Zelensky says Ukraine needs more

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600 updoots and almost every comment agreeing with him he still feels the need to work in an EDIT: wow just wow only on RSP can I get so much hate for saying bullying bad

They’re longposting about nothing harder than Menslibbers ever did and it’s too difficult to highlight the drama because of that. Do it for me and I’ll pin your comment.


The question of whether a child truly deserves to be born is a profound one, and the answer is far from clear-cut. The reality is that life is inherently filled with suffering, and the act of bringing a child into the world is to expose them to this suffering.

As a parent, you are dooming your child to a life of struggle and pain, with little to no guarantee of happiness or fulfillment. The very act of being born is akin to being plucked out of the void and thrust into a harsh, unforgiving world.

Sure, there may be moments of joy and happiness, but they are often fleeting, and ultimately overshadowed by the relentless march of suffering. It's a bittersweet experience, a cruel joke played by fate, and one that ultimately ends in death.

In light of this, it seems that the only way to truly prevent suffering is to keep our children in the void, never to experience the pain and hardship of life. It may seem harsh or even heartless, but when we consider the full scope of what it means to be alive, it becomes clear that the best thing we can do for our children is to spare them from this cruel and unforgiving world.

The act of bringing a child into the world is one that should be undertaken with great caution and consideration. We must weigh the potential for joy and happiness against the very real risk of suffering and pain. And if we truly care for our children, we may come to the bleak realization that it's best not to be born at all.

Literally keep yourself safe.

Please spam this user with β€˜get help’ rewards. Lol. Read through this users post history. Get this dude to Canada so he can off himself.

Seems the only thing this user doesn’t doompost about is Diablo 4 and the hopes of getting an ultrawide monitor for that game.

@AverageBen10Enjoyer's review of Italy and its people

I recently holidayed in Italy and thought I'd leave a review here on my favourite travel blog rdrama.

The Places

Is Venice the worst place on earth? Maybe. Some of the older towns look kind of quaint but then you realise that real people actually live in them and it all seems a bit third world. Infrastructure is severely lacking, even in areas full of tourist money. The pottys are something else. You have to pay to use them everywhere and they're all rancid.

The People

Italians are meant to be fashionable but apparently this means wearing Armani Exchange t-shirts and having badly-dyed hair. Everyone smokes. Even the young women sound like Marge Simpson. No one has volume control. School groups should be shipped off to gulags, we would walk in the opposite direction whenever we encountered any.


I am pretty sure this old men don’t blame him self but it’s his generation that created this :marseykneel:

But I am impressed that those r-slurs know few Dutch words. This video also show’s superior IQ of sandcels since they would bully him without filming it :marseybigbrain:

Mild Pokemon canonhole

A plothole of sorts. In pokemon you can revive fossils no problem in a few hours. The resulting pokemon can even breed. So why do some dex entries say some pokemon are going extinct? Isn't that literally impossible? All you need is a hair sample and you can make thousands of pikachus.


I should be able to spin up a fund and invest in $CARP or $911 or $SNAP :marppy: or $JANX (jannies)

It would give people an incentive to be le interesting as fuck!!! If you really want to break some bussies allow betting on people's bets :marseymerchant:

!gamers !codecels

Ben10 Upgrade-chan




!bharatiya what did you guys do yesterday? :marseytroublemaker: I was setting buses on fire in Rawalpindi :marseywave2:

The statement was made by Atta Tarar, the special assistant of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, during the press briefing.

Addressing the media, Pakistan's Atta Tarar said, "Those who are doing vandalism and arson are people sent by the RSS and the BJP from India."

Tarar went on to say that there were celebrations in India after yesterday's incident. "These handfuls of people are related to the BJP and the RSS. There were celebrations in India after yesterday's incident (the protests). The BJP and the RSS celebrated this. Sweets were distributed in India," Tarar said.

Not sweets


All while Pakis can't even afford wheat



Why do you need such a powerful machine when the best games play on consoles slower than a 5 year old phone? :marseyoperasmug:


she needs her exercise!!


:marseyflagpakistan: :marseylaughpoundfist:

Ghazwa e Hind is a mudslime fantasy about conquering India BTW.

Endians are such fanatics for wanting to conquer us :marseydisagree: It'll just end in us conquering them like has been foretold in our religion though :marseyexcited:

New Stonetoss

Sony’s India Hero Project

Likely sparked by the success and expansion of the game dev cultivation program China Hero Project, Sony is beginning the India Hero Project, which will provide support to otherwise indie game developers in India, giving their games a chance at widespread appeal.

Currently, submissions are being accepted for companies interested in the project, and it seems that the expanded scope of allowing companies of any size to apply has now become the default moving forward. Similar to the China Hero Project, it seems that Sony is betting on a miracle breakout hit from Indian game studios, but it also means that g*mers internationally will likely be seeing more Indian-sourced video games in the coming years.

Can’t wait to play CoI:MH (call of India: modern Hindu)

A dude on r/waifuism is in an ABDL relationship with Mr. Sandman from Mike Tyson's Punch Out.

:marseycoomer3: gets his bussy annihilated by a weapon of butt destruction
Jordan Neely is the new martyr
This is what house vampire is into


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