Please reply to this email if you would like to accept this offer.

It has been a pleasure assisting you today, and we appreciate your business. Should you have additional questions or concerns, please reply to this e-mail.



Verizon Wireless

Customer Service

:marseywoma#nmoment2: counting is hard.

He responds back


As I described in my original message to you, when I called before entering Canada I spoke to a rep who quoted me a rate of ".002 cents per KB." I thought that seemed like a great rate and confirmed it with her - she confirmed. I even went so far as to have her note it in the account.

Then, knowing that rate, I used your service in Canada accordingly. I now understand that the rate is actually ".002 dollars per KB" despite the fact that all your reps still claim its ".002 cents per KB." Also, had your company a policy of quoting rates per megabyte, which would result in a much more easily interpretable rate $2.05/MB this whole situation could have been avoided.

The main problem I've had in explaining this to your customer service reps is the difference between .002 dollars and .002 cents. To demonstrate that to you I have provided a link to google that will help you see what my bill should be using the rate that was quoted to me:

As you can see, the charge for my usage at .002 cents/KB is $.71786 - or $.72 rounding up to the nearest cent - 72 cents. That is what I was quoted and that is what I am therefore willing to pay.

If you have any problems understanding this, please leverage someone from your accounting department to help you understand it, as I'm sure they know the difference between dollars and cents.

Finally, if you'd rather not acknowledge this mistake, I'd like to at least offer you some advice. All 5 of your customer service reps quoted me the same rate ".002 cents per KB." You can find an audio recording of 2 of those 5 quoting this rate repeatedly to me when I called yesterday, on my blog here:

You can also see there that most people understand the difference between dollars and cents, and you therefore might want to offer your reps some training on the issue.

Thanks very much,

George Vaccaro

:ma#rseysoyhype: he even links his blog to own that dumb support lady

There's more but I'm too lazy to copy paste, go read the blog from 2006.

[Blast from the Past :marseysmug2: ] FILL OUT ZE FORM. I'M NO LONGER ASKING :marseytrollgun:

@Fernanda was this about mellokind being yeeted from the site

!metashit me filling out the form from 10 different Google accounts :marseynotesgenocide#:


^One of the all time great threads. Features comments from bipolarbear, discopig, annarchist, Joan and BestofOutrageCulture

!oldstrags @kaalaaaa @Joan_Wayne_Gacy


"The Road to Chad/Darfur" is a scam bait from 2005 against a Nigerian 419 (or "advance fee fraud") scammer, who went by "Barrister Koffi Kuku". AFF scammers are those scammers that inform you that you're owed some large sum of money, but you must first pay a solicitor's fee, transfer fee, clearance money, etc.

Unlike modern scam baiters, the man running this ampaign had greater aspirations than just to frick around with them for 30 minutes and make a YouTube video out of it. He donned the persona of Reverend Belcher: an aid worker on the Chad/Sudan border. The Chad/Sudan border has two important characteristics for this story: firstly, there are no banks. Secondly, Chad and Sudan were on the brink of war, due to Chadian rebel groups occupying the border.

Most of the exchange is from May 2006. Reverend Belcher convinces Barrister Koffi Kuku to come to the alleged refugee camp to collect the funds in person, as there are no banks nearby. Koffi Kuku sends the following email:

From koffi kuku Tue May 2 014224 2006

Dear rev,

I am comfortable with you as well and I hope every thing is going to work as schedule. You should expect my associates by next week so you have to give them security as much as you can and do not allow them to go out to the city with much cash unless for good reason.

Belcher promises a UN escort for Kuku's "associates". He also sweetens the deal somewhat, to ensure Kuku follows through:


Just to be clear, your associates need to be aware of what they are picking up here. First, there is a locked briefcase. This is where the $145,000.00 is right now. I will also provide them with the key to the briefcase. There are also four boxes, each weighing about 7 kilos. They are not too big. A little bigger than a laptop computer. These boxes are for you to keep. There will also be some other mail that I hope that they can mail for me.


If I may ask, what is the content of the four boxes coming to me and what am I to do with it?


Well, I wanted the four boxes to be a surprise but since you are not coming yourself, I guess that it is OK to tell you now. Each box contains an industrial laptop computer from Dell. The Dell corporation has been a huge monetary and material contributor to the people here at the camps. These industrial laptops are truely amazing. You can drop one off of the end of a table and it will work just fine. You could leave it out in the rain all night and it will work just fine. It is impervious to dust and heat. I am using one right now. Dell gave us 25 of these. I am giving you four of them. They are yours to keep and tokens of my appreciation for all of your help.

