
Look at this shiet. It's literally nonchalantly/subtly proving the blackpill, even amongst talking animals (Which are meant to meant to show human social world in the form of animals) Just actually fricking laugh at this shiet. In just the thumbnail alone we see the Lion (Who is suppose to represent Chad and in the other thubnail with his son being raised by an ugly subhuman looking monkey (supposedly representing a subhuman cuck). Rafiki is a cuck because he is literally serving the Lion and Lioness family as a slave while getting very little in return (He is not the king nor does he have respect. He is ugly and would be considered a worthless slave inkwell) jfl Simba, the Lion Chad son is the new and upcoming King because he is Chad. (That's the way it will always be because of genetics) Rafiki or any of his ancestors will never be remotely considered as a King because of his lack of looks. (With the Lion being the best of the best). Blackpill confirmed. It's the same in this soyciety. Inkwells will never be considered because we're ugly. We can legit be the nicest person like Rafiki is in the Lion King, but still not be considered because we don't have looks like Chad.




He is on FB with all his personal info listed and a pic of himself. At what point do we start eliminating pure evil ?

You'd have to start by looking in the mirror. You're advocating for the death of someone over the price of a fricking storage unit.

TIL raising prices for a junk storage service is pure evil [-5]

If you or the people in this sub were capable of setting plans and executing upon them….you wouldn’t be the sad, angry, violent loser that you are. Pathetic, deplorable. All you are capable of, all you will ever be capable of, is LARPing online seeking comfort from other losers.

None of you will ever do anything besides this. [-21] :marseyhesright:

If all we are is what you say, then what does that make you?

Honestly, there is nothing more pathetic than trolls trying to get attention from the people they think they are better than.

Ur a loser. Frick off. [11]

Lol. I don’t want or care for your attention. I just like adding a different perspective to this circlejerk of failures. But more than that, what I enjoy here is giving you a reminder of the reality of things. Downvotes, like your opinions, matter none. But a reminder to people like you of what’s up? That’s fun.

That’s all. Enjoy the rest of your time spent LARPing/coping here. It’s sad, but whatever helps you sleep at night. Do try to get some sleep though wagie, it’s important to be well rested to serve the bourgeoisie better 😄 [-13]

A cursory glance at your post history demonstrates your superiority complex. You're not fooling anyone. Nobody talks like you do :marseyclueless: or goes to bat for scumbags like this unless they're insecure and desperate for the approval of others.

Just so you know, rich people aren't going to give you a smooch on the forehead for defending their awful behavior online.

Landlords are parasites on the working class, get rid of them all. ALAB

Where are you going to sleep? Under a bridge?

No, we just take it from them. It’s not a request. Housing is a human right, and necessary for our survival.

"People" like this are the ones you hope to wake up one morning and read he was brutally murdered and cut into jigsaw puzzle size pieces.

"Just because you can - doesn't mean you should."

People like you and the folks in this thread who think someone should be brutally murdered because of business are complete psychopaths.

The act of buying a business and raising the price may or may not be morally questionable. Murdering someone is literally the worst thing a human can do. To put those two acts anywhere near the same on a level of morality is psychotic.

/r/antiwork is such a ridiculous circlejerk of neck beards hating anyone’s success, it’s not even worth coming anymore. Used to be a great sub for talking about issues in modern capitalism, but now has become a place where cheering on violence against small business owners is accepted and encouraged. Disgusting.


Hate the game, not the player.

If he’s getting 100% occupancy at his current rates, then he should raise the rates even higher. Simple supply and demand.

Alternately, you can have anti-competition laws and government intervention to stop monopoly exploitation like this. But. You know, “communism”.

Why in the world shouldn’t we hate the players if the players are doing harmful things, no matter how legal they are? There lots of room for being an a-hole, and a harmful blight on society, and still be on the right side of legality. Doesn’t mean it’s not right to hate people like that.

>harmful blight on society


Man I understand being upset at the system but you're an absolute unhinged psychopath if you think people should be brutally murdered over raising prices at a goddarn self-storage unit.

This isn't a slumlord tossing a struggling family out on the street or a pharma executive tripling the price of essential medicine to line his pockets. This is some dude who runs the place where people shove their rarely-used jetskis and ratty decade-old couches deciding to charge $30 a month instead of $20. It's like the most minor and inconsequential thing ever, I'm absolutely baffled that people are so seething mad about it.

Imagine defending rent-seeking on /r/antiwork lol, are you lost ?

Imagine thinking that being anti murder is defending rent seeking. One can be against rent seeking without wishing murder upon them.

If you can’t understand that distinction, get help.

[linkedin link]

Holy shit..there is alot of scumbags in those can people think that way? They dont have Ethics in school? Holy shit

all deleted unfortunately


>11 reviews

Most effective antiwork review-bombing attempt. The revolution is just around the corner comrades!!!


Here paywall free version:

After hyping for the ultimate spring counteroffensive they decided to downplay it and go for hyping ultimate after ultimate spring counteroffensive


See argument below:

I dont recall the number but it was an outrageous amount we were spending on housing . But housing is cheap in detroit . We could put 1 person to a bedroom and ship them to Detroit and BAM . Virtue maintained and problems cured . Its a win for everyone they get a free house in an area inundated with the drugs they are seeking and we get less fecal matter on the street . I would actually support this if this was how we wanted to spend money to address homelessness .

It makes sense. Ship them to all those abandoned row homes in shithole drug addled cities like Baltimore, Dayton, Detroit etc….

Tax corporate jets and country clubs.

So we can spend more money on policies that clearly arent working?

That's because Woodward policies aren't actually meant to solve homelessness, they're meant to make the problem worse so people will keep voting for her.

Spokane has been run by republicans for decades, maybe we should give the other side a chance.