The Reverend also tries to learn the names of the associates, but is met with silence for a few days. Eventually, he gets a response from a new email address claiming to be one Fredrick Okonji, one of the associates.

Dear rev. Belcher,

My name is FREDRICK N. OKONJI. I and my colleague MR. WILLIAMS were sent by Mr. Kuku to come to Chad to receive the money from you. We will be coming on the 13th May 2006 and will briefly stop at Abuja to enable my colleague to pick up his International Passport from the Immigrations office where it was sent for renewal. This will not take more than 8hours.

We have with us the map which you sent to our boss and your telephone numbers as we hope to locate you with these materials.

You can inform our boss Mr. Kuku if there are any other thing that we need to know.



The trip is to take 4 to 5 days. Reverend Belcher informs them that money is not a concern: the associates need only take enough money for a one-way ticket, as he will finance their return journey.


How are you today? Mr. Okonji and Mr. Williams left yesterday to locate you at the camp to receive the money from you. They are in Abuja now.

The journey from Abuja may take them up to 3days to get to you. I hope that they make it in less than that.

Sir, you are expected to take care of their wellfare by showing them the best and secured route to follow since you know the development in that area.


Mr. Kuku,

Don't worry about a thing. I will take real good care of them. This will be a trip they will never forget.

I would still like photos of the two. Please send them today if you can. I need to update the UNHCR.

Unluckily for the scammer's associates, border security are the bigger fish.

I received a sad news from the boys this morning. They said that the boarder immigration officers of both Nigeria and Cameroon collected almost all the money they had in the pretence of giving them visas and yellow cards.

It seems that the associates are not quite as invested now, as they begin to learn the dangers of the area they're approaching. Perhaps they were slightly misled by their "boss"

From Fredrick Okonji Sun May 14 085136 2006

Dear Rev. Belcher,

Our boss has instructed me to write to you. I an sorry to tell you Mr. Williams is sick from all the travel. We need rest. We will come to receive the money from you when Mr. Williams is not sick. We recieved yellow cards from the immigration official here in chad. Our boss has sent us more money to complete our travel to you .I hope to be with you in two days.

I have fear about the security in the area you are in. I spoke to a man that said the area was highly insecured and that I have to be very sure of where I was going. He also informed me that armed robber seized one of the jeeps and held hostage all the occupants in the car.


Fredrick Okonji

The Reverend is sure to inform the boss that he is beginning to lose faith in the associates. But Barrister Kuku confirms that they will complete the task.

You should have confidence in the boys. I took time to select them because of their humility and the fear of God in them. Both of them were graduates of a minor seminary and have been trained to love God and humanity as well. I had to use these boys because of the confidence I have on them. They are God fearing and are well brought up. Their uncle has been my associates for six year and has been an honest person to deal with. They will complete the job. Please be patient with them and understand that it is long way from Lagos to your location.

He receives a response from Fredrick confirming that everything is well and going to plan.

I really would not want to wait or spend a night in this town again. The people here are very hostile and do not have respects for missionaries.

Belcher sends an email to Kuku with this lovely line

I just want to tell you again Mr. Kuku, how much I appreciate all that you are doing for me. In a day and age where I see so much corruption from people, it's nice to see that there are still people out there willing to help others. You are just such a man. I am sure that you will one day be rewarded for all of your life's good works.

The author now introduces a new character: Benjamin Boyd. Boyd explains to Kuku that Belcher has left the camp with the cash to go help a child who was injured in a recent border incident at Al Fashir. He also receives a phone call from UNHCR asking who he (Benjamin Boyd) is, and who "these men are here to see".

Things now begin to turn upside down for the would-be scammers.

From koffi kuku Wed May 17 093530 2006

Rev. Boyd,

I have tried calling the number that you have give me several times with no succes in talking to you. You need to call me urgently. The boys have been instructed how to get to Al Fashir but are afraid the plane will not wait long enough for them and leave them stranded. Please I beg you to call me at once. They are suffering. They had horrible experience following through the road from Njamena all through Abeche and complained to me how the police and other officials harrased and exploited them during their journey to Abeche. Please tell Rev. Belcher not to leave until they arrive where he is. The boys want to take the plane home and not drive back the road they just traveled. Did Rev. Belcher tell you if he had the laptop computers with him to? Please call me now at xxxxxxxxxxxxx. Fredrick is my friends nephew and he is worryed about his well being.

Barrister Koffi Kuku (Esq).

From Benjamin Boyd Wed May 17 095412 2006


From koffi kuku Wed May 17 122156 2006

Rev. Boyd,

I need you to call me urgently. The boys are going to go where Rev. Belcher is and receieve the money from him and take the plane to Nigeria .They do not want to drive back through the same way. They were requested to pay C 30,000 cifer each to continue to the border. I am worry because Sudan is a war zone. I want to know once they arrive with Rev. Belcher. The boys should be there tomorrow.

Please call me at xxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Barrister Koffi Kuku (Esq).


From Benjamin Boyd Wed May 17 123618 2006

Dear Mr. Kuku,

I think that your associates have made a good decision. The road to Al Fashir is quiet and peaceful. The trouble that has occurred lately in West Darfur has all been 300 or more kilometers North, close to me.

I will forward this message immediately to Rev. Belcher. I did not know that Rev. Belcher had money for you. Thank you for sharing. Don't worry. Your business is safe with me.

I will continue to try calling you. Hopefully, I will get through one of these times.

Yours in the Lord,

Rev. Benjamin Boyd

The author notes here that, during this time, West Darfur (where Al Fashir is located) is incredibly dangerous. There were ongoing genocides. :marseyisis:

"The boys" manage to acquire a car to drive to the final destination. Boyd continues to downplay the situation, making excuses for not being able to call the scammer.

From koffi kuku Thu May 18 112503 2006

Rev. Boyd,

I do not understand why you do not call me. This is not a child game. Please find another phone to use. I have real worry for the safty of the boys. The car doe snot matter. The boys can ise it. I think that someone shouod look for them now.It will ne dark sson.

Barrister Koffi Kuku (Esq).


From Benjamin Boyd Thu May 18 113226 2006

Dear Mr. Kuku,

I totally understand your concern and I am trying my hardest to contact you by phone. Things do not always work the way you want all the time, especially complicated telecommunications equipment. We're dealing with satellite technology that is a bit out of my control here.

I will talk to some of the people around here about getting someone from Abeche, Farchana or Adre to drive on over and see what the story is. Maybe they just ran out of gas or something.

Yours in the Lord,

Rev. Benjamin Boyd


From Benjamin Boyd Thu May 18 135310 2006

Dear Mr. Kuku,

I just spoke with Rev. Belcher. He is getting a little concerned that maybe the boys are not really on their way, that perhaps they decided to head back to Nigeria. Could this be the case? Have you heard anything from them?

Yours in the Lord,

Rev. Benjamin Boyd

Boyd now hatches a new scheme: the money will be send to Abuja (the capital of Nigeria) with the pilot of the plane that is taking the injured child. Kuku agrees he can meet to collect the money, but is still concerned about his "boys".

From koffi kuku Thu May 18 172446 2006

Rev. Boyd,

I think that I can be there meet the pilot on Saturday. I am more worried about the boys now. I still have not heard anything. Have you?

Mr. Eric from the unhcr is a bastard. He would not agree to send any of his people to look for the boys. Who are you sending to look?

Barrister Koffi Kuku (Esq).


From Benjamin Boyd Fri May 19 114615 2006

Dear Mr. Kuku,

I just spoke with Rev. Belcher. Like you, we are both gravely worried about the boys. It's been a couple of days now and there seems to be no trace of them anywhere.

Please do not tell anyone about this but I have an associate who knows of a guy who will do dirty work for the right price. This man has contacts within the Sudan Liberation Army, the people who seem to have the upper hand in Western Darfur right now. With your permission, I would like to contact this man and see what we can do about locating the boys. What do you think?

Yours in the Lord,

Rev. Benjamin Boyd

Using the SLA is apparently a step too far for Kuku. But he's beginning to catch on that something isn't quite right...

From koffi kuku Fri May 19 141205 2006

Rev. Boyd,

I am very surprised to hear you speak of mercinarys like this. How is it that a man of God knows such things and people? I think that the UN is better placed to handle this situation. What do your friends with the UN say is happening?