What? I thought we were talking about Seattle?

Dunderpatrullen - Rumble Rangers - YouTube

Most Based Comments

Basedness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

You're crying about donuts now? Every time I get recommended a post from this sub it's absolutely hilarious lol, just non stop stupidity getting spammed a dozen times a day. (0)

Basedness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

I hate the right as much as the next...but yeah this is a total stretch (0)

Basedness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

The number of far right whiners commenting has hit the roof lately, so you may have a point. (1)

is there any such thing as "close right" or "center-right" in your vocabulary anymore or is everything just black and white with you. get a grip on reality. most people live closer to the center spectrum, although i suppose if you are far to one side, the center would look pretty "far right" from where youre standing. (0)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: 😡😡🔘🔘🔘

Lots of hate in you friend. Must suck to walk around angry all the time (1)

Angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

I don't like Tim's, but isn't this just a custom order, not a political commitment? (1)

Angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

They will make whatever fricking donuts you like. Jesus, you guys are just too much. (1)

I see the outrage machine is on 11 today (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/Albertaleft-ModTeam

Score: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Number of comments: 2

Average angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Maximum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

Minimum angriness: 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

:marppy: Drama Report: 2023-05-11 :marseyminer:

Top Drama

🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘Democrats have sinking feeling: Trump could beat Biden/r/BreakingPoints (11K)56%304
🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘Is there precedent for suspending based on post-match shenanigans?/r/hockey (2M)56%260
🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘In all seriousness, putting the anti Trump and pro Trump biases asi.../r/conspiracy (2M)49%210
🔥🔥🔘🔘🔘No leaderboards on release/r/diablo4 (148K)53%222
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘I hate that Botox is getting all the negative connotations that com.../r/30PlusSkinCare (2M)61%248
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Is Redfall really that bad or is this actually a solid game currently?/r/redfall (9K)50%171
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘I wish I got CERB help like so many people out there./r/povertyfinancecanada (18K)52%177
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Which team should trade for Jordan Poole?/r/nba (8M)52%167
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘friendly reminder that all of those are normal in schools/r/SwissMemes (2K)61%197
🔥🔘🔘🔘🔘Does anyone else really dislike the exponentially increasing amount.../r/2007scape (725K)62%192

Relative Drama (takes into account the size of the subreddit)

🤓🤓🤓🔘🔘friendly reminder that all of those are normal in schools/r/SwissMemes (2K)61%197
🤓🤓🤓🔘🔘Democrats have sinking feeling: Trump could beat Biden/r/BreakingPoints (11K)56%304
🤓🤓🤓🔘🔘Is Redfall really that bad or is this actually a solid game currently?/r/redfall (9K)50%171
🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘I wish I got CERB help like so many people out there./r/povertyfinancecanada (18K)52%177
🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘Joker 2 is the only theatrical DC movie releasing in 2024, so havin.../r/SnyderCut (13K)48%112
🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘In defense of Bry..../r/tesdcares (17K)48%79
🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘Sammy Trashcanmuffins/r/JimAndSam (6K)50%21
🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘Unpopular Opinion - Wizards were a mistake/r/FABTCG (16K)47%47
🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘Jeff vs. The World/r/nakedandafraid (29K)53%74
🤓🤓🔘🔘🔘24 years ago this month Rangers win the league at Parkhead. Actions.../r/ScottishFootball (52K)55%129

:marppy: autodrama: returning jobs to dramautists. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:


Fantastic Youtuber, also he summarizes knowledge which I had gathered incrementally the past decade about how stunningly suboptimal the T34 tank has always been, especially with regards to the actual average tank having been produced by corner cutting corrupt Soviet factories. The tank design was fine, even great, but the actual material used by the factories, and the construction process from many factories made them total garbage.

One famous example that I personally was aware of before LazerPig is that less than half of T34 tanks allegedly didn't telescopic sights for the main gun turrets, this was so the factories could cut costs and create the tanks faster, but the resultant tanks were next to useless, and the consequence that in many of the eastern theatres of war, they were virtually blind, allowing german tanks to dive up to their blind spots and fricking blow them to pieces from "point blank" (tank) range. Which is how the germans were able to obtain a 2.5-3 :1 tank Kill-death ratio on the eastern front, despite the Soviet having so many spectacular tanks in their arsenal, at least on paper.

Vincristine was a mistake and I’m likely going to be stopping treatment

Showered and lost a lot of hair, brushed teeth and realized my teeth were stained with blood. I already have my prognosis without treatment and this shot isn’t worth it.

my favorite American Dad scene

Stan’s got a point tho :marseythinkorino:

Who is the greatest author alive and why is it Brandon Sanderson?


AI Discussion. What new improvements are habbening? :marseyteehee:


:!chadindianheadset: Get back in the water :punchjak: :marseyhippo: Yes :marseysadge:

!bharatiya confirm but I think this Delhi zoo? I remember thinking the hippo enclosure looked too easy to come out of when I visited lol.


Reported by:
  • X : "defying" in ghosted thread
that is why I defy jannies

Too lazy to deep dive but at first look it is as pathetic as you can imagine. Globohomo art and corporate bootlicking, not even trying to hide the patronizing tone, and complaining about how difficult their job is and 'Muh Safety' and :marseyfreezepeach:. So a perfect representation of those who do it for free. The only thing missing is letting the mods insert their smug screeds and powertrip at other users.

The creator looks exactly like what you would expect :soyjak:. What's strange is the other creator (Techdirt founder) seems pretty reasonable about this kind of stuff, so maybe it's just about 'having a conversation' and 'nuance' aka more complaining.

HN thread here:

Don't forget to take their survey :marsey57: or maybe not as that shit is probably :marseynotesglow:

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