And if Rev. Belcher has a plane now why didnt he fly to a bank of his own with his money? Why have people come to receive it in person? These are questions that people have been asking me today.

Barrister Koffi Kuku (Esq).

Some good news! Sort of...

It turns out that the boys were picked up by immigration police, and are being held for trial in August. The officer speaking to Kuku says he can release them early for a fee of $4,000, if he comes to collect them. It also turns out that Okonji is Kuku's own nephew. This was all discovered in a 10-minute phone call between Kuku and Boyd.

It begins to get worse. The $4,000 is now off the table: instead, they want $80,000.

From koffi kuku Sun May 21 093701 2006

Rev. Belcher,

Rev. Boyd says that I need to talk to you for help. The police in Sudan is demanding a $80000 fee for release the boys. The money that you have is for humanitarian purposes. The boys are humanitarian and are in jail because they are God fearing people who love people and humanity. I beg in the name of God that you to send me the money in yout airplane to pay for the boys. Please call me urgently do talk about this in detail.

Barrister Koffi Kuku (Esq)

Kuku finally gets up off his butt

From koffi kuku Tue May 23 061208 2006

Rev. Belcher,

I will leave tomorrow and arrive thusday in the afternoon. I have to fly to Franfurt Germany before flying to Khartoum. I had to sell a car to pay the airline fee. I need you to give me your phone number and address in Khartoum. I want to see you before I go to get the boys from Kober jail. I beg you to have $80000 to give me before I see the boys so I can pay there fees to the police. Please call me at xxxxxxxxxxxx.

Barrister Koffi Kuku (Esq).

From Kuhm Belcher Tue May 23 073126 2006

Hi Mr. Kuku,

I am happy to hear that you were able to make travel arrangements so quickly. I am truely amazed. Why did you have to sell your car? I thought that you were a millionaire.


He drags on with more bait.

Kuku must defend his image :marseycapitalistmanlet:

From koffi kuku Tue May 23 082106 2006

Rev. Belcher,

I did not say that I have no money. My bossom friend Mr. Mike Adenuga who is billonaire business man here in Nigeria is asking me to be a managing director to his globacom telecommuination company. While I am preparing for this, I am so busy that I do not have time to do any business here in Nigeria as I am not even sure of the economic stability, so I am financially tight now. That is why I sold my car.

I thank you for meeting with the police offcial. I do not like him but see clear that I have to do what he wants so that is why I hope that you will help me financially when I get there. I do not want you to go with me to the Kober jail as I think that would make the situation more diffuclt for me.

Barrister Koffi Kuku (Esq).

More rambling and story building. Then this

From koffi kuku Thu May 25 134131 2006

Rev. Boyd,

This situation is become unbearable. I went to Kober prison and was met with hostility. The officials there denied having the boys with them. I was made to feel like a fool.This stress is more than I am able to continue with. If I go back to Nigeria without the boys I am dead. I have asked to speak to someone at the embassy about this. I will go there tomorrow.

Barrister Koffi Kuku (Esq).

On May 26th, the scammer finally figures out that he might've been tricked.

Smart guy, the officials that I talk to say that your church does not exist anywhere and is not at any camp in chad. The police official is the president? I can see now that you are a fraud playing serious games. What do you gain with this? I just want to know why. I have never know anyone like you. You are a unimaginable bastard pig to do this to me. I want you to know that i will spend my life to find you and when I do you and your family will suffer terrible as i have, I promise.

Good by bastard

Insisting on having the final word, Kuhm Belcher sends an emotion-filled final reply.

From Kuhm Belcher Fri May 26 112630 2006

Hi "Mr. Kuku" or is it Achiu (that's your real name, right?),

I don't usually do this, but as long as you've figured this out, I will make an exception in your case.

First off, congrats for finally putting it all together. I was starting to think that you were r-slurred or something. Is it too late to ask for a postcard from Khartoum? Haha, just kidding. Save your money for the trip back. How is Khartoum by the way? I've never been there and I am really curious.

Second, you asked me why I did all this. I'll tell you why. It's mostly because I hate people that try to scam honest, hard working people out of their life savings. I hate, even more, people that are willing to steal from priests and from homeless refugees. That's right fool; I knew you were a scammer from your very first letter you sent last year. Can you believe it? That was 8 months ago. Wow. How time flies by.

I've got to say this though, you were quite the challenge. I get fools like you to travel all the time but it usually takes less than a month. There were times that I almost gave up on you.

How do you suppose Oney is doing? He is one of the monkies that you sent to Farchana, isn't he? Do you think that he is still alive or perhaps he is getting regularly butt-fricked by the barbarian horde in some prison in Darfur? It's a shame that you did not go with him and the other guy. I could have gotten three scammers at one time.

By the way, did you know that you are famous now? That's right Achiu, famous. For the last month or so, I have been sharing every email, every detail with thousands of other people like me that also enjoy messing with stupid little boys like you. We have all gotten a big kick watching this.

You even caused a bit of a stir too. A moral debate continued for days. Some thought that I was a little harsh on you. Personally, I think that you were lucky that it was only me on the other end of the computer or telephone. There are others out there far more talented at this than I am that could have gotten you to Antarctica by now, which, if I were you, is exactly where I would be headed. I cannot imagine that your family back in Lagos is too happy with you at the moment. Maybe when the boys eventually crawl out from whatever rock they are under, your family will let you go back to Lagos.

Well, cocktard, I've said just about all that I wanted to. When you get to Antarctica, be sure to stay bundled up. It gets pretty darn cold there you know. And if you find yourself a bit light on cash, give me call. I'll see if I can Western Union some money to you.


Rev. Kuhm Belcher (also not my real name)


Some people argued that this went too far. The author left a page about the ethics.

So, try to rest easy about all this. I know that I will.


Here's a thread from 2010, where the fun police arrive to decide that no, this is not fun:

I don't think the guy accomplished anything good here. Are these baiters actually going to act as a real deterrent to scamming? Is the guy who got baited going to feel any remorse for scamming people because some vigilante screwed with his life? Can the baiter know for sure that these 2 boys had actually ruined anyone's lives beforehand, or would have in the future? Do the boys share equal responsibility with their 'boss' 'Mr. Kiku'?

Here's another thread where people :marseysoypoint: at le epic memes that the author included in the scam bait:

r/drama sub Multimedia archive [Everyone is invited to contribute]

/r/drama has had its fair share of high quality song/video production over its entire chequered past.

As a fun little project, I want everyone to contribute to this side project so we have better connection to our two spirit ancestors from whom we inherited being "le too ironic to give a frick" dramatards.

I'll start:

First we have Dio's (ya mate Dio) r-slurred but high effortpost reporting from 2018

Next we have PopBack's Drama Rap from 2016. YouTube Video is deleted, but don't worry, I found the Archive of it

Third we have the Jannies r Gay song by Charming_Tatum

Lyrics so you can sing along (it's a Bop)

Annoys the goys? More like employs lil boys for the type of s*x he enjoys(gay) I seen him sippin soy with comedic sans and trappy The only janny i like is snally, dont @ me

Word to snappy, right after I scratch my balls I'll stick my fingers in the mouth of master lawls Then grab quietus and frick that cute twink raw Basically a doctor is basically a fraud

I'm high as frick and cirque is cripple Justcool has an anus wide enough to fit a missle Milton is an r-slur, no need for me to diss you I bet your daddy used tongue when he kiss you

What the fricks a kaara raven? A furry and a male feminist Sugars a lil b-word and chompy is the gayest I cant forget to mention starship litterbox Quit sending me peepee pics I've seen kids with bigger peepees

Shout out to Ed, where the frick you be? Probably pooping in a street somewhere near the middl east Dark wolf, we'll probably cheer when he necks Cause he only talks to girls who havent had their periods yet

MikwHuntIsAnAsshole your c*nt is a strag hole Dont be bashful, suck a peepee, heres a bag full Pizzashill boy you need to chill No body reads your posts so here eat these pills

And swallow the whole bottle your arguments are so hollow You're a cute twink and ben Shapiro's probably your role model It's over for go houston cels you should probably go shoot yourself Is he just a bag of hammers or a gay dude with a poopish smell?

Edit: TrappySaruh's take on the /r/teenagers baitops


Thank You!

As an addition I'll submit this comment from /u/DongleYourFongles (who commented this in /r/drama while being 18 y/o) to be added to longpostbot's repertoire.

Wasnt asking you, cretin.

Let me speak in your language of Cretin R-slurian. Im a bit rusty. I haven't fully grasped your language.


Darrrr dyurrr wewoo wewoo wavaba nyarn wohoo wohoo waaaaaaa durrr durhhhhhh duhhhh

For people who arent Cretin R-slurians, that translates to:

"Go frick your Dad's peepee hole like the good little sperm you are"

Also I'd like to submit this marsey


This was so fricking long ago, yet at the fricking same time, so recently :marseydoomer:


Only OG Dramautists will remember what 👀 means!



Dramatards obviously get involved

>That guy never stops ANGRY posting ever. The HRT pills, anger issues and extreme autism is going to cause that doughy b-word BIPOC to have a stroke and die early, I imagine.

>Narcissism is a heck of a mental illness.

The r in rdrama stands for ....

>Of course tardfinn gets involved

@Jewdanksdad still as angry I see

>Tl;dr :!marseytrain:s think that men competing is fair, despite men having incredibly obvious advantages over women pretty much across the board

dramatards try not to chud out on reddit for once

>Isn't that mod Bardfinn actually that Yaniv person irl?

@FrozenChosin with an absolute gigabrain take

>Lets see one female to male :marseytrain: do it the other way once. What is their reasoning on why we have not and will never see that shit happen.


>Somehow in 2020 we're still deluding ourselves the :!marseytrain:s are even people smh

DAE current year+5 the pendulum swings back?

>Words words words...This guy/girl/thing unironically pushes me towards going full 1488

Jfc I am more tempered than this sperg even in chudrama

>Is Bardy a lawyer or a scientist or a political operative? He larps as all three very regularly

She, you strag


As is custom, 6 years ago, Pizzashill sperged out on the 2 things closest to him: NEETism & Food

Full chain here about some welfare queen taking lobsters with her foo stamps and feeding it to her dogs (based).

This sets off another PizzA-bomb

We learn @pizzashill 's dad was a dramatard who made Pizza fistfight a kid to make him tougher. Why? Because the other kid thought Pizza was a dramatard (r-slurred). No wonder Pizza finds this place endearing and close to his heart

If only he could foresee his future :marseylaptoppizzashill:

Advisor to LA city councilman Soto Martinez

[Halloween Special MofrDrama post] Two sentence horror by Lawlzsama

@ByoBOOmbs and @ManBearGhost does a wellness check on Lawlz

While Snappy just kills him right there in the spot



rdrama r*pe circlejerk:

Out of it emerges one of the greatest autismocomment of all-time

>You know, on one side, /u/ComedicSans finds r*pe extremely hot. He plunges himself into unwilling, screaming twelve year olds and get off to the recordings of their worthless toiling and thrashing, listening to their innocence being crushed like a flower he has, well...deflowered. And indeed, he loves the sound of a PM being sent to him in the middle of the night as he demands "POST BUSSY" for the 19th time, detailing these screams as his 80 foot long needledick impales them like a really nice candy apple.

>...but on the other side, he doesn't believe subs with a focus or even endorsement of raping gussy should be taken seriously, because they're not about men as much as they are about women. Women are haram, subs should ban them in his opinion. He doesn't think that they should endorse gussy, but rather endorse bussy. This is the reason straight cis subs are considered so disgusting. I don't think that it's really appropriate to use r*pe as a basis for your sub - For god's sake man, go mod /r/incels if you want that - Because it is disrespectful to victims of the crime.

>If you want to make a sub about r*pe, make it... Well, make it realistic. Don't just use it as a means for your online persona's backstory to engage in, analyse it and think about how each poster feels during it, not just 'hur dur post bussy or get banned :)'. Make it a big deal, do some research into it. For instance, a good number of people who are subject to r*pe don't tell, because they're scared of the perpetrator's wrath, or humiliation.

>Granted, you could say I made a case for r*pe with my entire first paragraph, but... Well, that's just because it's funny. Somebody said that /u/ComedicSans gets people laughing about a certain subject, and then, he gets them to talk about it more, then they open up about their experiences...and he forcibly penetrates them.

>Then again, that's assuming he's actually funny. Anyway, that's just my take on this...(((mod))).

How do homosexuals srdines reproduce snappy?

Back when pinging was still allowed you could reel in lolcows who thought they could out wrestle dramapigs in the mud and slime of the internet

Edgelords get in!!

This leads to another metajerk thread

!r-slurs one of us.

Moralstragging? On my rdrama? It's way more common than you think :marseyitneverbegan:

rDrama doing a little trolling

Writeup to possibly come later...

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